Math related books (non-textbooks)

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In summary, several book titles were recommended for those interested in complex numbers or partial differential equations, including "Fermat's Last Theorem" by Amir D. Aczel, "Music of the Primes" by Marcus du Sautoy, "The Code Book" by Simon Singh, "Chaos" by James Gleick, "Concepts of Modern Mathematics" by Ian Stewart, "Prime Obsession" by John Derbyshire, and "An Imaginary Tale: The Story of sqrt{-1}" by Paul J. Nahin. These books cover a range of topics related to complex numbers, such as cryptography, chaos theory, and famous unsolved mathematical problems. They are all recommended as interesting and informative reads.
  • #1
Forgive me if this is in the wrong discussion section. I was unsure as to where this might belong.

Can anyone tell me some book titles that deal with the subject of complex numbers or pde's? By this I mean books that use these topics as the choice of discussion and are not mathematical textbooks. for example I'm currently reading "The Riemann Hypothesis: The Greatest Unsolved Problem in Mathematics" by Karl Sabbagh. (Wonderful read by the way. I highly recommend it.)

Any thoughts are much appreciated.
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  • #2
I recommend that you read...

Fermat's Last Theorem - Amir D. Aczel

I had shiver's going down my spine when it came to the moment that Andrew ... can't say or I'll blow it.

Did you by any chance try to learn math? There are lots of stuff you can learn in a short time, but to learn more would take more time and dedication.

For example, you can probably learn why:

[tex]e^{\pi i}+1=0[/tex]

...where i is the imaginary number.

Wouldn't that be neat? Just to know something like that. It would probably only take a week or two to learn that, depending on how far behind you are.

Note: Damn you! You got math all worked up in me again! :mad:
  • #3
JasonRox said:
For example, you can probably learn why:

[tex]e^{\pi i}+1=0[/tex]

...where i is the imaginary number.

Thats an easy one.

Unless you actually mean proving Euler's Theorem, then i can't help ya. BUt it would be:
e^{i\theta} = cos(\theta)+isin(\theta)
  • #4
franznietzsche said:
Thats an easy one.

Unless you actually mean proving Euler's Theorem, then i can't help ya. BUt it would be:
e^{i\theta} = cos(\theta)+isin(\theta)

Proving is quite simple.

Note: You will be working with the series of e, sin and cos.
  • #5
Music of the Primes , du Sautoy. A great read, but you might want to save this for later, as it has a good bit in common with Riemann Hypothesis.

The Code Book, Singh (some math & history, all relating to cryptography)

Chaos , Gleick

Most anything written by Ian Stewart (one I really like is his little known - and one of his first books - Concepts of Modern Mathematics) or Martin Gardner.

This thread should go to the Book Review Section.
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  • #6
JasonRox said:
Proving is quite simple.

Note: You will be working with the series of e, sin and cos.

its simple yes, but i don't remember how its proven offhand.
  • #7
Gokul43201 said:
Music of the Primes , du Sautoy. A great read, but you might want to save this for later, as it good bit in common with Riemann Hypothesis.

The Code Book, Singh (some math & history, all relating to cryptography)

Chaos , Gleick

Most anything written by Ian Stewart (one I really like is his little known - and one of his first books - Concepts of Modern Mathematics) or Martin Gardner.

This thread should go to the Book Review Section.

Gleick's book is really good. Very interesting and a nice introduction to the field of chaos of theory (not mathematically, but it presents ideas and many applications).
  • #8
franznietzsche said:
its simple yes, but i don't remember how its proven offhand.
Write the Taylor expansions for [itex]e^x, ~~ sinx ~~and~~cosx [/itex].
  • #9
Prime Obsession by John Derbyshire is a good book where there's a good overview on most of the great unsolved mathematics problems. It's one of the few leisure books granted space on my meager dorm bookshelf. :cool:
  • #10
Andromeda321 said:
Prime Obsession by John Derbyshire is a good book where there's a good overview on most of the great unsolved mathematics problems. It's one of the few leisure books granted space on my meager dorm bookshelf. :cool:

dorm? Donde?
  • #11
franznietzsche said:
dorm? Donde?
Donde :eek: :mad: Don't mention that name here! I'll be looking over my shoulder all night long now for fear that calling the name will reserect him!
  • #12
Integral said:
Donde :eek: :mad: Don't mention that name here! I'll be looking over my shoulder all night long now for fear that calling the name will reserect him!

Last time i speak spanish around you. It means "Where"
  • #13
One of the original (lets make Pi a rational number) crackpots to post here was called Donde. We spent hours trying to explain to him the concept and meaning of Pi. He spoke his own language and never accepted a word we said. While every word in his sentences was understandable the sum total was incomprehensible. A classic crackpot. Perhaps some of the old PF2 archives still contain his posts. I am not sure how to access them but that would be some amusing reading.
  • #14
Integral said:
One of the original (lets make Pi a rational number) crackpots to post here was called Donde. We spent hours trying to explain to him the concept and meaning of Pi. He spoke his own language and never accepted a word we said. While every word in his sentences was understandable the sum total was incomprehensible. A classic crackpot. Perhaps some of the old PF2 archives still contain his posts. I am not sure how to access them but that would be some amusing reading.

