Mathematica NDsolve error, ndode?

In summary, the conversation discusses a problem with solving coupled partial differential equations using NDSolve. The user shares their PDEs and asks for suggestions and comments. The expert suggests defining and assigning all necessary values and variables and offers to help if the user can provide a notebook with the necessary information. The user later updates that the issue was not with Mathematica but with a mathematically ill-posed problem.
  • #1
Hi all,

So I'm trying to solve, what I think are three coupled PDEs with NDSolve and it keeps giving me

NDSolve::ndode: Input is not an ordinary differential equation. >>

as an error. I don't quite understand why?

These are my PDEs for anyone that's interested. I will try to pretty them up in a separate post. I'm kind of in a rush right now.

Any suggestions/comments about this errors and my PDEs are greatly appreciated. Thank you so much. sol = NDSolve[

D[\[Delta]ur[r, \[Theta]], r] + D[\[Delta]u\[Theta][ r, \[Theta]], \[Theta]] ==
(ut/ rmd[r, \[Theta]] *(\[Sigma] - m*\[CapitalOmega])*\[Delta]rmd [
r, \[Theta]] ) - (2/r +
1/rmd[r, \[Theta]]* drmdr[r, \[Theta]] +
2*dalphar[r, \[Theta]] + dbetar[r, \[Theta]] +
dnur[r, \[Theta]])*\[Delta]ur[
r, \[Theta]] - (Cot[\[Theta]] +
1/rmd[r, \[Theta]]*drmd\[Theta][r, \[Theta]] +
2*dalpha\[Theta][r, \[Theta]] + dbeta\[Theta][r, \[Theta]] +
dnu\[Theta][r, \[Theta]])*\[Delta]u\[Theta][
r, \[Theta]] + (\[Sigma]*F[r, \[Theta]] -
m)*\[Delta]u\[CurlyPhi][r, \[Theta]],

D[\[Delta]p[r, \[Theta]],
r] == (((\[Epsilon] + p)*ut)/
Exp [-2 \[Alpha]])*(((1 /(\[Epsilon] + p)^2) *
Exp [-2 \[Alpha]]/ut *
D[p[r, \[Theta]],
r]*(\[Delta]\[Epsilon][r, \[Theta]] + \[Delta]p[
r, \[Theta]])) - (\[Sigma] -
r, \[Theta]] + (Exp[2 \[Beta] - 2 \[Alpha]]*
r^2* (Sin[\[Theta]])^2* ( \[CapitalOmega] - \[Omega][r, q])*
D[Log [F[r, \[Theta]]], r]* \[Delta]u\[CurlyPhi][
r, \[Theta]])),

r, \[Theta]], \[Theta]] == (((\[Epsilon] + p)*r^2 * ut )/
Exp [-2 \[Alpha]])*((1 /(\[Epsilon] + p)^2 *
Exp [-2 \[Alpha]]/r^2*ut *
D[p[r, \[Theta]], \[Theta]]*(\[Delta]\[Epsilon][
r, \[Theta]] + \[Delta]p[r, \[Theta]]) - (\[Sigma] -
r, \[Theta]] + (Exp[2 \[Beta] - 2 \[Alpha]]*
r^2* (Sin[\[Theta]])^2* ( \[CapitalOmega] - \[Omega][
r, \[Theta]])*
D[Log[ F[r, \[Theta]]], r])* \[Delta]u\[CurlyPhi][
r, \[Theta]])),

(*Boundary Conditions*)
\[Delta]\[Theta][1, \[Theta]] ==
0, \[Delta]ur[1, \[Theta]] == \[Delta]p[
1, \[Theta]] == \[Delta]\[Theta][r, 1] == \[Delta]ur[r,
1] == \[Delta]p[r, 1] ==
0, -I*\[Gamma]1*\[Delta]p[128, \[Theta]] + \[Delta]ur[
128, \[Theta]]*
Evaluate[D[\[Delta]p[128, \[Theta]], r]] + \[Delta]u\[Theta][
128, \[Theta]]*
Evaluate[D[\[Delta]p[128, \[Theta]], \[Theta]]] ==

