Mastering Jenga Tower Physics: Calculating Forces and Layers

In summary: The normal force on the bottom of the bottom block is mgn, where m is the mass of one block and n is the number of layers.In summary, the formula for the normal force on the bottom of a layer is Fn = mgn, where m is the mass of one block, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and n is the number of layers. Additionally, the normal force decreases proportionally as the layer number increases.
  • #1
Homework Statement
With regards to a Jenga tower:
I am looking for the solution to Q4 in the image below. (also below the image are my 3a and 3b attempts and attempt at Q4
Relevant Equations
F = Mu.N where Mu is the coefficient of friction and N = normal force acting downwards (=mg)
Screenshot 2023-03-19 195402.jpg

My attempt at Q3 yielded:
3a) F = Mu.n = Mu x m x g
as a function of layer = Mu x m x g x n x i
where n = number of blocks per layer
and i = layer number.
3b) From - Fn = n x (LWH) x density x gravity x L/2 = F x d
where n = layer number
d = (n x L x H) / 2

My attempt at Q4 is there should be no difference as mu is constant (1) and whether you pull a block out parallel or perpendicular to length should make no difference to the force
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  • #2
maserati1969 said:
3a) F = Mu.n = Mu x m x g
as a function of layer = Mu x m x g x n x i
where n = number of blocks per layer
and i = layer number.
How are you numbering the layers?
How many normal forces are there on a given layer?
Does a block span a whole layer? Surely not. So what are the normal forces on one block?
As a block is slid out, is the normal force on it constant?
  • #3
The layers are numbered as i = 1 from the bottom layer, 12 layers in total
There are 3 blocks per layer, laid side-by-side with each layer alternating in orientation (90 degrees).
Each block is 25 x 33 x 100cm and density is 0.4 kg/m^3.
So each block weighs 0.32373 N, and one layer therefore weighs 0.971 N.
How many forces on a given layer? Must be weight of layers above, weight on layer 1 = 0.971 x 11, on layer 2 must be 0.971 x 10 etc.
As a block is moved out the force on it must decrease proprtionally to the surface area remaining in the tower somehow.
  • #4
maserati1969 said:
How many forces on a given layer? Must be weight of layers above
If that is the only force on it, why doesn't it accelerate downwards?
maserati1969 said:
As a block is moved out the force on it must decrease proprtionally to the surface area remaining in the tower somehow.
Actually it is rather complicated. To answer accurately, you would have to think about how the other blocks deform slightly as they take more of the load. A simplistic view is that the block's share of the load is proportional to its contact area as a fraction of the remaining total area, so, yes, it does reduce. The point of noting that is it means you only have to consider the initial extraction force.
  • #5
There is a reaction force on layer below equal to the load above.
Thanks Haruspex
  • #6
maserati1969 said:
There is a reaction force on layer below equal to the load above.
Thanks Haruspex
So what is the friction on layer 2 of 3 total?
  • #7
Well the coefficient of friction is 1.
Not sure what you mean by 'what is the friction' ?
Do you mean what is the force required to overcome friction?
  • #8
maserati1969 said:
Well the coefficient of friction is 1.
Not sure what you mean by 'what is the friction' ?
Do you mean what is the force required to overcome friction?
How many normal forces are there on a middle layer? So how many friction forces?
  • #9
3 normal forces due to 3 blocks, therefore 3 friction forces
  • #10
maserati1969 said:
3 normal forces due to 3 blocks, therefore 3 friction forces
You’re still not getting it.
If I slide one block out of the middle layer of three layers, it is subject to normal forces above and below, so two frictional forces on the one block.
What do they add up to?
  • #11
No I'm not, I turned 54 today and don't need quizzing like a child. Thanks.
  • #12
maserati1969 said:
No I'm not, I turned 54 today and don't need quizzing like a child. Thanks.
It is the Physics Forums way. We do not provide answers. We provide guidance, trying to lead people to answers.
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  • #13
I have gone as far as I can with it.
Thanks for your help so far.
  • #14
Would the magnitude of the normal force on the bottom of the layer as a function of layer number be something like:
Fn = m x g x (i +1) where i = 0 for the bottom layer?
  • #15
maserati1969 said:
Would the magnitude of the normal force on the bottom of the layer as a function of layer number be something like:
Fn = m x g x (i +1) where i = 0 for the bottom layer?
Something like that, yes. But I am not sure how you are counting. Surely the bottom layer (lowest number for ##i##) would have the highest normal force and the uppermost layer (highest number for ##i##) would have the lowest.

Let ##n## be the number of layers. Then the normal force on the bottom of the bottom block would be ##mgn##, right?

Can you then add ##i## to the formula?
  • #16
I guess I could use m x g x (12 - i) ?
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  • #17
We can't use n & i as we would be multiplying by layer number twice?
  • #18
maserati1969 said:
We can't use n & i as we would be multiplying by layer number twice?
As I was using the variables, ##n## is the total number of layers. That is 12, apparently. Meanwhile, ##i## is the layer number we are considering.

There is no problem using both ##n## and ##i## in the same formula.
  • #19
The first step with such a problem should be a free body diagram for the block being removed. I was remiss in not asking for one first up.
If it's not easy for you to post such, can you list all the forces on it?
  • #20
I've figured it out. Thanks all.
  • #21
maserati1969 said:
I've figured it out. Thanks all.
Are you able to verify your answer? If not, please post it, just in case.
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FAQ: Mastering Jenga Tower Physics: Calculating Forces and Layers

What are the key forces acting on a Jenga tower?

The key forces acting on a Jenga tower are gravity, friction, and normal force. Gravity pulls each block downward, friction between the blocks resists sliding, and the normal force is the perpendicular force exerted by each block on the ones below it.

How do you calculate the stability of a Jenga tower?

The stability of a Jenga tower can be calculated by analyzing the center of mass and the distribution of forces. The tower remains stable as long as the center of mass is within the base of support. You can use principles of static equilibrium to determine if the forces and torques are balanced.

What role does friction play in Jenga tower physics?

Friction is crucial in Jenga tower physics as it prevents the blocks from sliding off each other. The coefficient of friction between the blocks determines how easily a block can be removed without disturbing the tower's stability.

How can you predict which block to remove without toppling the tower?

Predicting which block to remove involves understanding the distribution of forces and the center of mass. Blocks that are less critical to the structural integrity, typically those not bearing significant weight or those in the middle layers, are safer to remove. Analyzing the force vectors can help identify these blocks.

What mathematical principles are used in calculating forces in a Jenga tower?

Mathematical principles used in calculating forces in a Jenga tower include Newton's laws of motion, static equilibrium equations, and principles of torque. These principles help in understanding how forces are distributed and how they affect the stability of the tower.
