Math person wants to go into Mathematical Physics

In summary, the books recommended by the expert are "Mathematical Methods in Quantum Mechanics" and "General Relativity."
  • #1

I don't know much about physics, and I wanted to get into some mathematical physics. I want to learn, from a mathematician's perspective, quantum mechanics and general relativity (and if I am right these are two most popular "flavours" of mathematical physics?).

Someone (not a physicist) recommended Gustafson/Sigal "Mathematical Methods in Quantum Mechanics" and Wald's "General Relativity." Now I do know that there are books that grad students in physics usually look at. Goldstein, Jackson, Sakurai, etc. Do I need to look at those first? Or can I just jump into those two books? Also if you have some other suggestions that would be great.
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  • #2
Oops I think I posted in the wrong section. I suppose it should really be in "science book discussion"
  • #3
how much differential geometry do you know? i would start with a classical mechanics book like arnold v.i's if you're not that good at differential geometry or walter thirring's book if you are that good.
  • #4
I would say I know enough to pass a qual in differential geometry.
  • #5
I'm pretty much like you: I learned quantum mechanics and relativity from a mathematician's perspective (mainly because the courses were taught by the maths department!) How much classical mechanics have you studied? If you haven't studied any, then it will be best to start off there, but I imagine you've got at least a little under your belt. For quantum mechanics, the set text for my course was Gasiorowicz: quantum physics, which isn't a bad book, from what I remember, and was chosen by the lecturer as being a good book for mathematicians. As for relativity, you should probably learn special relativity first. I can't remember what I used, but see here ( for a good review of textbooks. For GR I would recommend d'Inverno or Schutz as both being good books, but again, see the list for more info.

Finally, I've moved your thread to the science book discussion forum.
  • #6
I hope to comment more in this thread, but, right now, exhaustion limits me to Quantum Field Theory: A Tourist Guide for Mathematicians by Gerald Folland,

I've only had this book for about ten days, but I think it's a real gem and the book that I've been waiting for fifteen years for someone to write.
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  • #8
Thanks for the suggestions on books, they all look good.
  • #9
George Jones said:
I hope to comment more in this thread, but, right now, exhaustion limits me to Quantum Field Theory: A Tourist Guide for Mathematicians by Gerald Folland,

I've only had this book for about ten days, but I think it's a real gem and the book that I've been waiting for fifteen years for someone to write.
I also found this book and agree with George's assessment.

Preface vii

Chapter 1. Prologue 1
1.1. Linguistic prologue: notation and terminology 1
1.2. Physical prologue: dimensions, units, constants, and particles 5
1.3. Mathematical prologue: some Lie groups and Lie algebras 8

Chapter 2. Review of Pre-quantum Physics 13
2.1. Mechanics according to Newton and Hamilton 13
2.2. Mechanics according to Lagrange 18
2.3. Special relativity 22
2.4. Electromagnetism 25

Chapter 3. Basic Quantum Mechanics 33
3.1. The mathematical framework 33
3.2. Quantization 42
3.3. Uncertainty inequalities 51
3.4. The harmonic oscillator 53
3.5. Angular momentum and spin 56
3.6. The Coulomb potential 60

Chapter 4. Relativistic Quantum Mechanics 65
4.1. The Klein-Gordon and Dirac equations 66
4.2. Invariance and covariance properties of the Dirac equation 70
4.3. Consequences of the Dirac equation 74
4.4. Single-particle state spaces 83
4.5. Multiparticle state spaces 89

Chapter 5. Free Quantum Fields 97
5.1. Scalar fields 97
5.2. The rigorous construction 105
5.3. Lagrangians and Hamiltonians 107
5.4. Spinor and vector fields 112
5.5. The Wightman axioms 119

Chapter 6. Quantum Fields with Interactions 123
6.1. Perturbation theory 123
6.2. A toy model for electrons in an atom 128
6.3. The scattering matrix 136
6.4. Evaluation of the S-matrix: first steps 143
6.5. Propagators 147
6.6. Feynman diagrams 154
6.7. Feynman diagrams in momentum space 162
6.8. Cross sections and decay rates 167
6.9. QED, the Coulomb potential, and the Yukawa potential 172
6.10. Compton scattering 177
6.11. The Gell-Mann–Low and LSZ formulas 180

Chapter 7. Renormalization 191
7.1. Introduction 192
7.2. Power counting 196
7.3. Evaluation and regularization of Feynman diagrams 200
7.4. A one-loop calculation in scalar field theory 206
7.5. Renormalized perturbation theory 211
7.6. Dressing the propagator 214
7.7. The Ward identities 219
7.8. Renormalization in QED: general structure 224
7.9. One-loop QED: the electron propagator 234
7.10. One-loop QED: the photon propagator and vacuum polarization 237
7.11. One-loop QED: the vertex function and magnetic moments 244
7.12. Higher-order renormalization 251

Chapter 8. Functional Integrals 257
8.1. Functional integrals and quantum mechanics 257
8.2. Expectations, functional derivatives, and generating functionals 265
8.3. Functional integrals and Boson fields 271
8.4. Functional integrals and Fermion fields 278
8.5. Afterword: Gaussian processes 287

Chapter 9. Gauge Field Theories 291
9.1. Local symmetries and gauge fields 291
9.2. A glimpse at quantum chromodynamics 296
9.3. Broken symmetries 299
9.4. The electroweak theory 303

Bibliography 317
Index 323

Amazon allows one to browse some of Chapter 1.

Publishes pages allows review of Chapter 2.
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  • #10 let's you choose the section you want to browse. Just click the section you want in the table of contents.

FAQ: Math person wants to go into Mathematical Physics

1. What is mathematical physics?

Mathematical physics is a field of study that uses mathematical methods to explain and understand the behavior of physical systems. It combines principles from both mathematics and physics to model and analyze phenomena such as motion, energy, and forces.

2. What skills are necessary to pursue a career in mathematical physics?

A strong foundation in mathematics, particularly in calculus, linear algebra, and differential equations, is essential for a career in mathematical physics. Additionally, proficiency in programming and computer science can be helpful for conducting simulations and analyzing data.

3. Can a math person excel in mathematical physics without a background in physics?

While a background in physics can be beneficial, it is not necessary for success in mathematical physics. As long as a math person has a strong understanding of mathematical concepts and a willingness to learn physics principles, they can excel in this field.

4. What are some potential career paths for someone with a degree in mathematical physics?

Graduates with a degree in mathematical physics can pursue careers in research, teaching, or applied fields such as engineering, finance, or data science. They may also choose to continue their education and pursue a graduate degree in a more specialized area.

5. How can someone interested in mathematical physics get started?

To get started in mathematical physics, it is important to have a strong foundation in mathematics and to take courses in physics to gain an understanding of basic principles. It can also be helpful to participate in research projects or internships to gain hands-on experience in the field. Networking with professionals in the field and attending conferences and workshops can also provide valuable insights and opportunities for further learning.

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