Mastering Physics Problem Solving: Tips and Rules for Success

In summary, the conversation discusses the steps in solving a physics problem and how to make the process easier. The steps include reading the question carefully, identifying relevant principles, drawing a picture, writing down given and needed quantities, writing the general equation, adapting it to the problem, solving algebraically, and checking the final answer. Additionally, a "meet in the middle" strategy and using simplifying assumptions and deducing additional facts can be helpful in finding a solution. The video mentioned is a useful tool for solving physics problems.
  • #1
Generally, what are the steps in solving a physics problem? Some problems are straight forward, and you can just plug some numbers into an equation to get an answer, but with other problems, I sometimes don’t even know where to start. I generally just solve the problem by fiddling around with random equations until something works. Are there any steps or rules to makes things a bit easier. I think I heard that the number of equations should be the same as the number of unknowns for example.
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  • #2
Here's what I gave my students on the very first day of class each semester:1. Read question carefully.
2. Identify the concepts or principles that are relevant. There may be more than one.
3. Draw a picture/pictures. Picture may need proper coordinates axes to define directions and positions.
4. Write down what are given or known, and what quantity/quantities that you need to find.
5. Write the most general form of the equation involved. This is your starting point.
6. Adapt that equation for the problem on hand.
7. Solve algebraically as far as possible. Resist inserting values till the end.
8. Look at final answer. Does it make sense? Are the units correct?

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Likes Asymptotic, DS2C and FScheuer
  • #3
ZapperZ said:
4. Write down what are given or known, and what quantity/quantities that you need to find.
For steps 5 and 6, I tend to think in terms of a tree search. A "meet in the middle strategy" can be employed:

What simplifying or clarifying assumptions can be made? Write them down.
What additional facts can be deduced from the givens of the problem? Could any of these be useful for the solution?
What additional facts would allow an answer to be calculated if they were known? Could any of these be deduced?

One is searching, of course, for a chain of equations that allow the solution to be derived from the givens.
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  • #4
This video is basically a restatement of what's been said, but I've had success with this in any class.

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FAQ: Mastering Physics Problem Solving: Tips and Rules for Success

1. How can I improve my problem-solving skills in mastering physics?

To improve your problem-solving skills in mastering physics, it is important to practice regularly and consistently. Start by understanding the concepts and principles involved in the problem and then try to apply them to different types of problems. Use a systematic approach and break down the problem into smaller, more manageable parts. Also, seek help from your peers or instructors if you get stuck on a problem.

2. Are there any specific rules or strategies I should follow when solving mastering physics problems?

Yes, there are some key rules and strategies that can help you solve mastering physics problems successfully. These include understanding the problem, drawing diagrams or sketches, using relevant equations and formulas, and checking your answer for reasonableness. It is also important to pay attention to units and significant figures, and to show your work clearly and logically.

3. How can I manage my time effectively when solving mastering physics problems?

To manage your time effectively when solving mastering physics problems, it is helpful to first read the problem carefully and identify the key information and what is being asked. Then, estimate how much time you will need to solve the problem, and set a timer to keep yourself on track. If you find yourself spending too much time on a particular step, move on and come back to it later. Also, avoid getting stuck on one problem for too long and prioritize the easier problems first.

4. How do I know if I am on the right track when solving mastering physics problems?

You can check if you are on the right track when solving mastering physics problems by comparing your solution to the answer provided or by checking with your peers or instructor. Additionally, you can check if your answer is reasonable and makes sense based on the given information and the laws and principles involved. If you are still unsure, you can try solving the problem using a different method or approach.

5. What should I do if I am struggling with a particular type of problem in mastering physics?

If you are struggling with a particular type of problem in mastering physics, it is important to seek help from your instructor or teaching assistant. They can provide additional explanations and examples, and help you understand the underlying concepts better. You can also try practicing more problems of that type and seeking help from online resources or study groups. Don’t be afraid to ask for help when needed, as it can greatly improve your understanding and performance in mastering physics.

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