Mathematica For Loop to Solve PDE: StressIC Function and NDSolve Error Fix

  • Mathematica
  • Thread starter as144
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In summary: I have no idea where this is coming from. I would start by reading the documentation on each of the functions and operations you use, and if you are absolutely sure that this is what you want, then you need to roll up your sleeves and start fixing each of these elements.I don't know how you got this code, but it does have a lot of problems.Best of luck to you.
  • #1
I am trying to write a for loop in Mathematica to solve a PDE , But I am facing a problem. My For loop is:
StressIC[s11_, s22_] :=
Limit[(1/((2 Pi)*c*c))*
Exp[-(1/2)*(((s11 - 0)/c)^2 + ((s22 - 0)/c)^2)], c -> 0.001];
countmax = 10;
t =.;
count = 1;
For[count = 1, count <= countmax, count = count + 1, Print[count];
t =.;
ElasticPlasticEq = {D[AC11p[s11, s22]*P[s11, s22, t], s11] +
2*D[AC22p[s11, s22]*P[s11, s22, t], s22] + D[P[s11, s22, t], t] -
D[DC1111p[s11, s22]*P[s11, s22, t]*t, {s11, 2}] -
2*D[DC2222p[s11, s22]*P[s11, s22, t]*t, {s22, 2}] == 0,
P[s11, s22, 0] == StressIC[s11, s22],
AC11p[LB, s22]*
P[LB, s22, t] - (D[DC1111p[s11, s22]*P[s11, s22, t]*t, s11] /.
s11 -> LB) == 0,
AC11p[RB, s22]*
P[RB, s22, t] - (D[DC1111p[s11, s22]*P[s11, s22, t]*t, s11] /.
s11 -> RB) == 0,
2*AC22p[s11, LB]*P[s11, LB, t] -
2*(D[DC2222p[s11, s22]*P[s11, s22, t]*t, s22] /. s22 -> LB) == 0,
2*AC22p[s11, RB]*P[s11, RB, t] -
2*(D[DC2222p[s11, s22]*P[s11, s22, t]*t, s22] /. s22 -> RB) == 0};
ElasticPlasticSol =
P[s11, s22, t], {s11, LB, RB}, {s22, LB, RB}, {t, 0, 0.00000002},
MaxSteps -> {150, 150, 1000000}, StepMonitor :> Print[t]];
t = 0.00000002;
StressIC[s11_, s22_] = Evaluate[P[s11, s22, t] /. ElasticPlasticSol];
Print[StressIC[s11, s22]];
Plot3D[StressIC[s11, s22], {s11, -0.005, 0.005}, {s22, -0.005,
0.005}, AxesLabel -> {"sigma11", "sigma22",
"P[s11,s22,0.00000002]"}, PlotRange -> All] // Print

I can have the solution for the first step, but not for the other steps.
the error is:

NDSolve`FiniteDifferenceDerivativeFunction::ddim: Data {<<1>>,<<9>>,<<19>>} is not a rectangular tensor with dimensions {29,15}.

please help me in this matter!
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  • #2
Not having any of the data or the values for a variety of constants in your code or some of your functions makes this difficult to diagnose at best.

I recommend you insert some print statements to show the values for

ElasticPlasticEq, P[s11, s22, t], {s11, LB, RB}, {s22, LB, RB},

just before your ElasticPlasticSol = NDSolve[] line and look carefully at the dimensions of those.

I am guessing that your assignment to ElasticPlasticEq is not what either you or NDSolve is expecting for at least one of your iterations.

If you get that error for every iteration that probably points at a more general problem with your ElasticPlasticEq. If you only get that for some iterations then it is more likely that this fails for some subset of parameters.

