Mathematica: Optimizing NIntegrate with complex integrand

In summary, the conversation discusses the problem of performing a complex integral in Mathematica with high precision and efficiency. The speaker provides a minimum working example and suggests that the evaluation of NIntegrate takes too long and the precision of the values is not needed. They also mention using AccuracyGoal to set the result accuracy to 4 digits, but it does not work for them. The conversation also includes the code for the MWE and a graph of the results.
  • #1
Hi, first of all I am new to Mathematica.(Mathematica v8.0.0)
The Problem:
I have been having some issues with one particular integral lately:
I need to perform InverseFourier over a region of certain frequency and set the result as a function of time for later use:
A(t)=\frac{1}{2\pi}\int_{-3ω}^{3ω} S(ω,f_1(ω),f_2(ω,z),z) \cdot e^{i \omega t} dω
\text{where } S(ω,f_1(ω),f_2(ω))\text{ - is complex function proportional to } \omega,\omega^2, e^{\omega}.\text{ z - real constant}

I managed to get the solution by writing a line:
A[t_?ArrayQ] := (1/(2*\[Pi]))*NIntegrate[S[w, f1[w], f2[-w, 3540], 3540]*Exp[I*w*t ], {w, -3*ws, 3*ws}, 
    Method -> "GlobalAdaptive", WorkingPrecision -> 4];
As seen in the code input t will be an array of real numbers. Later on since A(t) is complex I square it and plug in t as an array(z=A[tarray];), however it takes some time to calculate the result for an array of 62 values. The problem is I am quite convinced this is not the best programming form of performing the integral calculation. I think it reintegrates the integral with every new t value. So is there anyone who can help me with this problem? I would be very grateful for your help!
As a comparison Mathcad calculates the result in ~1s
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  • #2
Ok, so its probably because the precision is too big. Now I am confused how to make the calculations with a precision to 0,001 parts of a number. So in case of 0.0019, mathematica would return 0.002?
  • #3
Ok, It seems I need to use AccuracyGoal for this, however it does not work for me, or am I doing something wrong? I would imagine AccuracyGoal would set the result accuracy to 4 digits, no?


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  • #4
Ok, since no one is replying and it is kinda akward to write one more reply to myself, I am not sure if I have stated the problem clearly. Therefore, I have made a minimum working example ready for compilation. So, as mentioned before I am stuck because the evaluation of NIntegrate takes too long (comments in the MWE). I need to reduce the precision and accuracy of the NIntegrate or rewrite it in some way? Hopefully, I have made it clear this time :) . Thank you in advance.


tau = 20/Sqrt[2*Log[2.]]; gam = 0; Subscript[A, 0] = 1;

S0[w_] := (Sqrt[\[Pi]]*tau*Subscript[A, 0]/Sqrt[1 + I*gam])*
   Exp[-1*(w*tau)^2/(4*(1 + I*gam))];

Subscript[\[Nu], 13] = 0.081; Subscript[\[Nu], 23] = 0.093;
gk1 = 0.066; gk2 = -0.915;
\[CapitalDelta]k = 1.257*10^(-3);

