Math Related ASCII Art Hypercube, Mandelbrot Set, Sierpinski Gasket

  • MHB
  • Thread starter MarkFL
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In summary, ASCII art is a type of digital art that uses characters from the American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) to create images or designs, while a hypercube is a geometric figure that exists in four-dimensional space. The Mandelbrot Set is a famous mathematical set created through iteration, and the Sierpinski Gasket is a fractal pattern created through recursion. These math-related ASCII art designs have practical applications in fields such as computer graphics, data visualization, and cryptography, and are also used in various scientific and engineering fields to model and analyze complex systems.
  • #1
Gold Member

[textdraw] +___________+
/:\ ,:\
/ : \ , : \
/ : \ , : \
/ : +-----------+
+...:../:...+ : /|
|\ +./.:...`...+ / |
| \ ,`/ : :` ,`/ |
| \ /`. : : ` /` |
| , +-----------+ ` |
|, | `+...:,.|...`+
+...|...,'...+ | /
\ | , ` | /
\ | , ` | /
\|, `|/ mn, 7/97

Mandelbrot Set:

[textdraw] \
' `
`. .'
`._ .-~ ~-. _,'
( )' '.( )
`._ _ / .'
( )--' `-. .' ;
. .' '.; ()
`.-.` ' .'
----*-----; .'
.`-'. , `.
' '. .'; ()
(_)- .-' `. ;
,' `-' \ `.
(_). .'(_)
.' '-._ _.-' `.
.' `.
' ; ^aNT

Sierpinski Gasket:

[textdraw] /\
/\ /\
/\ /\
/\/\ /\/\
/\ /\ /\ /\
/\ /\
/\/\ /\/\
/\ /\ /\ /\
/\/\/\/\ /\/\/\/\
/\ /\ /\ /\
/\/\ /\/\ /\/\ /\/\
/\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\
Mathematics news on
  • #2

. . . . . . . The Penrose Triangle
              / \   \
             /   \   \
            /     \   \
           /   *   \   \
          /   / \   \   \
         /   /   \   \   \
        /   /   / \   \   \
       /   /   /   \   \   \
      /   /   /---------*   \
     /   /   /               \
    *   /   *-----------------*
     \ /                     /

FAQ: Math Related ASCII Art Hypercube, Mandelbrot Set, Sierpinski Gasket

What is ASCII art?

ASCII art is a type of digital art that uses characters from the American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) to create images or designs. These characters are typically letters, numbers, and symbols that are arranged in a specific pattern to form a larger image.

What is a hypercube?

A hypercube, also known as a tesseract, is a geometric figure that exists in four-dimensional space. It is composed of eight cubes that are connected to each other at their faces.

What is the Mandelbrot Set?

The Mandelbrot Set is a famous mathematical set that is created through a process called iteration. It consists of all the complex numbers that, when plugged into a specific formula, do not diverge to infinity. This results in a visually stunning and infinitely complex fractal pattern.

What is the Sierpinski Gasket?

The Sierpinski Gasket, also known as the Sierpinski Triangle, is a fractal pattern that is created through a recursive process. It starts with a single equilateral triangle and then smaller triangles are removed from its center, creating a pattern that repeats infinitely.

What are some practical applications of these math-related ASCII art designs?

While these designs may seem purely artistic, they also have practical applications in fields such as computer graphics, data visualization, and cryptography. The concept of iteration and self-similarity, as seen in the Mandelbrot Set and Sierpinski Gasket, is also used in various scientific and engineering fields to model and analyze complex systems.
