Masters and Bachelors Simultaneously

In summary, the conversation is about a student's plan to simultaneously graduate with both a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering and a master's degree in physics in four years. The idea was rejected by the graduate committee, but the physics department is open to it if all coursework and thesis can be completed on time. The student also plans to enter a PhD program in nuclear engineering after four years of coursework and does not want to stay for a fifth year. Some suggest taking it slow and thoroughly learning the subject matter, while others believe it is possible to successfully complete both degrees in four years. There is also discussion about the importance of a master's degree and the possibility of finishing the undergraduate degree in less than four years.
  • #1
How do you feel about this? Good idea? Bad?

I pursued this option in the mechanical engineering depart for which I am majoring into simultaneously graduate with both degrees in 4 years of coursework. The idea was immediately rejected by the graduate committee. The physics department however, is not opposed to earning both degrees (bachelors in mechanical engineering, masters in physics) and walking twice on the same day if all the physics coursework and thesis can actually be completed in time. Given that the universe aligns itself in such a way so all the courses are offered in the right order and without schedule conflicts with each other, do you think it would be a good idea to further pursue this? (I do intend to enter a masters or PhD program in nuclear engineering immediately after four years of university coursework, I do not want to be here a fifth year)
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  • #2
Why do you want to enter this hell?
  • #3
Why the rush? Take it slow and attempt to thoroughly learn the subject matter, instead of cramming it all into 4 years.

Also, why not just get your BS and then apply directly to a PhD program. The master's is not really necessary.
  • #4
Unless you can finish your undegrad in the first two years, don't hold your breath.
  • #5
brendank said:
How do you feel about this? Good idea? Bad?

I pursued this option in the mechanical engineering depart for which I am majoring into simultaneously graduate with both degrees in 4 years of coursework. The idea was immediately rejected by the graduate committee. The physics department however, is not opposed to earning both degrees (bachelors in mechanical engineering, masters in physics) and walking twice on the same day if all the physics coursework and thesis can actually be completed in time.
Just out of curiosity, what ever made you think about trying to get your masters as well? At my school, there is an established program that we can apply for in order to do our masters while we do our bachelors.

Given that the universe aligns itself in such a way so all the courses are offered in the right order and without schedule conflicts with each other, do you think it would be a good idea to further pursue this? (I do intend to enter a masters or PhD program in nuclear engineering immediately after four years of university coursework, I do not want to be here a fifth year)
Well I would say, don't go for a masters if you are already going to get one, just go for the PHD.

My opinion is that if you are going to enjoy it and if you can handle it, then go ahead. I myself am getting my masters and bachelors simultaneously (already applied and got accepted to the masters program). I am currently in my third year as an undergrad and I took my first grad on spring quarter of my second year. My case might be significantly different from yours. I am doing math for both of my degrees. One of the things that I have do is take a lot of classes each quarter. I have taken 6 classes one quarter (only 3 math though). This quarter I am taking 5 math classes. I do this because I enjoy it and can handle it. When I can't I don't do that. When I took my first grad class I dropped down to just 3 classes that quarter because although I would have been able to handle what I was planning on taking (6 math classes), I would not have enjoyed it and would have hardly learned.

Some maybe wondering what me taking a lot of classes has anything to do with your situation. The point is that I am going to be just like 2 classes away from finishing both of my degrees after this spring quarter. I could actually finish, if I took 6 classes which I could handle and enjoy. But I will probably just take 4 and start doing some research. Regardless, I will stay for my 4th year and can have at least 10 classes which I will be taking and not need for anything, more than that if I take 6 next quarter and/or more than 4 per quarter next year.

So even if you don't take a lot of classes per quarter, you can still finish both your degrees very comfortably. Plus if everything as far as scheduling works out perfectly as you say then you have everything set. Just make sure you can handle the load you take, and that you enjoy it. Take classes you like, etc.
  • #6
leright said:
Why the rush? Take it slow and attempt to thoroughly learn the subject matter, instead of cramming it all into 4 years.
That's a bit presumptuous. Maybe he can do what he's planning to do and learn just fine.

Also, why not just get your BS and then apply directly to a PhD program. The master's is not really necessary.
Well taking grad classes and getting a masters (getting good grades and doing good on required exams) at the same time probably looks a lot better than just doing a BS.

cyrusabdollahi said:
Unless you can finish your undegrad in the first two years, don't hold your breath.
Its more like 3 probably but that might depend on the program. I have a classmate (he's also a third year) who will also get his masters and BS simultaneously, he's applying to the program this quarter. Now he has not taken as many classes per quarter as I have. I think the most he has taken is 3 per quarter. He is still in the position where he can finish his by masters next year. He'll be done with the BS after spring quarter. (I'm done with it after this quarter). He's actually going to stay on a fifth year and take more classes so when he applies for grad school, he can show that he has been successful in graduate level classes.
  • #7
I share the same thoughts as leright and cyrus. I doubt that an undergrad program in MechE would provide sufficient background to support an MS in Physics - especially if one is planning to be competent in Physics - unless one is taking the core courses in the undergraduate physics program concurrently with those of the MechE program.

