Mastering PHP and MySQL: A Beginner's Guide

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In summary, learning PHP and MySQL involves first setting up a means to run PHP scripts, either through a web hosting service or on your own computer. Then, you can start learning the syntax and programming logic by reading up on the process and practicing. It is recommended to use a computer for faster performance and there are various options for web servers such as xampp or IIS plugins for Windows. As you become more familiar with PHP, you can explore using frameworks like Yii or CMS systems. It is important to also have a basic understanding of web servers and their configuration, but it is not necessary for beginners. Additionally, learning how to properly design your program can make it easier to switch between different databases like MySQL and Oracle.
  • #1
I want to learn about and PHP and MysQuL. Someone tell me How to learn it?
Technology news on
  • #3
First you need to have a means to run php scripts as well as run MySQL, either from an existing web hosting service or on your own computer. Then you start learning the syntax, programming logic, etc.

As for "how to learn", you'd learn the same way you learned how to do multiplication: read up on the process and start practicing to apply the knowledge.
  • #4
elusiveshame said:
First you need to have a means to run php scripts as well as run MySQL, either from an existing web hosting service or on your own computer. Then you start learning the syntax, programming logic, etc.
Use your computer because it's faster than web servers andI use xampp for that.
  • #5
adjacent said:
Use your computer because it's faster than web servers andI use xampp for that.

Agreed. There are also IIS plugins for windows if the op doesn't want to use Linux, as well as other 3rd party web servers that are free, though I've only ever tested xitami a few years ago (probably 10 years at this point) when I there were some major security risks with IIS 6.
  • #6
elusiveshame said:
Agreed. There are also IIS plugins for windows

Xampp works perfectly well under Windows.
  • #7
Borek said:
Xampp works perfectly well under Windows.

Ah, I'm not familiar with xampp, to be perfectly honest. I thought it was a Linux specific software. Looks like another thing I need to learn about :) thanks for that!
  • #9
You want a library called Pdo, it should be built into your php install.
  • #10
elusiveshame said:
Ah, I'm not familiar with xampp, to be perfectly honest. I thought it was a Linux specific software. Looks like another thing I need to learn about :) thanks for that!
All you need to learn PHP as a beginner is the PHP library itself plus a web server to serve your client requests implemented and provoked via use of PHP language, its included application files and tools after a successful installation of it is done. Many servers nowadays run on Unix systems (without GUI), so you need to learn Linux or Unix terminal well (common tasks such as installing and updating/upgrading components, spawning processes and running them in the background, compiling files, searching and displaying, backtracking memory used by processes, networking etc are a few of priorities coming to my mind now). If you choose to do things with PHP in a fairly big company, you are meant to work with the so called the back-end technology, and so the front-end technology (GUI designs, javascript, css html etc) is left for others.
PHP frameworks to work with are plenty. But I would suggest you first to make yourself acquainted with n-tier or n-layer software architecture, particularly MVC design pattern, the try to be skilled in presently commonly used frameworks such as Laravel, CodeIgniter, CakePHP, etc and last but not least one or two CMS systems to pave your way to the good career life of a PHP programmer.
  • #12
Silicon Waffle said:
All you need to learn PHP as a beginner is the PHP library itself plus a web server to serve your client requests implemented and provoked via use of PHP language
I highly recommend against doing it that way to learn. That adds an extra level of complexity, you'll have to install and configure apache,it's modules, and add a link to the php in the conf.d file. I recommend just running from the command line, if he's trying to learn how to interface with mysql, adding a web server to the mix makes things harder.

echo "Hello world, I am PHP!" . PHP_EOL;

$dbname = 'mytestschema';
$host = 'localhost';

$connection = new \PDO(

if ($connection){
    echo 'Got the MySQL connection!' . PHP_EOL;
} else {
   die('Couldn\'t create the MySQL connection');

In your command line:
php test.php
  • #13
newjerseyrunner said:
[...] adding a web server to the mix makes things harder.
Being without knowing how to configure his web server I think will be the biggest mistake he makes in learning PHP in the first place. Web servers run with predefined configured files. I can't imagine one claiming he would want to learn things in close relation to those web servers but ignore their configuration file contents. Basically, he will not learn where his root directory is, :biggrin: for instance, and be unable to change it into wherever he wants. I have yet to mention he would also have no knowledge of how to create virtual directories in general, to add new modules to interact with PHP in different working platforms or environments, to remove use of MySQL and replace it with MSSQL Server or Oracle, for example, etc. Advanced knowledge of web servers is not necessary for PHP beginners but a minimal amount of it that helps coders to understand its main functions during its interactions with PHP is truly required.
  • #14
I see no indication from the post that the OP had any interest in web servers. PHP is used for more than just handling web traffic. Root directories, virtual directories... are all web specific. I use php for writing scripts very quickly, I almost never attach them to apache or nginx.

Removing MySQL and replacing it with oracle for example has nothing to do with the web server, it has to do with good program design. He should not have to alter his code whatsoever to switch from MySQL to something else if he has written the data access layer correctly. He should merely have to write a new module.
  • #15

$dates = array("May 19, 2014", "Jun 18, 2014");

foreach ($dates as $date) {
    $days_elapsed = intval((strtotime("today") - strtotime($date)) / 86400);
    $days = ($days_elapsed != 1) ? "days" : "day";
    $years = floor($days_elapsed / 365.2425);

    if ($years == 0)
        $stop = ".";
    elseif ($years > 0)
        $stop = str_repeat("!", $years);
        $stop = "...?!";
    echo "$date was $days_elapsed $days ago${stop}\n";

$ php date.php
May 19, 2014 was 463 days ago!
Jun 18, 2014 was 433 days ago!

Seems straightforward enough.
  • #16
@wle There are also classes for that now :P

FAQ: Mastering PHP and MySQL: A Beginner's Guide

1. How do I get started with learning PHP and MySQL?

To get started with learning PHP and MySQL, you should first familiarize yourself with the basics of programming languages and databases. Then, you can begin by setting up a local development environment, installing PHP and MySQL, and learning the syntax and structure of both languages.

2. What resources are available for learning PHP and MySQL?

There are many resources available for learning PHP and MySQL, including online tutorials, books, and video courses. Some popular options include W3Schools, Codecademy, and Udemy. You can also find helpful forums and communities where you can ask questions and get support from other learners.

3. How long does it take to learn PHP and MySQL?

The amount of time it takes to learn PHP and MySQL can vary depending on your current knowledge and learning pace. However, with consistent practice and dedication, you can gain a solid understanding of the basics in a few weeks. It's important to continue practicing and learning new concepts to become proficient in these languages.

4. Can I learn PHP and MySQL without any prior coding experience?

While prior coding experience can be helpful, it is not necessary to learn PHP and MySQL. These languages are beginner-friendly and have a relatively easy learning curve. However, it's important to have a basic understanding of programming concepts and logic.

5. How can I use PHP and MySQL to create dynamic websites?

PHP and MySQL are commonly used together to create dynamic websites. PHP is a server-side scripting language that is used to handle the back-end logic of a website, while MySQL is a database management system that stores and retrieves data. By using these two languages together, you can create websites that can interact with users and display dynamic content based on user input.

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