Math Prerequisites for Field Theory Course: Wald's Text

In summary: Wald does need simply connectedness and stuff, but you'll also need what is known as a "base space." A base space is simply a topological space that is equipped with a certain property, in this context, that of separating points (or neighborhoods, or subdomains, or whatever you want to call them). For example, the base space of the real line is the set of all real numbers. If you were to take the set of all points in the real line, and separate them into two sets, one set would be all of the points that are inside the real line, and the other set would be all of the points that are not inside the real line. This is the same thing that happens when you
  • #1
I'm a 3rd year major in physics. I have a very strong background in linear algebra and rigorous calculus, and I'm studying topology from Munkre's book and abstract algebra from Fraleigh. Next year, I'm taking a graduate course called "Field Theory" which covers General Relativity, using Wald's text and QFT using Weinberg's books and some others.

Can you recommend me what books on math (diff geometry for example) should I read for tackling Wald? Thank you. :)

Edit: I accidentally posted it in academic guidance, instead of textbooks' section. So, if an admin can transfer it to the correct section that would be good. :)
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  • #2
You don't really need to do that before starting Wald for a number of reasons. For starters, the majority of the math in Wald consists of abstract index tensor calculus/algebra (take a look at chapters 7, 9, and 10 for example) so only by doing the problems in Wald's book, in this context that is, will you ever get practice with that-a math book on differential geometry won't help with that in the slightest. Secondly, a lot of the concepts you learn from a typical differential geometry text won't show up in Wald's book. The only chapter that even requires much topology is the chapter on global causal structure of space-times. But if you still want, there are a good number of awesome books out there.

As a side note, don't use Munkres' book beyond the point set topology half because the algebraic topology half is just plain terrible in that book.

EDIT: Also, if you want a GR book that is much more rigorous mathematically than Wald, check out:
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  • #3
Can't thank you enough WannabeNewton. :)

One question though. Do I have to read Introduction to Topological Manifolds before going on to Introduction to Smooth Manifolds?
  • #4
Not really, not if you already know basic topological notions such as connectedness/path connectedness, compactness, local compactness, quotient spaces (particularly adjunction spaces), first/second countability, and stuff like that. Munkres would have covered all of that. Still you can skim through Lee's text on topological manifolds if you want because the end of chapter problems contain some really cool counter-examples (line with infinitely many origins, the long line etc.).
  • #5
Fromm a book by mathematician Paul Halmos:

“…[the reader] should not be discouraged, if on first reading of section 0, he finds that he does not have the prerequisites for reading the prerequisites.”
  • #6
Unless you are reading GR xD
  • #7
WannabeNewton said:
Not really, not if you already know basic topological notions such as connectedness/path connectedness, compactness, local compactness, quotient spaces (particularly adjunction spaces), first/second countability, and stuff like that. Munkres would have covered all of that. Still you can skim through Lee's text on topological manifolds if you want because the end of chapter problems contain some really cool counter-examples (line with infinitely many origins, the long line etc.).

Lee does need some algebraic topology occasionally though. For example, covering spaces and fundamental groups are sometimes needed in his smooth manifolds book. And if you want to read up on De Rham cohomology, it's best to know a bit of singular homology already.

Not that you can't read smooth manifold without these, since if you only know point-set topology you can still follow 99% of his text.

I do seem to recall that Wald sometimes needs simply connectedness and stuff...

Related to Math Prerequisites for Field Theory Course: Wald's Text

1. What are the prerequisites for taking a field theory course?

The main prerequisite for a field theory course, specifically for Wald's text, is a strong foundation in mathematics. This includes knowledge of linear algebra, multivariable calculus, and differential equations.

2. Do I need to have a background in physics to take a field theory course?

While a background in physics can be helpful for understanding the concepts in a field theory course, it is not a strict requirement. As long as you have a solid understanding of the necessary mathematical concepts, you should be able to succeed in the course.

3. Can I take a field theory course without having previous experience with mathematical proofs?

It is highly recommended to have some experience with mathematical proofs before taking a field theory course, as this is a key component of the course. However, if you are willing to put in the extra effort to learn and practice proofs, it is possible to succeed in the course without prior experience.

4. How can I prepare for a field theory course?

In addition to having a strong foundation in mathematics, it can be helpful to review and practice relevant topics such as vector calculus, tensor calculus, and differential equations. It may also be beneficial to familiarize yourself with Wald's text and its notation.

5. Are there any online resources available to help with understanding the mathematics in Wald's text?

Yes, there are many online resources such as lecture notes, video lectures, and problem sets available for free that can help with understanding the mathematical concepts in Wald's text. Additionally, seeking help from a professor, tutor, or study group can also be beneficial.

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