Mass Spring Damper system with opposing springs

In summary: You'll need to find the effective spring constant of the two springs and the effective damping constant of both dampers.Consider displacing the mass from equilibrium: how is the force from each spring directed?With the mass in motion, at a given moment, how is each damper resisting the velocity?The answers will suggest a way to combine the actions of the springs and of the dampers to represent the set with a single spring constant and damping constant.Are they effectvely in series? If the mass is displaced, one of the springs tries to push it back into place, while the other one pulls it back into place? Equally, when the mass is in motion, both the dampers resist the motion equally?
  • #1
I'm sure I must be being a bit dim here, but I can't work this out!

I have a mass-spring-damper system, as shown in the attahed picture, in which i have a mass suspended between two springs and dampers, each of which are attached to a fixed surface. he two opposite surfaces are part of the same fixed mass (i.e. the whole thing is inside a rigid box).

I know that a normal system with a single spring and damper can be expressed (in the Laplace domain) as

k / (k + Cs + ms^2)

But I can't work out how to modify the equation to include the mass and spring on the other side!

Any advice would be most welcome!




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  • #2
helium4amc said:
I know that a normal system with a single spring and damper can be expressed (in the Laplace domain) as

k / (k + Cs + ms^2)

But I can't work out how to modify the equation to include the mass and spring on the other side!

You'll need to find the effective spring constant of the two springs and the effective damping constant of both dampers. Consider displacing the mass from equilibrium: how is the force from each spring directed? With the mass in motion, at a given moment, how is each damper resisting the velocity? The answers will suggest a way to combine the actions of the springs and of the dampers to represent the set with a single spring constant and damping constant.
  • #3
Are they effectvely in series? If the mass is displaced, one of the springs tries to push it back into place, while the other one pulls it back into place? Equally, when the mass is in motion, both the dampers resist the motion equally?

Does that mean the expression becomes

[k1 + k2] = ([k1+k2s] + [C1+C2]s + ms^2)

Or am I being stupid?
  • #4
helium4amc said:
Are they effectvely in series? If the mass is displaced, one of the springs tries to push it back into place, while the other one pulls it back into place? Equally, when the mass is in motion, both the dampers resist the motion equally?

Does that mean the expression becomes

[k1 + k2] = ([k1+k2s] + [C1+C2]s + ms^2)?

Well, the dampers apparently don't act equally, since the diagram suggests different damping constants, but they do act in concert. So, yes, I believe the proper treatment is simply to sum the spring constants and sum the damping constants. (Should that 's' be in the term on the right-hand side for the spring constants?)

BTW, although the springs look like they're in series, when one acts on either side of a mass, they actually behave like two springs side-by-side acting on one side of the mass, so they're properly speaking 'in parallel'. (Springs obey the same equivalent constant rules as capacitors and inductors do in electrical networks: for parallel components, individual constants add; for series components, reciprocals of the individual constants add to give the reciprocal of the equivalent constant.)
  • #5
Excellent! Thank you very much for your help! And yes, I did mean [k1+k2].

Are the dampers comparable to Inductors and masses comparable to Resistors?

Thanks again,

  • #6
Hi dear andrwe
I have a project exactly same as yours.
I am pleased if you send for me the differential equation that you found.
you wrote [k1 + k2] = ([k1+k2s] + [C1+C2]s + ms^2)
but I've understood why [k1+k2s] and why there is s near k2
Any advice would be most welcome!
thank you noushin

FAQ: Mass Spring Damper system with opposing springs

1. What is a mass spring damper system with opposing springs?

A mass spring damper system with opposing springs is a physical system that consists of a mass (or weight), a spring, and a damper (or shock absorber). The spring is attached to the mass and an opposing spring is attached to the other end of the mass. The purpose of the system is to demonstrate the concept of oscillation and damping, as the mass moves back and forth due to the opposing forces of the two springs.

2. How does a mass spring damper system with opposing springs work?

The mass spring damper system with opposing springs works by using the principles of Newton's laws of motion. When the mass is displaced from its equilibrium position, the opposing springs will exert opposite forces on the mass, causing it to oscillate back and forth. The damper helps to dissipate the energy of the system, resulting in the oscillations gradually decreasing over time.

3. What are the applications of a mass spring damper system with opposing springs?

A mass spring damper system with opposing springs has various applications in engineering, physics, and mechanics. It is commonly used in the design of shock absorbers for vehicles, as well as in vibration isolation systems for sensitive equipment. It is also used in seismology to study the behavior of earthquake waves and in robotics to control the movement of robotic arms and joints.

4. How do the properties of the springs and damper affect the behavior of the system?

The properties of the springs (such as stiffness and damping coefficient) and the damper (damping coefficient) directly affect the behavior of the mass spring damper system with opposing springs. A stiffer spring will result in faster oscillations, while a higher damping coefficient will cause the oscillations to decrease more quickly. The combination of these properties determines the overall behavior of the system.

5. How is the behavior of a mass spring damper system with opposing springs analyzed?

The behavior of a mass spring damper system with opposing springs can be analyzed using mathematical equations derived from the principles of Newton's laws of motion. These equations can be solved to determine the displacement, velocity, and acceleration of the mass at any given time. Additionally, computer simulations and physical experiments can also be used to analyze the behavior of the system under different conditions.
