Math Learning: US vs Abroad - A Student's Perspective

  • Thread starter slam7211
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In summary, the speaker is an undergraduate physics student who has noticed that their fundamental understanding of math has left them stumped when it comes to proofs and conceptual proof-ish questions. They believe this is due to the way they were taught math, which focused on learning formulas and assumptions rather than understanding the reasoning behind them. They wonder if math teachers and professors have seen this and if there are ways to improve math education from an earlier age. The conversation also touches on the idea of teaching symbolic logic at the secondary school level and suggests taking a course in it from the Philosophy department.
  • #1
Im an undergrad physics student, who has lived and learned in the US all my life, for obvious reasons has taken a lot of math courses in college. A lot of these courses covered quite a few proofs, and a lot of conceptual proof-ish questions (aka not rigorous proofs but still requiring you to come up with logical reasoning etc). The funny thing I have noticed is how my fundamental understanding of math has basically left me stumped with most of these questions, I am not asking for answers here (I can read rules) I'm just noticing how the way I was taught math (aka learning formulas) has basically harmed my ability to answer such questions. its something I notice throughout my school.

I assume it has to do with the fact that because we have to learn math from such an early age, we learn by being fed assumptions about math, so we can do math (aka we are to young at some age to understand why something in math is so we are taught to just assume its true because our teacher says so). I am wondering if math teachers professors etc see this as well, and can think of ways that we could teach math better from an earlier age, given the cognitive limitations of children at young ages, to prevent this from happening, or if you happen to be from somewhere outside the US and learned math differently that seemed to work what was it?

Also if this needs to be moved elsewhere I am sorry
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  • #2
There appears to be evidence from Psychologists (such as Piaget) that children cannot grasp abstract proofs until about the age of 12 or 13. That's why you seldom see proof before that age (and why we tend to separate "elementary school" from "middle school" or "high school" at about that age). I'm no Psychologist so I don't know how accurate that is.

I am puzzled by your statement that "A lot of these courses covered quite a few proofs, and a lot of conceptual proof-ish questions" since you then say "I'm just noticing how the way I was taught math (aka learning formulas)". Which is it?

Yes, just learning formulas will hurt you when it comes time to try to make up formulas yourself for situations that don't quite fit the formula you have learned. But one reason for learning proofs is to see how those formulas are developed which will help you alter them to fit other situations.

Added: Sorry, I now see that you your first statement is in reference to college courses and your second to pre-college courses. Your secondary shchool courses should have expected you to read and understand, if not create yourself, proofs for statements and formulas you learned. I know mine did.
  • #3
I think some symbolic logic should be taught at the secondary school level. It shouldn't be strongly tied to mathematics at that point because parts of secondary school math don't use logic rigorously. It shouldn't be tied to English composition and "rhetoric" either. By the time they graduate from high school, most aspiring math and science majors should be able to deal with statements that have quantifiers. They should understand how to negate statements that have quantifiers and recognize the form of arguments such as "universal generalization".

There are certainly many people in the sciences that pick up the ability to do the various types of logical reasoning by reading proofs. However, I think that most students would benefit from formal instruction. As it is now, each time a novel logical topic is encountered in a math class ( e.g. quantifiers in "For each epsilon > 0 there exists...) the math instructor must attempt to teach both logic and math simultaneously.


See if you can take a course in symbolic logic from the Philosophy department. Perhaps it will count as credit for one of your liberal arts requirements.

Related to Math Learning: US vs Abroad - A Student's Perspective

1) What are the main differences between math learning in the US vs abroad?

The main differences between math learning in the US vs abroad include curriculum, teaching methods, and emphasis on standardized testing. In the US, the focus is on memorization and problem-solving, while in other countries, there is a greater emphasis on conceptual understanding and real-world application. Additionally, standardized testing is a major component of math learning in the US, while it may not be as prevalent in other countries.

2) How do students in the US and abroad perceive math learning?

From a student's perspective, math learning in the US can be seen as more stressful and competitive, while in other countries, it may be viewed as more collaborative and practical. US students may also feel pressure to perform well on standardized tests, whereas students in other countries may have a more relaxed approach to testing.

3) Are there any advantages to math learning in the US compared to abroad?

One advantage of math learning in the US is the availability of resources and technology. Many schools in the US have access to advanced technology and online resources that can aid in math learning. Additionally, the US curriculum may cover a wider range of topics and allow for more flexibility in choosing math courses.

4) How does the teaching approach differ between the US and other countries?

In the US, there is a strong emphasis on teacher-led instruction and individual learning, while in other countries, there is often more group work and peer teaching. US teachers may also rely more on textbooks and lectures, while teachers in other countries may use more hands-on activities and real-world examples to engage students.

5) Do students in the US and abroad have similar levels of math proficiency?

There is no clear answer to this question, as math proficiency can vary greatly depending on the individual student and their educational background. However, studies have shown that students in some countries, such as China and Singapore, tend to outperform US students in math. However, this does not mean that all students in the US are less proficient in math compared to students abroad.

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