Math Podcasts for Beginners | Jonathan Kyle

In summary, the conversation is about finding good math podcasts to listen to while driving to and from school. The person recommends the Numberphile and Veritasium channels on YouTube, as well as the "Infinite monkey cage" and "Star Talk Radio" podcasts. They also mention the Great Courses, which offer downloadable audio courses taught by university professors.
  • #1
Hi everybody!
I was just curious if there are any good or recommended mathematical pod cast, as I was recently bitten by the math bug, just going back to college after getting out of the military and would like to have something interesting to listen to while driving to and from school. I am just now taking Calc II w/ Analytical Geometry so nothing to serious or in-depth. :)

Thanks for your time and help,
Jonathan Kyle
Mathematics news on
  • #2
Welcome to PF!

Youtube has the Numberphile channel with a lot of interesting posts and there's Veritasium for science posts.
  • #3
I'm kind of in the same spot, I moved around a lot and missed out on a lot of schooling the first time around, but I've recently discovered how amazing mathematics are and have been self teaching myself for the last several months until I can go back to school. I've been looking and haven't had much luck with any good math podcasts because most math topics are highly visual and don't work too well in the audio format.

However, if you don't mind a little science with your math I would highly recommend the "Infinite monkey cage" podcast hosted by the english physicist Brian Cox or "Star Talk Radio" hosted by AstroPhysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson. They are both very entertaining and you can learn some interesting mathematic and scientific principles along the way. I also know that the Great Courses offer a lot of mathematical courses taught by University professors and all of their downloads are available in an audio format so you can download them and listen to them in your car (They are pretty pricy though).

Hopefully one of those will help keep the drive more entertaining until you find something better. Just let me know if you do and I'll do the same! ;) Best of luck in school!

FAQ: Math Podcasts for Beginners | Jonathan Kyle

1. What topics are covered in the math podcasts for beginners?

The math podcasts for beginners cover a wide range of topics, including basic arithmetic, algebra, geometry, statistics, and more. The goal is to provide a comprehensive overview of fundamental mathematical concepts and their applications.

2. Are the podcasts suitable for all ages?

Yes, the podcasts are suitable for all ages. They are designed for beginners with little to no prior knowledge of math, making them accessible to people of all ages and backgrounds.

3. How often are new episodes released?

New episodes are released on a weekly basis. This allows listeners to learn at their own pace and review previous episodes if needed.

4. Are there any visual aids or demonstrations included in the podcasts?

While the podcasts primarily use verbal explanations and examples, there are also occasional visual aids and demonstrations to help illustrate concepts. These may include diagrams, graphs, or animations.

5. Are there any exercises or quizzes to test understanding?

Yes, there are exercises and quizzes provided in each episode to help listeners practice and test their understanding of the material. These can also serve as a review for previous episodes.

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