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Pendulum Swing
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Even-though mathematicians regard themselves at the pinnacle or the http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/forum-replies.cfm?t=2330021&p=-1&# of all sciences they too are interested in partaking research areas in physics, e.g. topological quantum field theory, lie groups in quantum systems, ..., etc when you could actually have a theoretical physicists (presumably learned pure maths or self taught himself pure maths) doing that research itself other than a pure mathematician. I too think that mathematics is great, and is essential for all sciences, and partly the reason why I want to take theoretical physics as my second degree along side of engineering because its the only few sciences that are quite heavy in mathematics. (Sci/Eng double degree).
Also this goes for physicists indirectly frowning upon engineers (aka the ultimatum of all applied sciences) whilst we had three of the nobel prizes in 2014 being electronic engineers... I feel like materials, electrical, and electronic engineering is very abundant in research.
I guess Materials Engineers and Electrical/http://boards.4chan.org/sci/thread/6842727/sci-what-is-the-one-ring-of-the-stem-subjects-by# would probably have a better chance of winning the noble prize for physics for the next 3 to 5 years. (Because research in those areas are saturated, e.g. quantum wells, graphine/graphite, semiconductors, ...,etc).
Unless if someone out of the blues solved superstring theory... Well I guess condensed matter field is only left for pure physicists to research for now...
I love all sciences, but I really could not apprehend the elusive "hierarchical chain."
Also this goes for physicists indirectly frowning upon engineers (aka the ultimatum of all applied sciences) whilst we had three of the nobel prizes in 2014 being electronic engineers... I feel like materials, electrical, and electronic engineering is very abundant in research.
I guess Materials Engineers and Electrical/http://boards.4chan.org/sci/thread/6842727/sci-what-is-the-one-ring-of-the-stem-subjects-by# would probably have a better chance of winning the noble prize for physics for the next 3 to 5 years. (Because research in those areas are saturated, e.g. quantum wells, graphine/graphite, semiconductors, ...,etc).
Unless if someone out of the blues solved superstring theory... Well I guess condensed matter field is only left for pure physicists to research for now...
I love all sciences, but I really could not apprehend the elusive "hierarchical chain."
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