(*what I'm solving for, and the bounds*)
{\[Delta]p, \[Delta]ur, \[Delta]u\[Theta]}, {r, 1,
128}, {\[Theta], 1, 64}]
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  • #2
I cannot tell from what you have shown whether
1: you have left out a variety of function definitions and variable assignments or
2: you are thinking NDSolve is going to give you a numeric solution with those undefined.
If you have defined and assigned all those values so this is strictly a numerical solution process then perhaps the problem lies in what you have not included. If you have not defined and assigned then this is a common problem, people expecting a numerical integration solution when they arbitrary variables or, even worse, arbitrary functions in what they pass to NDSolve nor NSolve.

From a different direction, it appears that for years people have asked why they are getting this warning message"Input+is+not+an+ordinary+differential+equation"
and there does not appear to be a simple clear answer to that question.

Does any of this seem to relate to your question?
  • #3
Hi Bill,

I'm very sorry about the lack of explanation. I have added a .pdf file with an explanation of the variables and I've made the eqs nicer.

I did try looking it up on the google. And I reached the conclusion that no one really knows what causes this error. That's one of the reason's I'm putting it up here. Because I think that I just need someone experience with Mathematica to look at it.

Thanks again for even looking at this mess. I truly appreciate it.


  • physicsforumNnode.pdf
    49 KB · Views: 284
  • #4
It isn't easy to import the equations out of a pdf document back into a notebook.

Would it be possible for you to take all your data and crunch it down to
for all the variables that you actually have values for
and then prepend onto your latest version of your code
and attach the resulting notebook to your next post?

That would let me try to reproduce what you are doing with the actual values you have.
  • #5
Hi Bill,

Really sorry about the late reply. I wasn't sure how to respond. I don't think I can give out the data as this pertains to current research being done.

I have made some progress on the problem. And I believe one of the problems I was having with Mathematica was not with Mathematica at all. I was just trying to have it solve a problem that was mathematically ill-posed. So its no wonder it failed.

Anyways, thanks for all the help. Sorry again about the super-late reply.

Related to Mathematica NDsolve error, ndode?

1. What is NDsolve error in Mathematica?

NDsolve error in Mathematica refers to an error that occurs while using the NDsolve function to solve a system of ordinary differential equations (ODEs). This error usually occurs when the solver encounters difficulties in finding a numerical solution to the given system of ODEs.

2. What causes NDsolve error in Mathematica?

NDsolve error in Mathematica can be caused by a variety of factors, such as incorrect input syntax, singularities or discontinuities in the system of ODEs, or insufficient precision or accuracy settings. It can also occur if the initial or boundary conditions are not specified properly.

3. How can I troubleshoot NDsolve error in Mathematica?

To troubleshoot NDsolve error in Mathematica, you can start by checking the input syntax and ensuring that all the necessary initial and boundary conditions are specified correctly. You can also try adjusting the precision and accuracy settings or using alternative solvers such as NDSolveValue or NDSolveRKF45. Additionally, you can try simplifying the system of ODEs or breaking it into smaller sub-problems to see where the error occurs.

4. Can I prevent NDsolve error in Mathematica?

While it is not always possible to prevent NDsolve error in Mathematica, there are some steps you can take to reduce the chances of encountering this error. These include double-checking the input syntax, specifying appropriate initial and boundary conditions, and using alternative solvers or adjusting precision and accuracy settings if necessary.

5. Are there any resources available for troubleshooting NDsolve error in Mathematica?

Yes, there are various resources available for troubleshooting NDsolve error in Mathematica. These include the official Mathematica documentation, online forums and communities, and tutorial videos and articles. You can also seek help from experienced Mathematica users or consult with Wolfram Technical Support for more complex issues.

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