Mathematica does not display real solutions?

  • Mathematica
  • Thread starter Siron
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In summary: I successfully verified this by adding it to the command and getting the same result.In summary, Mathematica can't find any real solutions for the equation. It seems that adding 'Reals' at the end of the command helps.
  • #1

I let Mathematica run the following command:

Solve[16 x^4 - 40 a x^3 + (15 a^2 + 24 b) x^2 - 18 a b x + 3 b^2 == 0 && 5 a x - 4 x^2 - b > 0 && 15 a x - 20 x^2 - 3 b < 0 && 4 x^3 - 8 c x^2 + 5 a c x - c b < 0 && a < 0 && x < 0 && c < 0, x]

It displays a solutions in function of Roots Objects. However, I'm only interested in solutions over the reals. Therefore, I thought to just add 'Reals' at the end:

Solve[16 x^4 - 40 a x^3 + (15 a^2 + 24 b) x^2 - 18 a b x + 3 b^2 == 0 && 5 a x - 4 x^2 - b > 0 && 15 a x - 20 x^2 - 3 b < 0 && 4 x^3 - 8 c x^2 + 5 a c x - c b < 0 && a < 0 && x < 0 && c < 0, x, Reals]
and Mathematica returns
x == 0

It looks like it can't find any reals, which is quite strange? Is there someone who can tell what I'm doing wrong here? Furthermore, can someone perhaps recheck this with Mathematica?

Thanks in advance!
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  • #2
Siron said:

I let Mathematica run the following command:

Solve[16 x^4 - 40 a x^3 + (15 a^2 + 24 b) x^2 - 18 a b x + 3 b^2 == 0 && 5 a x - 4 x^2 - b > 0 && 15 a x - 20 x^2 - 3 b < 0 && 4 x^3 - 8 c x^2 + 5 a c x - c b < 0 && a < 0 && x < 0 && c < 0, x]

It displays a solutions in function of Roots Objects. However, I'm only interested in solutions over the reals. Therefore, I thought to just add 'Reals' at the end:

Solve[16 x^4 - 40 a x^3 + (15 a^2 + 24 b) x^2 - 18 a b x + 3 b^2 == 0 && 5 a x - 4 x^2 - b > 0 && 15 a x - 20 x^2 - 3 b < 0 && 4 x^3 - 8 c x^2 + 5 a c x - c b < 0 && a < 0 && x < 0 && c < 0, x, Reals]
and Mathematica returns
x == 0

It looks like it can't find any reals, which is quite strange? Is there someone who can tell what I'm doing wrong here? Furthermore, can someone perhaps recheck this with Mathematica?

Thanks in advance!
See here for W|A's solution.

If you look carefully there are no complex numbers listed so I'm guessing that means this is your solution. It's a quartic equation so the results can be predicted to be messy. Were you expecting any particular form for the result?

  • #3
Thanks for the answer!

The expressions are indeed quite messy to work so its difficult to conclude if a solution is indeed real. I did some small tests with some easy examples. Apparently, adding 'Reals' or 'Complexes' does not matter to Mathematica, it displays the same solutions. So it looks like this is not the way to guarantee the existence of real solutions. On the other hand, what works better is to add '&& x <0' or '&& x > 0'. In this case, it seems that Mathematica only displays real solutions.

After some investigation of the quartic, I found that $a<0$ implies $x<0$. Since in my calculations $a<0$ is always satisfied, adding '&& x<0' should lead to real solutions only.

FAQ: Mathematica does not display real solutions?

What does it mean when Mathematica does not display real solutions?

When Mathematica does not display real solutions, it means that the equation or problem being solved does not have any real-valued solutions. This could be due to a variety of reasons, such as the equations being too complex for Mathematica to solve or the problem having only complex solutions.

How can I make Mathematica display real solutions?

To make Mathematica display real solutions, you can try using different methods of solving the equation or problem, such as using a different algorithm or using specific assumptions or constraints. You can also try simplifying the equation or problem to make it easier for Mathematica to solve.

Why is Mathematica displaying complex solutions instead of real solutions?

Mathematica may display complex solutions instead of real solutions because the equations or problem being solved have complex-valued solutions. It is also possible that Mathematica is not able to find real solutions due to the complexity of the problem or limitations of the software.

Is there a way to verify the accuracy of the displayed solutions in Mathematica?

Yes, Mathematica has built-in functions and tools that can help you verify the accuracy of the displayed solutions. You can use functions such as N or Re to convert complex solutions to numerical or real solutions, respectively. You can also use specific tests or conditions to check the validity of the solutions.

What should I do if Mathematica is unable to find any real solutions?

If Mathematica is unable to find any real solutions, you can try simplifying the problem or using different methods of solving, as mentioned earlier. You can also try using other software or programming languages to solve the problem. Additionally, consulting with other experts or seeking help from the Mathematica community can also be beneficial.

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