D1[w_] := 
  Subscript[\[Nu], 13]*w + (1/2)*gk1*w^2 + 0*\[CapitalDelta]k/2;
D2[w_] := 
  Subscript[\[Nu], 23]*w + (1/2)*gk2*w^2 - 0*\[CapitalDelta]k/2;
\[CapitalDelta]1[w_, sug1_] := D1[w] - I*sug1;(************)
\[CapitalDelta]2[w_, sug2_] := D2[w] - I*sug2;(************)
Subscript[\[Alpha], 10] = 
 0*0.01823; Subscript[\[Beta], 1] = -0.03*0; Subscript[\[Epsilon], 1] \
= 0.630*0; Subscript[\[Epsilon], 12] = -8*0; Subscript[\[Epsilon], \
13] = 22*0;
\[Alpha]1[w_] := 
  Subscript[\[Alpha], 10] + Subscript[\[Beta], 1]*w + 
   Subscript[\[Epsilon], 1]*
    w^2 + (Subscript[\[Epsilon], 12]*w^2 + 
     Subscript[\[Epsilon], 13]*w^4);
appsug[w_] := 0.6 + (1/(3 + Exp[-82*(w - 0.02)]));
\[Alpha]2[w_, Lopa_] := -2*Log[appsug[w]]/Lopa;
Ga[w_, sug1_, sug2_] := 
  1/2*(\[CapitalDelta]1[w, sug1] + 
     Conjugate[\[CapitalDelta]2[-w, sug2]]);
Subscript[\[CapitalGamma], 0] = Sqrt[14.5]/3120;
\[CapitalGamma]a[w_, sug1_, sug2_] := 
  Sqrt[Subscript[\[CapitalGamma], 0]^2 - Ga[w, sug1, sug1]^2];
\[CapitalGamma]1[w_, sug1_, 
  sug2_] := -I/
    2*(\[CapitalDelta]1[w, sug1] - 
     Conjugate[\[CapitalDelta]2[-w, sug2]]) + \[CapitalGamma]a[w, 
   sug1, sug2]; \[CapitalGamma]2[w_, sug1_, 
  sug2_] := -I/
    2*(\[CapitalDelta]1[w, sug1] - 
     Conjugate[\[CapitalDelta]2[-w, sug2]]) - \[CapitalGamma]a[w, 
   sug1, sug2];
S1a[w_, sug1_, sug2_, 
   Lopa_] := (S0[w]/2)*(1 - 
      I*(Ga[w, sug1, sug2]/\[CapitalGamma]a[w, sug1, sug2]))*
    Exp[\[CapitalGamma]1[w, sug1, sug2]*Lopa] + (S0[w]/2)*(1 + 
      I*(Ga[w, sug1, sug2]/\[CapitalGamma]a[w, sug1, sug2]))*
    Exp[\[CapitalGamma]2[w, sug1, sug2]*Lopa];
P1[w_, Lopa_] := 
  Abs[S1a[w, \[Alpha]1[w], \[Alpha]2[-w, Lopa], Lopa]]^2;
ws = 2/tau; imax = 164; \[CapitalDelta]w = (2/imax)*ws; wxi = 
 Array[-ws + \[CapitalDelta]w*(# + 1) &, {imax - 1}];
tmax = 60; tbs = 30*20; ddt = (2/tmax)*tbs; txi = 
 Array[-tbs + ddt*(1 + #) &, {tmax - 1}];

Lopa1 = 3540;
Aac[t_?ArrayQ] := (1/(2*\[Pi]))*
    S1a[w, \[Alpha]1[w], \[Alpha]2[-w, Lopa1], Lopa1]*
     Exp[I*w*t], {w, -3*ws, 3*ws}];
envlp = Abs[
   Aac[txi]]^2;(*----Takes too much time to evaluate, such a 
precision of values is not needed-----*)
data = Transpose[{txi, envlp}];
ListLinePlot[data, PlotRange -> {{0, 600}, {0, 120}}, Frame -> True]
I Have also attached the notebook version if needed.


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  • #5
for the same array


I understand the importance of optimizing calculations, especially when dealing with complex integrands. In Mathematica, there are several ways to improve the efficiency of NIntegrate for complex integrands.

Firstly, you can try using the "LocalAdaptive" or "DoubleExponential" methods instead of "GlobalAdaptive". These methods are specifically designed for oscillatory integrals and may give better performance.

Another option is to use the NIntegrate function with the option "Compiled" set to True. This will compile the integrand, which can significantly speed up the calculation.

Additionally, you can try using the Parallelize function to distribute the calculation over multiple cores, which can also improve performance.

I would also recommend checking the documentation for NIntegrate and experimenting with different options to see which gives the best results for your specific integral.

I hope this helps and good luck with your research!

FAQ: Mathematica: Optimizing NIntegrate with complex integrand

What is Mathematica?

Mathematica is a powerful software program used for mathematical and scientific computations, data analysis, and visualization. It is commonly used by scientists, engineers, and mathematicians to solve complex problems and perform calculations.

What is NIntegrate in Mathematica?

NIntegrate is a built-in function in Mathematica used for numerical integration. It allows for the evaluation of definite integrals, including those with complex integrands, using various algorithms and methods.

How can I optimize NIntegrate for complex integrands?

There are several ways to optimize NIntegrate for complex integrands, including using the "LevinRule" method, increasing the number of sampling points, and using specific integration options such as "Method" and "PrecisionGoal". It is important to experiment with different options to find the most efficient and accurate approach for a specific integration problem.

Can NIntegrate handle singular or oscillatory integrands?

Yes, NIntegrate has the ability to handle singular or oscillatory integrands. It uses advanced algorithms and adaptive sampling techniques to accurately evaluate these types of integrals. However, it is important to choose appropriate integration options and methods for optimal results.

Is Mathematica suitable for scientific research and publication?

Yes, Mathematica is widely used and accepted in the scientific community for research and publication. Its advanced capabilities and efficient algorithms make it a valuable tool for solving complex problems and analyzing data. Many scientific journals also have guidelines for reporting results obtained using Mathematica.

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