Mathematica - Analysis of a mass-damper-spring system

In summary, the conversation discusses a problem with a mass-damper-spring system and finding the natural frequency of the damped system. The DSolve command is used to find the homogeneous solution and initial conditions are added to eliminate constants. The natural frequency is found to be 0.679 with a damping ratio of 0.0786 or 7.8% critical damping.
  • #1

I am currently working on a problem, but at the moment I am stuck. I just don't know how to solve the problem so I hope someone can help me with it. This is the question

1a : Consider the standard mass-damper-spring system:
m y''+γ y'+k y=u

where the constants have the following values:

First find the homogeneous solution to the differential equation using the DSolve command. This is also known as the transient solution. In other words, find the solution where u(t)=0. Use the initial values y(0)=1 and y^\[Prime](0)=1.

(* Use Set to assign your answer to the variable before this comment *)(* \
Your answer should be in the default output form produced by DSolve, \
which is a Rule within Lists.
The form should look similar to the following: *)

1b : What is the natural frequency Subscript[\[Omega], 0] of this system?

I hope someone can help me

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  • #2
This is what I have so far

DSolve[28 y''[t] + 3 y'[t] + 13 y[t] == 0, y[t], t]

{{y[t] ->
E^(-3 t/56) C[2] Cos[(Sqrt[1447] t)/56] +
E^(-3 t/56) C[1] Sin[(Sqrt[1447] t)/56]}}

Now is my question, how do I lose the constants C[2] and C[1]. I think it has something to do with that y[0]=1 and y'[0]=1, but I don't know how I should insert those values in the equeation.
  • #3
You can do it one of two ways. The first is to take your output function and use it to evaluate y[0]==1 and y'[0]==1. That is two equations which you can solve for C[1] and C[2].

The other way is to add those initial conditions to the equations in DSolve. So instead of just solving the differential equation, make a list like {diffeq, y[0]==1, y'[0]==1} or {diffeq, y[0]==y0, y'[0]==v0}
  • #4
Ok, but how do I exactly add those initial conditions in the equation

I have now : DSolve[28''y[t]+3y'[t]+13y[t]==0,y[t],t]

So where in the equation has the ''y[0]==1 andd y'[0]==1 be placed and which brackets do I have to use?
  • #5
Oh I think I got it correct now :

DSolve[{28 y''[t] + 3 y'[t] + 13 y[t] == 0, y[0] == 1, y'[0] == 1},
y[t], t]

and now there no constants anymore in the equation.

But now is the next question : What is the natural frequency w0 of this system?

Someone who knows that?
  • #6
Your mass is 28; spring constant or stiffness is 13. Radian natural frequency is sqrt(k/m) = 0.681 radians/sec or 0.1084 Hertz (cycles/sec).
  • #7
Keesjanss said:
1b : What is the natural frequency Subscript[\[Omega], 0] of this system?

If you want the natural frequency of the damped system, think what the cos and sin terms in the solution mean!

Ganesrk found the natural frequency of the undamped system, which is a different value.
  • #8
damping ratio = c/(2sqrt(mk)) = 2/(2sqrt(28x13)) = 0.0786 | 7.8% critical damping

damped radian freq = unadamped radian freq x sqrt(1 - damping ratio^2) = 0.679

The amplitude of motion of the mass is logarithmically decreasing and it is a function of the damping ratio.

FAQ: Mathematica - Analysis of a mass-damper-spring system

1. What is a mass-damper-spring system?

A mass-damper-spring system is a physical system composed of a mass, a spring, and a damper, all connected together and subject to external forces. The system's behavior can be described using mathematical equations, with the goal of understanding how the system will respond to different inputs.

2. What is the role of a spring in a mass-damper-spring system?

A spring in a mass-damper-spring system provides a restorative force that is proportional to the displacement of the mass from its equilibrium position. This means that as the mass moves away from its equilibrium, the spring will exert a force to bring it back towards the equilibrium.

3. How does a damper affect the behavior of a mass-damper-spring system?

A damper in a mass-damper-spring system provides a damping force that is proportional to the velocity of the mass. This means that as the mass moves faster, the damper will exert a force in the opposite direction to slow it down. Dampers are used to dissipate energy and reduce the amplitude of vibrations in the system.

4. What is the equation used to model a mass-damper-spring system?

The equation used to model a mass-damper-spring system is known as the second-order differential equation. It takes into account the mass of the system, the stiffness of the spring, and the damping coefficient of the damper. This equation can be solved using mathematical software, such as Mathematica, to analyze the behavior of the system.

5. What are some real-world applications of mass-damper-spring systems?

Mass-damper-spring systems have a wide range of applications in engineering and science. They are commonly used in the design of suspension systems for vehicles, shock absorbers, and vibration isolation systems. They are also used in mechanical clocks and watches to regulate the movement of the hands. In addition, mass-damper-spring systems are used in earthquake-resistant buildings and structures to reduce the impact of seismic waves.

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