Mathematical analysis (Book recommendation)

In summary, the speakers are discussing a recommendation for a book on mathematical analysis for beginners. The student is struggling to understand the theory and concepts, specifically in regards to definite integrals and sequences. Some recommended books include Fichtenholz's work, Rudin's "Principles of mathematical analysis," Thomson and Bruckner's book, and Abbott's book.
  • #1
I don't know is this good place to put this topic anyway I am on the first year of physics and I am struggling with mathematical analysis. I can't understand a lot of thngs that we are doing actually I can't even follow our lectures. I would be really grateful if someone recommend me a book that has fundamentals of math analysis and it is really good explained. All these books that were recommended by our professors are on really high level, it would be really great if there is a book that is for beginners os something like that.
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  • #2
What exactly do you mean by mathematical analysis? Is there a specific problem to which you are trying to apply the technique?
  • #3
To be more determined what I don't understand is theory. For example today we were doing " Definite integral of Darboux sum " and I couldn't follow, but in the last semester we were doing for example cauchy sequence and convergence,bolzano weierstrass theorem and these sequences and sums killed me :D I don't understand concept of theory, I don't know how to be more clearer.
  • #4
I can tell you a few names. Fichtenholz and Rudin.

I am not sure if Fichtenholz's work is translated into English - I have the collection in Russian.

Not familiar with Rudin's work myself, but I hear his "Principles of mathematical analysis" is top-shelf material.
  • #6
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FAQ: Mathematical analysis (Book recommendation)

1. What is mathematical analysis?

Mathematical analysis is a branch of mathematics that deals with the study of functions, limits, derivatives, integrals, and series. It is used to analyze and understand the behavior and properties of mathematical objects, such as numbers, functions, and geometric figures.

2. Why is mathematical analysis important?

Mathematical analysis is important because it provides the foundation for many areas of mathematics, such as calculus, differential equations, and complex analysis. It also has many applications in physics, engineering, economics, and other sciences.

3. What are some recommended books for learning mathematical analysis?

Some recommended books for learning mathematical analysis are "Principles of Mathematical Analysis" by Walter Rudin, "Real and Complex Analysis" by Walter Rudin, "Analysis I" by Terence Tao, and "Introduction to Analysis" by Arthur Mattuck.

4. Is mathematical analysis difficult to learn?

Mathematical analysis can be challenging, but with dedication and practice, it can be learned by anyone. It is important to have a strong foundation in algebra, calculus, and basic mathematical concepts before delving into analysis.

5. What are the benefits of studying mathematical analysis?

Studying mathematical analysis can improve critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and logical reasoning. It also provides a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts and their applications, which can be useful in various fields such as science, engineering, and finance.
