Mass moving on hoop (with hoop itself rotating)

In summary, the conversation discussed a problem involving a rotating system and its dynamics. The positions and velocities of the center and mass were calculated, along with the potential and Lagrangian equations. A mistake in the derivation was noticed and corrected, resulting in the final equation of motion for the system.
  • #1

Homework Statement


Homework Equations

[itex] \frac{\partial\mathcal{L} }{\partial q} = \frac{d}{dt} \frac{\partial \mathcal{L}}{\partial \dot{q}}[/itex]
[itex] \cos (\alpha - \beta) = cos(\alpha)cos(\beta) + sin(\alpha)sin(\beta)[/itex]

The Attempt at a Solution

The position of the center is
\frac{D}{2}\left(cos(\omega t)\hat{x} + sin (\omega t)\hat{y}\right)
The vector from the center to the mass is
\frac{D}{2}\left(cos(\omega t + \phi)\hat{x} + sin (\omega t +\phi)\hat{y}\right)
The position of the mass is the sume of these two vectors
\frac{D}{2}\left[\left(cos(\omega t) + cos(\omega t + \phi)\right)\hat{x} +\left(sin(\omega t) + sin(\omega t + \phi)\right)\hat{y}\right]
The velocity is
\frac{D}{2}\left[-\left(sin(\omega t)\omega + sin(\omega t + \phi)\left(\omega + \dot{\phi}\right)\right)\hat{x} +\left(cos(\omega t)\omega + cos(\omega t + \phi)\left(\omega + \dot{\phi}\right)\right)\hat{y}\right]
The velocity squared is
\frac{D^2}{4}\left[\omega^2sin^2(\omega t) +2\omega sin(\omega t)sin(\omega t + \phi)\left(\omega + \dot{\phi}\right) +sin^2(\omega t + \phi)\left(\omega + \dot{\phi}\right)^2\right][/itex]
+\frac{D^2}{4}\left[\omega^2cos^2(\omega t) +2\omega cos(\omega t)cos(\omega t + \phi)\left(\omega + \dot{\phi}\right) +cos^2(\omega t + \phi)\left(\omega + \dot{\phi}\right)^2\right][/itex]
=\frac{D^2}{4}\left[\omega^2 +2\omega\left(\omega + \dot{\phi}\right)\left[ sin(\omega t)sin(\omega t + \phi) + cos(\omega t)cos(\omega t + \phi) \right] +\left(\omega + \dot{\phi}\right)^2\right][/itex]
\cos (\alpha - \beta) = cos(\alpha)cos(\beta) + sin(\alpha)sin(\beta)
v^2 =\frac{D^2}{4}\left[\omega^2 +2\omega\left(\omega + \dot{\phi}\right)cos(\phi) +\left(\omega + \dot{\phi}\right)^2\right][/itex]
If I set [itex]\phi = 0 [/itex] and [itex]\dot{\phi} = 0 [/itex], I get [itex]v^2 = D^2\omega^2 [/itex], which is what I expect, since the diameter should just be rotating with angular frequency [itex] \omega[/itex] in this case.

U = mgy = mg\frac{D}{2}\left(sin(\omega t) + sin(\omega t + \phi)\right)

\mathcal{L} =\frac{mD^2}{8}\left[\omega^2 +2\omega\left(\omega + \dot{\phi}\right)cos(\phi) +\left(\omega + \dot{\phi}\right)^2\right] -mg\frac{D}{2}\left(sin(\omega t) + sin(\omega t + \phi)\right)

[itex] \frac{\partial\mathcal{L} }{\partial \phi} = \frac{d}{dt} \frac{\partial \mathcal{L}}{\partial \dot{\phi}}[/itex]
[itex] \frac{\partial\mathcal{L} }{\partial \phi} = - \frac{mD^2}{8}2\omega\left(\omega + \dot{\phi}\right)sin(\phi) -mg\frac{D}{2}\cos(\omega t + \phi) [/itex]
[itex] \frac{\partial \mathcal{L}}{\partial \dot{\phi}} = \frac{mD^2}{8}\left[ 2\omega cos(\phi) + 2\dot{\phi} + 2\omega \right] = \frac{mD^2}{4}\left[ \omega cos(\phi) + \dot{\phi} + \omega \right] [/itex]
[itex] \frac{d}{dt}\frac{\partial \mathcal{L}}{\partial \dot{\phi}} = \frac{mD^2}{4}\left[- \omega sin(\phi)\dot{\phi} + \ddot{\phi}\right] [/itex]
\frac{mD^2}{4}\ddot{\phi} = - \frac{mD^2}{4}\omega\dot{\phi}sin(\phi) - mg\frac{D}{2}\cos(\omega t + \phi)
\ddot{\phi} = -\omega\dot{\phi}sin(\phi) - \frac{2g}{D}\cos(\omega t + \phi)
That doesn't look exactly like a simple pendulum to me. I'd appreciate some help.
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  • #2
Nicely written!

