Mathematica problem: two nigh-identical codes

  • Mathematica
  • Thread starter MartinV
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In summary, the code you have is flawed because it doesn't use semicolons to separate the parts of the code.
  • #1
Hello, everyone.

I have a rather bizzarre problem. I wrote a code that takes a matrix U[1] and calculates a matrix U[2] from it using simple math. I wrote three For loops, one to go across the U[n], the other two to read the matrix U[n] across all the lines and columns. I do it twice because it's a predictor/corrector kind of computaion. Pretty straightforward. Here's the code:

For[n = 1, n <= 10, n++, UU2 = ConstantArray[0, {dim, dim}];
UU3 = ConstantArray[0, {dim, dim}];
UU = U[n];
UU2[[1, All]] = UU[[1, All]]; UU2[[10, All]] = UU[[10, All]];
UU2[[All, 1]] = UU[[All, 1]]; UU2[[All, 10]] = UU[[All, 10]];
UU3 = UU2;
For[i = 2, i <= dim - 1, i++,
For[j = 2, j <= dim - 1, j++,
UU2[[i, j]] =
UU[[i, j]] - dt/dx*(G[UU[[i, j]]] - G[UU[[i - 1, j]]]) -
dt/dx*(H[UU[[i, j]]] - H[UU[[i, j - 1]]]) + dt*S[UU[[i, j]]];
For[i = 2, i <= dim - 1, i++,
For[j = 2, j <= dim - 1, j++,
UU3[[i, j]] =
0.5*(UU[[i, j]] + UU2[[i, j]] -
dt/dx*(G[UU2[[i + 1, j]]] - G[UU2[[i, j]]]) -
dt/dx*(H[UU2[[i, j + 1]]] - H[UU2[[i, j]]]) +
dt*S[UU2[[i, j]]]);
U[n + 1] = UU3;

The code above works. It gives me exactly what I need but it's suppose to be a bit unstable so I'm trying to write a different code now. The following code is nigh identical but for some reason Mathematica gives me all kinds of errors and fails to compute. Here's the faulty code:

For[n = 1, n <= 3, n++,
UU2 = ConstantArray[0, {dim, dim}];
UU3 = ConstantArray[0, {dim, dim}];
UU = U[n];
UU2[[1, All]] = UU[[1, All]]; UU2[[dim, All]] = UU[[dim, All]];
UU2[[All, 1]] = UU[[All, 1]]; UU2[[All, dim]] = UU[[All, dim]];
UU3 = UU2;
For[i = 2, i <= dim - 1, i++,
For[j = 2, j <= dim - 1, j++,
UU2[[i, j]] = UU[[i, j]] - dt/dx/2*(G[UU[[i, j]]] - G[UU[[i - 1, j]]]) + dt/2*S[UU[[i, j]]];
For[i = 2, i <= dim - 1, i++,
For[j = 2, j <= dim - 1, j++,
UU3[[i, j]] = 0.5*(UU[[i, j]] - UU2[[i, j]] - dt/2/dx*(G[UU2[[i + 1, j]]] - G[UU2[[i, j]]]) +
dt/2*S[UU2[[i, j]]]);
U[n + 1] = UU3;

The only difference I can see is that the calculation done in each step of the For loop is a bit shorter since it doesn't employ the H[UU2[[i,j]]] parts. I don't see how this could affect the overall scheme.

These are the errors Mathematica reports when I execute the second piece of code:

Set::write: Tag Times in Null Null U[2] is Protected. >>
Part::partw: Part All of U[2] does not exist. >>
Part::partd: Part specification U[2][[All,1]] is longer than depth of object. >>
Part::partd: Part specification U[2][[All,10]] is longer than depth of object. >>
Part::partw: Part 2 of U[2] does not exist. >>
Part::partw: Part 2 of U[2] does not exist. >>
General::stop: Further output of Part::partw will be suppressed during this calculation. >>
Part::partd: Part specification U[2][[1,2]] is longer than depth of object. >>
General::stop: Further output of Part::partd will be suppressed during this calculation. >>
Set::write: Tag Times in Null Null U[3] is Protected. >>
Set::write: Tag Times in Null Null U[4] is Protected. >>
General::stop: Further output of Set::write will be suppressed during this calculation. >>

Of course I clear all variables before running the second code and reload the definitions for G, H and S which are being used in the computation.
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  • #2
Set::write: Tag Times in Null Null U[2] is Protected.
probably means at least in part you are missing a couple of semicolons. Yes, sometimes Mathematica will let you get away with that, and sometimes it will bite you. Sometimes without a semicolon Mathematica thinks two things adjacent to each other, like i j, means you want to multiply i and j. But it can also think that For[...] x means you want to multiply the Null returned from For by x.

