Marcus 's question at Yahoo Answers (Bijectivity on finite and infinite sets)

In summary, a finite set must have an injective map between any two elements in order for the map to be considered bijective. If $A$ is infinite, then the map $f:A\to A$ is not injective, but $f\circ g$ is bijective.
  • #1
Fernando Revilla
Gold Member
Here is the question:

Supposed that A is a finite set, f: A --> A and g: A --> A. Supposed in addition that f o g: A --> A is a bijection. Prove that f and g are both bijections.
Give an explicit example to show that the conclusions of the previous problem is false if A is an infinite set. In other words, if A is an infinite set, f: A --> A and g: A --> A are functions and f o g: A --> A is a bijection it is not necessarily the case that f and g are both bijections.

Here is a link to the question:

Abstract math question: bijectivity on finite and infinite sets? - Yahoo! Answers

I have posted a link there to this topic so the OP can find my response.
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  • #2
Hello Marcus,

For a finite set $A$, any map $h:A\to A$ is injective iff it is surjective iff it is bijective. Suppose $f\circ g$ is a bijecion. Let us see that $g$ is injective $$g(x)=g(y)\Rightarrow f[g(x)]=f[g(y)]=(f\circ g)(x)=(f\circ g)(y)\Rightarrow x=y$$ That is, $g$ is injective which implies ($A$ finite) that $g$ is a bijection. Now, $$f=f\circ (g\circ g^{-1})=(f\circ g)\circ g^{-1}$$ and the composition of bijections is a bijection.

For $A$ infinite, consider $A=\mathbb{Z}$, and let

$$f:A\to A\;,\quad f(x)=\left\lfloor\frac{x}{2}\right\rfloor\\g:A\to A,\;\quad g(x)=2x$$ Then, $$(f\circ g)(x)=f(2x)=\left\lfloor\frac{2x}{2}\right\rfloor=x$$ is the identity, so $f\circ g$ is a bijection, but $f$ is not injective, for example $f(0)=f(1)=0$.

If you have further questions, you can post them in the section.
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FAQ: Marcus 's question at Yahoo Answers (Bijectivity on finite and infinite sets)

What is bijectivity?

Bijectivity is a term used in mathematics to describe a function or mapping between two sets where each element in the first set is paired with a unique element in the second set, and vice versa. In simpler terms, it means that every element in one set has a corresponding element in the other set, with no duplicates.

What is the importance of bijectivity in finite and infinite sets?

Bijectivity is important in both finite and infinite sets because it allows us to make comparisons and draw conclusions about the sizes and properties of these sets. In finite sets, bijectivity ensures that we can accurately count the number of elements in each set. In infinite sets, bijectivity helps us classify and understand different types of infinities.

How do you prove bijectivity between two sets?

To prove bijectivity between two sets, you must show that there is a one-to-one correspondence between the elements of the two sets. This means that each element in one set has a unique element in the other set, and vice versa. This can be done by showing that there exists a function that maps each element in one set to a unique element in the other set, and that the inverse of this function also exists.

Can a set be bijective to itself?

No, a set cannot be bijective to itself. Bijectivity requires a one-to-one correspondence between two different sets, and if a set is paired with itself, there will be duplicate elements in the mapping. However, a set can be bijective to a proper subset of itself.

How is bijectivity related to other mathematical concepts?

Bijectivity is closely related to other mathematical concepts such as injectivity and surjectivity. Injectivity means that each element in the first set maps to a unique element in the second set, but there may be elements in the second set that are not mapped to. Surjectivity means that every element in the second set is mapped to by at least one element in the first set, but there may be elements in the first set that are not mapped to. Bijectivity combines both of these concepts, ensuring that each element in one set maps to a unique element in the other set, and vice versa.
