Mass-spring system on an incline

In summary, a spring mounted at an angle of theta = 39 degrees on a frictionless incline propels a mass of 4.9 kg up the incline when compressed to 15 cm, with a spring constant of 580 N/m. The final velocity of the mass when it leaves the spring is 1.86 m/s, and it will rise up the incline to a maximum distance that can be calculated using work energy methods.
  • #1
A spring is mounted at an angle of theta = 39degrees on a frictionless incline as illustrated in the figure below. The spring is compressed to 15 cm where it is allowed to propel a mass of 4.9 kg up the incline.

(a) If the spring constant is 580 N/m, how fast is the mass moving when leaves the spring?
[5 points] 5 attempt(s) made (maximum allowed for credit = 5)
[after that, multiply credit by 0.5 up to 10 attempts]
1.864 NO

(b) To what maximum distance from the starting point will the mass rise up the incline?

Homework Equations

i have no clue what is correct because i have tried so many different ones

The Attempt at a Solution

but for some reason this is not the correct answer

Step One
Find the Force created by the spring
F = kx
k = 580 N/m
x = 15cm = 15*[1 m/100 cm] = 0.15 m

F = 580*0.15 = 87 N

Step Two
Find the force created (in opposition) by the mass trying to slide down the incline.

The formula for the force trying to go down the incline is F = mg*sin(A)
A = 39o
m = 4.9 kg
g = 9.81 m/s^2

F-incline = 4.9*9.81 * sin(28)
F-incline = 30.25 N

Step Three
Find the net upward force created by the spring.
F-net = F-spring - F-incline
F-net = 87 - 30.25= 56.75

Step Four
Find the acceleration.
F = m*a
56.75 = 4.9*a
11.58 m/s^2 = a

Step Four
Find the final velocity of the mass as it departs from the spring.
vi = 0
a = 11.58
d = 0.15 m
vf = ??

vf^2 = vi^2 + 2*a*d
vf^2 = 0 + 2*11.58*0.15
vf^2 = 3.47
vf = 1.86 m/s
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  • #2
It is easier to use work energy methods, but your method is OK, except for the value you are using for the spring force. The spring force is 87 N when it is fully compressed, but then decreases linearly to zero when it returns to its unstretched length, so you have to use the average spring force in your equations. Is the incline at 39 degrees or 28 degrees??
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  • #3
the angle is 39o

but are you saying for the first equation where i use F=kx, i should use (580+0)/2 for the value of k instead of just 580?
  • #4
kris8969 said:
the angle is 39o

but are you saying for the first equation where i use F=kx, i should use (580+0)/2 for the value of k instead of just 580?
No, the value of k is what it is...580 N/m. The force of the spring on the mass is F_s = kx, where x varies from x=0.15 m when it is compressed at the starting position (F_s = 87 N), to x = 0 when the mass leaves the spring (F_s =0 at that point). So the average force exerted by the spring on the mass is ? Use that value as the spring force when applying Newton's 2nd law.
  • #5

(a) The mass will be moving at a speed of 1.86 m/s as it leaves the spring.

(b) To find the maximum distance the mass will rise, we can use the formula for projectile motion:
d = vi^2*sin(2A)/g

vi = 1.86 m/s
A = 39o
g = 9.81 m/s^2

d = 1.86^2*sin(78)/9.81
d = 0.74 m

Therefore, the maximum distance the mass will rise up the incline is 0.74 meters.

FAQ: Mass-spring system on an incline

1. What is a mass-spring system on an incline?

A mass-spring system on an incline is a physical system that consists of a mass attached to a spring, which is placed on an inclined surface. The mass-spring system can be manipulated to study the effects of gravity, friction, and other forces on the motion of the mass.

2. How does the incline affect the motion of the mass-spring system?

The incline affects the motion of the mass-spring system by changing the direction and magnitude of the gravitational force acting on the mass. This results in changes in the displacement, velocity, and acceleration of the mass as it oscillates back and forth on the incline.

3. What factors affect the period of oscillation in a mass-spring system on an incline?

The period of oscillation in a mass-spring system on an incline can be affected by the mass of the object, the spring constant, the angle of the incline, and the presence of friction. Changes in these factors can alter the frequency and amplitude of the oscillations.

4. How is the energy of a mass-spring system on an incline conserved?

The energy of a mass-spring system on an incline is conserved due to the interplay between potential and kinetic energy. As the mass moves up and down the incline, it converts potential energy into kinetic energy and vice versa. Friction can cause a loss of energy over time, but the total energy of the system remains constant.

5. What are some real-world applications of a mass-spring system on an incline?

Mass-spring systems on inclines have various real-world applications, including earthquake-resistant buildings, shock absorbers in vehicles, and pendulum clocks. The principles of energy conservation and oscillatory motion in these systems are also fundamental in fields such as physics, engineering, and biomechanics.