Stick semicolons between these two lines

For[i = 2, i <= dim - 1, i++,

and between these two lines

U[n + 1] = UU3;

that is at the bottom of your code.

That isn't going to fix all your problems and in particular not fix your "Part 2 of U[2] does not exist" problem, but it should get rid of all your "Tag Times in" problem.

Now you haven't shown the rest of your code where U[] is defined. Perhaps you mean that U is a matrix and not a function. If my guessing is correct then U[[]] instead of U[] may make some of your problems go away. Maybe U[] really is a function, but then U[n+1]=UU3 looks suspicious. I can't tell what you really meant.
  • #3

Blasted semicolons. That's all it took, at the ending of every ]. Thanks for the help, Bill. Sometimes I am such a ***.
  • #4
New problem, same code. Best not make another thread, I think.

I used the codes mentioned before in a predictor-corrector scheme. This calls the same method four times, each time feeding it the new result.

This is what the single method looks like:

For[i = 2, i <= dim - 1, i++,
For[j = 2, j <= dim - 1, j++,
(*Izračun prediktorja Lx1*)
UU2[[i, j]] =
UU[[i, j]] -
Dxy[UU[[i, j]]]*dt/dx/2*(G[UU[[i, j]]] - G[UU[[i - 1, j]]]) +
Dxy[UU[[i, j]]]*dt/2*S[UU[[i, j]]];
For[i = 2, i <= dim - 1, i++,
For[j = 2, j <= dim - 1, j++,
(*Izračun korektorja Lx1*)
UU3[[i, j]] =
0.5*(UU[[i, j]] - UU2[[i, j]] -
Dxy[UU[[i, j]]]*
dt/2/dx*(G[UU2[[i + 1, j]]] - G[UU2[[i, j]]]) +
Dxy[UU[[i, j]]]*dt/2*S[UU2[[i, j]]]);

I want to make that into a method or module (not sure how Mathematica calls it) so I can do something like this:
UU3 = method[UU, UU2];

(I used to use Matlab way more often than Mathematica so I'm still thinking in M-file ways.)

I tried using the := way of identifying my methods, but it only seems to work for one input parameter. The corrector part uses both UU and UU2 to get UU3. Somehow writing it method[UU, UU2]:=... doesn't work.

predCorr[UU_, UU2_] :=
UU2 = ConstantArray[0, {dim, dim}];
UU3 = ConstantArray[0, {dim, dim}];
UU2[[1, All]] = UU[[1, All]]; UU2[[dim, All]] = UU[[dim, All]];
UU2[[All, 1]] = UU[[All, 1]]; UU2[[All, dim]] = UU[[All, dim]];
UU3 = UU2;
For[i = 2, i <= dim - 1, i++,
For[j = 2, j <= dim - 1, j++,
(*Izračun prediktorja Lx1*)
UU2[[i, j]] =
UU[[i, j]] -
Dxy[UU[[i, j]]]*dt/dx/2*(G[UU[[i, j]]] - G[UU[[i - 1, j]]]) +
Dxy[UU[[i, j]]]*dt/2*S[UU[[i, j]]];
For[i = 2, i <= dim - 1, i++,
For[j = 2, j <= dim - 1, j++,
(*Izračun korektorja Lx1*)
UU3[[i, j]] =
0.5*(UU[[i, j]] - UU2[[i, j]] -
Dxy[UU[[i, j]]]*
dt/2/dx*(G[UU2[[i + 1, j]]] - G[UU2[[i, j]]]) +
Dxy[UU[[i, j]]]*dt/2*S[UU2[[i, j]]]);

