Martial Law 911: Is There Any Truth To It?

  • Thread starter physicsuser
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In summary, Daniel believes that the building that was demolished later in the day was #7 and that there was a nazi party of America. He does not believe that the claims made in the video are true.
  • #36
It seems the burden of proof has been tossed in your hands. The links you have posted thus far, have not swayed me to believe that the DVD for sale is anything other then hearsay and half truths. Stuff you can read in the National Enquirer at your local grocery store.
One of the questions {2}you asked was about a emergency preparedness during the first several weeks of october. These hands on drills have been going on for over 15 years that I'm aware of. Our nation and each state plans a preparedness week, and each year the disaster differs. This helps them plan responses, and equipment needs in the event something happens. Many countries do this, and have been doing this long before 9/11.
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  • #37
physicsuser said:

Are there any truth to any of the these things? Was the bilding seven demolished? Was there a nazi party in america? If you just going to say 'this a conspiracy' then just go away.
Before America was involved in WWII the Nazis had agents in the US spreading propaganda to maintain America's desire to stay out of the war. They also funneled funds and so forth through America and received "donations" from wealthy American businessmen. Anymore, as far as I know, the only Nazis here are NeoNazi skinhead gangs which is a far cry from the fourth reich. Supposedly grandpa Bush had Nazi connections during world war two which is where they draw the connection between Bush Jr and the Nazis. For the most part though they are just drawing a comparison between the Bush Admin and Nazis to smear and villify them.

Skull and Bones. They are a College fraternity, out of Harvard I believe, that have connections with the Masons, another sort of fraternity. They are just a college frat, any members from the frat probably wind up members of the Masons and maintain a connection later through that organization. The Masons are not the NWO though you can read conspiracies about that line of thought for the rest of your life and still not have read them all. If you want information on them I say look up a site run by a Mason and see what they have to say in contrast to the conspiracies about them. Be sure to pick through for the tangible facts that can be verified. Also of note, supposedly there have only ever been a few presidents that have not been members of the Masons which leads to all sorts of conspiracies so the connection there with Bush is nothing new really. Also John F. Kennedy, who was a Catholic and not a mason, being assasinated contributes to these conspiracies as well.
  • #38
physicsuser said:
Are there any truth to any of the these things?
The truth is out there, and that site deserves enshrinement here:
  • #39
  • #40
I thought the S&B was for all ivy league schools. Meh oh well. But yah, frats usually maintain many relationships after a while and since we're talken ivy league stuff, we're talken about politicians and lawyers and very high placed members of society. The consequence of being in a frat means that other members can get into high positions easier then they would be able to without being in one.
  • #41
stoned said:
as some of you pointed already, I'm sure NORAD knew very well what is going on and on purpose did not order fighters to inercept passenger jets.they could easilly send jets,there are countless air force airfields along the paths of the flight 11,175, 77 and 93
all this bull**** about how NORAD was unprepared for this scenario is laughable.
What air force base is located in central Pennyslvania? How long does it take to arm and scramble a jet fighter? Unless you have some facts, all you're doing is baseless speculation about nothing.
someone on very top (not Bush) level in US government is responsible for the twin towers destruction, pentagon and los of innocent lives.cover up of course,no question about it !
Rather than ask for evidence I know I won't get, I'll just state it clearly as an assertion (as others have done): there is no evidence to support your claims.

This thread is just conspiracy theory babbling and nothing more.
physicsuser said:
With replies like "One glimpse at that sight and "nutcase" comes to mind." Uhm yes that is very convincing. And then you still ask for my evidence.
physicsuser, that's the best you'll get and more importantly all you're entitled to. Just posting a website and asking for us to debunk the entire thing is an absurd request. That site is the worst sort of conspiracy theory babbling and not worth reading.

However, if you have any more specific questions we can probably answer them.

Also, while there is a lot of jumbled and sometimes inconsistent information out there, that is not evidence of a conspiracy. In stressful or fast-moving situations, facts get jumbled. That's just the way it is.
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  • #42
russ_watters said:
Just posting a website and asking for us to debunk the entire thing is an absurd request. That site is the worst sort of conspiracy theory babbling and not worth reading.

However, if you have any more specific questions we can probably answer them.

Also, while there is a lot of jumbled and sometimes inconsistent information out there, that is not evidence of a conspiracy. In stressful or fast-moving situations, facts get jumbled. That's just the way it is.

I agree and apologise for doing it in the nooby way. From the video that I posted I will extract the exact parts and post them here with specific question.

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