Master Constraint and canonical LQG

In summary, Thieman and his team are still working on the Master Constraint program for canonical, non-SF, LQG. This approach was previously thought to be dead and replaced by spin foam models, but the team is now relating it to spin foams. They are also looking into corrections for the Holst and Plebanski formulations of GR. Thiemann believes that path integral formulations for gauge theories should start from the canonical formulation in order to obtain the correct measure.
  • #1
So Thieman and co are still working on the Master Constraint program for canonical, non-SF, LQG?

I thought that approach was dead and given way to SF ala Rovelli
Physics news on
  • #2
Looks like they are relating it to spin foams.
"The corrections are especially severe if the theory suffers from second class secondary constraints. In a companion paper we compute these corrections for the Holst and Plebanski formulations of GR on which current spin foam models are based. "
"Then the Master Constraint DID for those Abelian constraints can be directly related to the Rigging Map and therefore has a path integral formulation. "

Maybe they will make tom.stoer happy?
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  • #3
The weird thing here it is that Marcus did not open a thread with over 9000 insightful posts...
  • #4
I think Thiemann is doing what I expected to be relevant for both canonical and PI QG. Either relate the canonical approach to spin foams and proof equivalence - or demonstrate where and why this fails.

Thiemann writes "Path integral formulations for gauge theories must start from the canonical formulation in order to obtain the correct measure." I fully agree with him. For me any path integral is always a derived object.

FAQ: Master Constraint and canonical LQG

What is Master Constraint in canonical LQG?

Master Constraint is a mathematical equation that serves as a fundamental constraint in the canonical version of Loop Quantum Gravity (LQG). It is used to define the dynamics of the quantum theory and ensures that the theory is free of anomalies.

What is canonical LQG?

Canonical LQG is a mathematical framework for understanding the quantum nature of gravity. It is based on the principles of General Relativity and uses the mathematical tool of Loop Quantum Gravity to describe the quantum properties of space and time.

How does Master Constraint relate to canonical LQG?

Master Constraint is a key component of canonical LQG. It serves as a constraint that defines the dynamics of the quantum theory and ensures that the theory is consistent and anomaly-free.

What are the applications of Master Constraint and canonical LQG?

Master Constraint and canonical LQG have many potential applications in theoretical physics, particularly in the study of quantum gravity and the unification of General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics. They can also be used to investigate the behavior of space and time at the Planck scale and to understand the origin of the universe.

What are the challenges in studying Master Constraint and canonical LQG?

One of the main challenges in studying Master Constraint and canonical LQG is the complexity of the mathematical formalism involved. It requires a deep understanding of both General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics, making it a highly specialized field of research. Additionally, there is currently no experimental evidence to test the predictions of LQG, making it difficult to validate the theory.