I'm guessing if you carefully count the number of elements in each row and column you will the mismatch that generates the error.
  • #3
Thank you for your reply, but when I print ElasticPlasticEq even for specific s11, s22 and t, I am getting this:

s11 = 0.01;
s22 = 0.01;
t = 0.00000001;

{0. P[0.01,0.01,1.*10^-8]+(P^(0,0,1))[0.01,0.01,1.*10^-8]+2 (0. P[0.01,0.01,1.*10^-8]+4.88591 (P^(0,1,0))[0.01,0.01,1.*10^-8])-1.25*10^-7 (-68467.2 P[0.01,0.01,1.*10^-8]+0. (P^(0,1,0))[0.01,0.01,1.*10^-8]+0.977181 (P^(0,2,0))[0.01,0.01,1.*10^-8])-9.77181 (P^(1,0,0))[0.01,0.01,1.*10^-8]-2.5*10^-7 (-68467.2 P[0.01,0.01,1.*10^-8]+0. (P^(1,0,0))[0.01,0.01,1.*10^-8]+0.977181 (P^(2,0,0))[0.01,0.01,1.*10^-8])==0,P[0.01,0.01,0]==5.92068*10^-39,-1.49171 P[-0.066,0.01,1.*10^-8]-3.72926*10^-8 (P^(1,0,0))[-0.066,0.01,1.*10^-8]==0,-9.96507*10^-7 P[0.19,0.01,1.*10^-8]-2.49128*10^-14 (P^(1,0,0))[0.19,0.01,1.*10^-8]==0,1.4917 P[0.01,-0.066,1.*10^-8]-2 (5.80742*10^-7 P[0.01,-0.066,1.*10^-8]+9.32316*10^-9 (P^(0,1,0))[0.01,-0.066,1.*10^-8])==0,9.96512*10^-7 P[0.01,0.19,1.*10^-8]-2 (-1.34035*10^-12 P[0.01,0.19,1.*10^-8]+6.2282*10^-15 (P^(0,1,0))[0.01,0.19,1.*10^-8])==0}

how can I follow this to see the dimension?
  • #4
Just count. It is a 6-element array. If the function is expecting a 29 by 15 element matrix then that would be the source of your trouble.
  • #5
If you look closely at that you also have some very suspicious things.

P[0.01,0.01,1.*10^-8] looks like a function that accepts 3 arguments.

(P^(0,0,1))[0.01,0.01,1.*10^-8] but this looks like I don't know what.

It looks like my suggestion of what you should print and inspect has certainly uncovered at least the first layer of things that have to be fixed.

Related to Mathematica For Loop to Solve PDE: StressIC Function and NDSolve Error Fix

What is a For Loop in Mathematica?

A For Loop is a programming structure in Mathematica that allows you to repeatedly execute a set of commands or functions a specified number of times. It is commonly used for tasks that require repetitive or iterative actions, such as solving PDEs.

How do I use a For Loop to solve PDEs in Mathematica?

To use a For Loop to solve PDEs in Mathematica, you first need to define the variables and initial conditions of your problem. Then, you can use the For Loop to iterate through a series of time steps, updating the values of your variables and solving the PDE at each step. Finally, you can plot the results to visualize the solution.

What is the StressIC function in Mathematica?

The StressIC function in Mathematica is a built-in function that allows you to specify initial conditions for stress in a PDE problem. It takes in the variables, boundary conditions, and initial conditions of the problem and returns a stress function that can be used in the PDE solver.

Why am I getting an NDSolve error when using a For Loop to solve PDEs in Mathematica?

The most common reason for getting an NDSolve error when using a For Loop to solve PDEs in Mathematica is due to incorrect syntax or input. Make sure you have defined all the necessary variables and functions correctly, and check for any typos or missing parentheses.

How can I fix an NDSolve error when using a For Loop to solve PDEs in Mathematica?

To fix an NDSolve error when using a For Loop to solve PDEs in Mathematica, you can try checking your syntax and input for any mistakes. You can also try simplifying your problem or breaking it down into smaller steps. If the error persists, you may need to consult the Mathematica documentation or seek help from a programming expert.

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