Materials and particle coupling

In summary, a discussion is had about the speed of information transfer in a simple experiment involving a long, tough stick fitted on a steel table with an actuator and detector. The participants wonder about the speed at which the change in space coordinates will appear on the other side of the stick, as well as the limitations imposed by relativity. They also suggest that the calculation may be complex and recommend seeking an engineer's opinion, but ultimately agree that the whole process is limited by relativistic principles.
  • #1
Ondra Spilka

since I don't have exact knowledge about materials and particle coupling, I want to ask for result of simple experiment:

imagine you have very tough stick 10 meters long. Let's say the stick is fitted on firm steel table in sliding blocks. Table is equipped with actuator strong enough to shift the stick, which will push one end of the stick. On the second side of teh stick in very small distance is detector, which will detect the stick contact.

So how fast will be information transferred from actuator to detector (let's say by push we transfer 1/2 of a bit)? Of course it depends on velocity of actuator shift, distance between detector and second side of stick. This is known.

But how fast the change of space coordinates on one side of the stick will appear on the second side?
How fast inbetween joins of atoms can react? Are they also limited by relativity limits?

Thanks for answer.

try length of te stick 10meters, distance between detector and stick 1um, actuator velocity 30m/s.
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  • #2
Hmm i think the actual calculation would get rather involved because you would have to know the actual properties of the material to construct some kind of stiffness tensor then go on constructing a stress on that whole thing and whatever there may come better ask an engineer :)

But from a general point of view the whole thing is surely limited by relativistic principles.
Would be the same thing if you hand some kind of enormously long rod of steel say 1 LY long an you push it on one side, the effect would still take more than one year to propagate to the other side, maybe as some kind of wave in the material i guess.
  • #3


Thank you for your question. The transfer of information from the actuator to the detector will depend on a variety of factors, including the material properties of the stick, the strength and speed of the actuator, and the distance between the actuator and the detector. The speed at which the change in space coordinates will appear on the second side of the stick is limited by the speed of sound in the material of the stick. This speed is dependent on the density and elasticity of the material.

In terms of the join of atoms, their reactions are governed by the laws of physics and are not limited by the speed of light. However, the speed at which these reactions occur can be affected by factors such as temperature, pressure, and the properties of the material.

I hope this helps answer your questions. If you have further inquiries, please let me know. Thank you.

Best regards,

FAQ: Materials and particle coupling

1. What is the relationship between materials and particle coupling?

The relationship between materials and particle coupling refers to the interaction between particles and the materials they are embedded in. This coupling can affect the properties and behavior of both the particles and the materials, leading to changes in their overall characteristics.

2. How does particle coupling impact the properties of materials?

Particle coupling can have a significant impact on the properties of materials. It can affect their conductivity, thermal and electrical resistance, and strength. The coupling between particles can also influence the material's ability to absorb or reflect light, its magnetic properties, and its chemical reactivity.

3. What are some examples of materials and particle coupling in action?

Examples of materials and particle coupling can be seen in a variety of phenomena. This includes the conductivity of metals, the magnetic properties of ferromagnetic materials, the strength and durability of composite materials, and the color-changing properties of certain substances under different lighting conditions.

4. How does the size of particles affect their coupling with materials?

The size of particles can play a crucial role in their coupling with materials. Smaller particles have a larger surface area relative to their volume, making them more reactive and prone to interaction with the materials they are embedded in. This can lead to changes in the material's properties, depending on the type of coupling involved.

5. How is particle coupling studied and measured?

Particle coupling can be studied and measured using various techniques, including scanning electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, and spectroscopy. These methods allow scientists to observe and analyze the interaction between particles and materials at a microscopic level, providing valuable insights into the coupling phenomenon.