I get all sorts of errors, particularly these:

Part::partd: Part specification UU[[1,All]] is longer than depth of object. >>
Set::noval: Symbol UU2 in part assignment does not have an immediate value. >>
Part::partd: Part specification UU[[10,All]] is longer than depth of object. >>
Set::noval: Symbol UU2 in part assignment does not have an immediate value. >>
Symbol::argx: Symbol called with 0 arguments; 1 argument is expected. >>
Set::noval: Symbol UU2 in part assignment does not have an immediate value. >>
Symbol::argx: Symbol called with 0 arguments; 1 argument is expected. >>
Set::noval: Symbol UU2 in part assignment does not have an immediate value. >>
Part::partd: Part specification UU[[2,2]] is longer than depth of object. >>
Part::partd: Part specification UU[[2,2]] is longer than depth of object. >>

I can tell that I can't simply copy/paste my working code into a delayed value scheme but I don't have a clue how to make it work.

I made sure all semicolons are there this time. ;)
  • #5
Because of precedence I believe you are getting

predCorr[UU_, UU2_] := UU2 = ConstantArray[0, {dim, dim}];
(*and that is the end of your function definition and then *)
UU3 = ConstantArray[0, {dim, dim}];
(*and that is unrelated to your attempt to create a module *)

It is difficult for me to guess what you want given your description.
Perhaps this is something like what you are trying to do.

mymodule[UU_] := Module[{UU2, UU3},
For[i=2, i<=dim - 1, i++,
For[j=2, j<=dim-1, j++,(*Izračun prediktorja Lx1*)
UU2[[i,j]] = UU[[i,j]] - Dxy[UU[[i,j]]]* dt/dx/2* (G[UU[[i,j]]] - G[UU[[i-1,j]]]) + Dxy[UU[[i,j]]]*dt/2*S[UU[[i,j]]];];];
For[i=2, i<=dim-1, i++,
For[j=2, j<=dim-1, j++,(*Izračun korektorja Lx1*)
UU3[[i,j]]=0.5*(UU[[i,j]] - UU2[[i,j]] - Dxy[UU[[i,j]]]*dt/2/dx*(G[UU2[[i+1,j]]] - G[UU2[[i,j]]]) + Dxy[UU[[i,j]]]*dt/2*S[UU2[[i,j]]]);];];
Last edited:
  • #6
I made a mistake and left out the initialization of UU2 and UU3

mymodule[UU_] := Module[{UU2, UU3},
UU2 = ConstantArray[0, {dim, dim}]; (*Insert this *)
UU3 = ConstantArray[0, {dim, dim}]; (* and this *)
For[i=2, i<=dim - 1, i++,

  • #7
No problem. I was just going to ask about that. ;)

Related to Mathematica problem: two nigh-identical codes

1. What is Mathematica and why is it used?

Mathematica is a computational software program used for solving mathematical problems, performing symbolic and numerical calculations, and creating visualizations. It is commonly used in various fields of science, engineering, and mathematics.

2. How does Mathematica handle two nigh-identical codes?

Mathematica has a built-in function called "SameQ" which compares two expressions and returns "True" if they are identical and "False" if they are not. This can be used to check if two codes are nigh-identical.

3. Can Mathematica automatically identify and fix errors in two nigh-identical codes?

No, Mathematica cannot automatically identify and fix errors in codes. It can only determine if two codes are identical or not. It is the responsibility of the user to identify and fix any errors in the codes.

4. How can I use Mathematica to optimize two nigh-identical codes?

Mathematica has various built-in functions and tools for code optimization, such as "Compile" and "Parallelize". These can be used to improve the efficiency and speed of two nigh-identical codes.

5. Are there any specific coding techniques to be aware of when working with two nigh-identical codes in Mathematica?

One important technique to keep in mind when working with two nigh-identical codes in Mathematica is to avoid using "Set" (=) for defining variables. Instead, it is recommended to use "SetDelayed" (:=) to prevent any unintended changes in the values of variables. Additionally, it is important to use meaningful variable names and to properly document the codes to improve readability and maintainability.

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