Ah. No i was not bringing *Donde* up, i was just asking Andromeda which uni.
  • #15
There was this crackpot at work, but he's gone now. He was talking about some electro theory and some maching that will spin and create energy.

I asked what the formula is for centripetal force/acceleration because that is important if you're going to spin something really fast. He didn't know. He thought physics formulas are all about plugging it in and that's it. Even if physics is all about plugging numbers, he wouldn't know what number came out or what it meant.

Funny guy.
  • #16
Thank you all for the recommendations! I copied down all the titles recommended for later use (there is so much on my plate to read its not even funny). I did however find one book on complex numbers. Its called "An Imaginary Tale The Story of [tex]sqrt{-1}[/tex] " by Paul J. Nahin. so far its given me a good rundown on the historical orgins and theory of imaginary numbers.
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  • #17
JasonRox said:
I recommend that you read...

Fermat's Last Theorem - Amir D. Aczel

I had shiver's going down my spine when it came to the moment that Andrew ... can't say or I'll blow it.

Did you by any chance try to learn math? There are lots of stuff you can learn in a short time, but to learn more would take more time and dedication.

For example, you can probably learn why:

[tex]e^{\pi i}+1=0[/tex]

...where i is the imaginary number.

Wouldn't that be neat? Just to know something like that. It would probably only take a week or two to learn that, depending on how far behind you are.

Note: Damn you! You got math all worked up in me again! :mad:

When you say "chance to learn math" do you mean through what the book has taught me or where I picked up my current knowledge on math? in regards to the former I try to learn as much as possible from the math that the book is currently presenting me. To answer the latter I have a degree in econ/math (not a double major but rather an equal combination of econ and math courses)

I completely understand what you mean by the joy in just knowing that simple equation. I am facinated by certain elements of mathematics (for me complex numbers for one example). Usually, as I'm finding out, the more I read the more I become "hooked" for lack of better words on the subject.

Sorry to get you worked up. I'll be sure to play it safe and stay with postings that deal with the happenings of reality t.v. programs :biggrin:
  • #18
Gokul43201 said:
Chaos , Gleick

I got Ian Stewart's book, "Does God Play Dice?".
  • #19
Chrono said:
I got Ian Stewart's book, "Does God Play Dice?".

That's one of his more popular books. It's nice in a different (non-mathematical) way from his older and less known books (which gave you a better feel for the math).

Another fun book is The Paradoxicon by Falletta.
  • #20
"The Mathematician" by John von Neuman - rare book.

von Neumann wrote:

"It is undeniable that some of the best inspirations in mathematics - in those parts of it which are as pure mathematics as one can imagine - have come from the natural sciences. We will mention the two most important monumental facts.

The first example is, as it should be, geometry . . . .

The second example is calculus - or rather all of analysis, which sprang from it. The calculus was the first achievement of modern mathematics, and it is difficult to overestimate its importance. I think it defines more unequivocally than anything else the inception of modern mathematics, and the system of mathematical analysis, which is its logical development, still constitutes the greatest technical advance in exact thinking."

G. H. Hardy wrote in "A Mathematician's Apology":

"A mathematician, like a painter or poet, is a maker of patterns . . . .

The mathematician's patterns, like the painter's or the poet's, must be beautiful; the ideas, like the colours or the words, must fit together in a harmonious way."

FAQ: Math related books (non-textbooks)

What are the best math related books for beginners?

Some popular math related books for beginners include "A Mind for Numbers" by Barbara Oakley, "How Not to Be Wrong" by Jordan Ellenberg, and "The Joy of x" by Steven Strogatz.

What are the benefits of reading math related books?

Reading math related books can improve critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and overall understanding of mathematical concepts. It can also help develop a deeper appreciation and enjoyment for math.

Are there any math related books specifically for children?

Yes, there are many math related books specifically written for children, such as "Math Curse" by Jon Scieszka and Lane Smith, "Sir Cumference" series by Cindy Neuschwander, and "The Number Devil" by Hans Magnus Enzensberger.

Do math related books only cover basic math concepts?

No, there are math related books that cover a wide range of topics, from basic arithmetic to advanced calculus and everything in between. Some books may also focus on specific areas of math, such as geometry or statistics.

Can reading math related books improve my mathematical abilities?

While reading math related books alone may not directly improve your mathematical abilities, it can enhance your understanding and application of mathematical concepts. It can also inspire you to continue learning and practicing math in other ways.

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