Massless Dirac equation and graphene

In summary, the article discusses how electrons flow in graphene and how their dispersion curve is not quadratic, instead being linear. This is a newer finding that is being explored more and more, and is explained in more detail in the accompanying colloquium.
  • #1
I am reading about the electron flow in graphene and the article said this

"This behavior is not described by the traditional mathematics (Schrodinger equation) but by the mass-less Dirac equation"

What does this mean and what is the massless Dirac equation...

the whole paragraph is this...if it helps:
"Electrons flowing through the special structure of graphene (hexagons in a one atom thick layer) behave like electrons traveling in a vacuum close to the speed of light. This behavior is not described by the traditional mathematics (Schrodinger equation) but by the mass-less Dirac equation"
Physics news on
  • #2
My recollection is that what they mean by electrons behaving like mass-less is that they have a linear dispersion curve. The band diagram of graphene is a bit complicated but there are a set of six points where the bands are continuous. These points lie at the Fermi level for graphene and thus the propagation of electrons occurs at these points. It turns out that the dispersion curve for the electrons at these points is linear, not quadratic.

If we have a quadratic dispersion curve, we can treat the movement of the particle as if it was moving through free space but with an effective mass different from the normal mass. You may have heard of the electron having an effective mass when talking about semiconductors, same thing. But since the dispersion curve is not quadratic, the effective mass is zero. That doesn't mean that it moves about instantaneously but that its dispersion is like that of a photon.

However, all the treatments of graphene that I have read about (and I think the most recent was when I reviewed Supriyo Datta's text, "Quantum Transport: Atom to Transistor," (a good introductory book)) use the Schroedinger equation and you get this result. I don't think you need to use the Dirac equation and I can't recall a treatment that did. Perhaps they are referring specifically to the behavior of the electron as a massless particle (in the Schroedinger treatment the electron still has mass and we take into account tight bonding models and so forth).
  • #3
There is a lengthy discussion in this thread. Just try to ignore Mr Vibrating.
  • #4
K^2 said:
There is a lengthy discussion in this thread. Just try to ignore Mr Vibrating.

Oh boy... I missed that discussion.

EDIT: But yeah... If you (the OP) want a good introductory treatment then take a look at Datta's Quantum Transport text. He actually goes over the graphene and carbon nanotube examples with a very light treatment of quantum mechanics. But I do warn you that you need to go through maybe the first 5-7 chapters to understand the full treatment though the analysis of the graphene is a fairly short subject.
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  • #5
Born2bwire said:
Oh boy... I missed that discussion.

EDIT: But yeah... If you (the OP) want a good introductory treatment then take a look at Datta's Quantum Transport text. He actually goes over the graphene and carbon nanotube examples with a very light treatment of quantum mechanics. But I do warn you that you need to go through maybe the first 5-7 chapters to understand the full treatment though the analysis of the graphene is a fairly short subject.

do u know where i could get that?
  • #6
Theo1 said:
do u know where i could get that?

Outside of borrowing it from a university library or purchasing it from, say, Amazon, no. It's only a few years old so I do not think that Datta has released an e-copy.
  • #7

Related to Massless Dirac equation and graphene

What is the Massless Dirac equation?

The Massless Dirac equation is a mathematical model that describes the behavior of massless particles, such as photons, neutrinos, and quarks, in quantum mechanics. It was first proposed by physicist Paul Dirac in 1928 and is a fundamental equation in the study of particle physics.

How is the Massless Dirac equation related to graphene?

Graphene is a two-dimensional material made of a single layer of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal lattice. The Massless Dirac equation is used to describe the behavior of electrons in graphene due to its unique properties, such as its two-dimensional structure and the massless nature of electrons in this material.

What makes graphene a promising material for future technologies?

Graphene has many unique properties that make it a promising material for various applications in future technologies. It is the thinnest and strongest material known, has high electrical and thermal conductivity, is flexible and transparent, and has a large surface area. These properties make it useful for applications in electronics, energy storage, sensors, and more.

What is the significance of the Massless Dirac equation in the study of graphene?

The Massless Dirac equation is significant in the study of graphene because it accurately describes the behavior of electrons in this material. It allows scientists to understand and predict the electronic properties of graphene, which is essential for developing new technologies and applications.

Are there any challenges in using the Massless Dirac equation to study graphene?

While the Massless Dirac equation is a powerful tool in understanding the behavior of electrons in graphene, it does have some limitations. For example, it assumes that electrons in graphene are massless, which is not entirely true. Also, it does not account for interactions between electrons, which can affect the properties of graphene. Therefore, scientists must consider these limitations when using the Massless Dirac equation to study graphene.

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