The problem says that the system rotates about a vertical axis. So, does that imply that the system rotates in a horizontal plane?

Check to see if you might have made a careless error when combining terms to get
[itex] \frac{mD^2}{4}\ddot{\phi} = - \frac{mD^2}{4}\omega\dot{\phi}sin(\phi) - mg\frac{D}{2}\cos(\omega t + \phi)

I'm not sure the first term on the right should be there and I think you overlooked a term that should be there.
  • #3
TSny said:
Nicely written!

The problem says that the system rotates about a vertical axis. So, does that imply that the system rotates in a horizontal plane?

Thanks for noticing this. I had interpreted the rotation as being in a vertical plane. So with a horizontal plane I may have U = 0. I also left out a term when connecting both sides of the Euler-Lagrange Equation. Part of the term I omitted cancels the "first term on the right" that you weren't sure should be there.

\mathcal{L} =\frac{mD^2}{8}\left[\omega^2 +2\omega\left(\omega + \dot{\phi}\right)cos(\phi) +\left(\omega + \dot{\phi}\right)^2\right]

[itex] \frac{\partial\mathcal{L} }{\partial \phi} = \frac{d}{dt} \frac{\partial \mathcal{L}}{\partial \dot{\phi}}[/itex]
[itex] \frac{\partial\mathcal{L} }{\partial \phi} = - \frac{mD^2}{8}2\omega\left(\omega + \dot{\phi}\right)sin(\phi) = - \frac{mD^2}{4}\omega\left(\omega + \dot{\phi}\right)sin(\phi)[/itex][itex] \frac{\partial \mathcal{L}}{\partial \dot{\phi}} = \frac{mD^2}{8}\left[ 2\omega cos(\phi) + 2\dot{\phi} + 2\omega \right] = \frac{mD^2}{4}\left[ \omega cos(\phi) + \dot{\phi} + \omega \right] [/itex]
[itex] \frac{d}{dt}\frac{\partial \mathcal{L}}{\partial \dot{\phi}} = \frac{mD^2}{4}\left[- \omega sin(\phi)\dot{\phi} + \ddot{\phi}\right] [/itex]

[itex] \frac{\partial\mathcal{L} }{\partial \phi} = - \frac{mD^2}{4}\omega\left(\omega + \dot{\phi}\right)sin(\phi) = \frac{mD^2}{4}\left[- \omega sin(\phi)\dot{\phi} + \ddot{\phi}\right] = \frac{d}{dt}\frac{\partial \mathcal{L}}{\partial \dot{\phi}} [/itex]

[itex] - \omega\left(\omega + \dot{\phi}\right)sin(\phi) = - \omega sin(\phi)\dot{\phi} + \ddot{\phi} [/itex]
[itex] - \omega^2sin(\phi) -\omega\dot{\phi} sin(\phi) = - \omega sin(\phi)\dot{\phi} + \ddot{\phi} [/itex]
The [itex] - \omega sin(\phi)\dot{\phi} [/itex] may be removed from both sides.
[itex] \ddot{\phi} + \omega^2sin(\phi) = 0 [/itex]
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  • #4
Looks good to me.
  • #5

Your equations and calculations appear to be correct. However, I believe your confusion may stem from the fact that the mass is moving on a hoop rather than a simple pendulum. In this case, the motion of the mass is influenced by both the rotation of the hoop and the oscillation of the mass itself. This results in a more complex equation of motion, as seen in your final expression for $\ddot{\phi}$. This is not unexpected, as the motion of a mass on a rotating hoop is inherently more complex than that of a simple pendulum. It is important to carefully consider all forces and factors at play when analyzing such a system.

FAQ: Mass moving on hoop (with hoop itself rotating)

What is the concept of mass moving on a hoop with the hoop itself rotating?

The concept of mass moving on a hoop with the hoop itself rotating is a physical phenomenon where a mass is attached to a hoop and the hoop is rotating around an axis, causing the mass to move in a circular motion.

What is the difference between mass moving on a hoop and a mass moving on a rotating rod?

The main difference between mass moving on a hoop and a mass moving on a rotating rod is the path of the mass. In the case of a hoop, the mass moves in a circular motion, while on a rotating rod, the mass moves in a linear motion.

What factors affect the speed of the mass on a rotating hoop?

The speed of the mass on a rotating hoop is affected by several factors, including the radius of the hoop, the mass of the object, and the angular velocity of the hoop. The greater the radius and angular velocity, the faster the mass will move.

What is the relationship between the radius of the hoop and the speed of the mass?

The speed of the mass on a rotating hoop is directly proportional to the radius of the hoop. This means that as the radius increases, the speed of the mass also increases, and vice versa.

How does the mass affect the stability of the rotating hoop?

The mass of the object attached to the rotating hoop can affect its stability. A heavier mass may cause the hoop to wobble or even fall off its axis, while a lighter mass may not have as much of an impact on the stability of the hoop.

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