I suppose with a lot of effort, it can be done.

Why get an MS in Physics? And what is the area of specialty?

brendank said:
I do intend to enter a masters or PhD program in nuclear engineering immediately after four years of university coursework, . . .
In what specialty? It would be a better use of time to use the undergraduate program to prepare oneself for the graduate program in Nuclear Engineering. NE's specialize in several areas, e.g. core physics, thermalhydraulics, materials and radiation effects on materials, . . . .
  • #8
brendank said:
How do you feel about this? Good idea? Bad?

I pursued this option in the mechanical engineering depart for which I am majoring into simultaneously graduate with both degrees in 4 years of coursework. The idea was immediately rejected by the graduate committee. The physics department however, is not opposed to earning both degrees (bachelors in mechanical engineering, masters in physics) and walking twice on the same day if all the physics coursework and thesis can actually be completed in time. Given that the universe aligns itself in such a way so all the courses are offered in the right order and without schedule conflicts with each other, do you think it would be a good idea to further pursue this? (I do intend to enter a masters or PhD program in nuclear engineering immediately after four years of university coursework, I do not want to be here a fifth year)

I would highly recommend against this. I took graduate physics courses as an undergrad, and they aren't easy. Graduate students take a smaller course load than undergrads, and they have a better working knowledge of physics, and so they can handle these classes. I shudder to think of how you'll take engineering courses alonside cosmology or graduate classical mechanics.

Incidentally, why do you want to do a physics MS? This is useful for preparation for a physics PhD, or if you want to teach physics at a small college. But I don't see how it would help you with an engineering PhD.
  • #9
I entered undergrad with a lot of coursework out of the way, and so I considered the idea of doing a master's along with my bachelor's (both in physics). My undergrad advisor's response was essentially that if I were to take graduate courses, I might as well be in grad school, where I wouldn't be paying for it.

I think he was right. (And I graduated early instead.)
  • #10
I'd like to just ask why you're so dead set on doing everything as quickly as possible? (No complaints, just curious - seems to make more sense to me to firstly decide what you actually want to do, then find the steps required to achieve your goal - then carry them out. No matter how long it takes.)
  • #11
Thank you guys for your input!

Right now I'm a second year student but I'm much further ahead than that in the curriculum. Essentially what will happen is that in my last three semesters of undergraduate work, I'll only have 2 classes per semester due to the sequencing, also making it impossible to graduate early. I feel that while I'm in school here, I should maximize the amount of coursework that I can reasonably handle (taking things that are interesting to me or that will help prepare me for grad school). Essentially, I'll be taking tones of extra classes anyways (for one of those semesters, I have to to keep NCAA eligibility by taking more classes towards minors or another degree).

Undergraduate research in mechanical engineering, physics, or math is not an option here. The school is too small, the funding and projects don't exist. I have been applying for summer research positions elsewhere.

For a masters in physics, I would have to spend next school year taking the rest of the physics core classes in addition to the sequence of engineering courses in order to take most of the graduate courses and thesis my senior year.

For graduate preparation in nuclear engineering, the physics department here offers a few undergraduate courses, Quantum Mechanics 1, Quantum Mechanics 2 (Quantum 3 and 4 are graduate level only), and Nuclear Physics and Technology (essentially a basic intro class to nuclear physics). QM 2 and Nuclear Physics are offered very rarely which are often canceled because not many students take them. In graduate school, I would like to specialize in reactor physics and design.

FAQ: Masters and Bachelors Simultaneously

1. What is the difference between a Masters and Bachelors degree?

A Masters degree is an advanced level of education that typically requires a Bachelor's degree as a prerequisite. It involves more rigorous coursework and often requires a thesis or final project. A Bachelors degree is an undergraduate degree that is typically completed in 4 years and provides a foundational education in a specific field.

2. Is it possible to pursue a Masters and Bachelors degree at the same time?

Yes, it is possible to pursue a Masters and Bachelors degree simultaneously. This is often referred to as a "dual degree" or "concurrent degree" program. It allows students to save time and money by completing both degrees at the same time.

3. How long does it take to complete a Masters and Bachelors degree simultaneously?

The length of time it takes to complete a Masters and Bachelors degree simultaneously varies depending on the program and individual circumstances. On average, it can take 4-5 years to complete both degrees, compared to 6-7 years if completed separately.

4. What are the benefits of pursuing a Masters and Bachelors degree simultaneously?

There are several benefits to pursuing a Masters and Bachelors degree simultaneously. It allows students to save time and money, gain a broader education, and enhance their career prospects by obtaining two degrees in a shorter amount of time.

5. Are there any drawbacks to pursuing a Masters and Bachelors degree simultaneously?

While there are many benefits, there are also some potential drawbacks to pursuing a Masters and Bachelors degree simultaneously. It can be challenging to balance coursework from two different programs, and it may require a heavier course load. It can also be more expensive as students may have to pay for two sets of tuition and fees.

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