Mathematical background concerning classical physics/mechanics.

In summary, classical mechanics is a mathematical theory that covers the laws that govern the motion of matter. Classical thermodynamics is the study of the properties of matter and energy in the absence of heat.
  • #1
Hello, I was wondering what mathematical skills I would need to have in order to grasp classical mechanics as a whole; Newtonian, Lagrangian and Hamiltonian.

I already have a small understanding of some classical concepts; such as motion in a two dimensional space (circular/arc motion, mechanics of a simple pendulum, projectiles, equilibrium, slopes etc.) and basic wave properties (phase, harmonics, superposition etc.). However, in pretty much all of these I was left with a concept and plugging numbers into what seemed as pretty abstract equations... I would really like to try and understand mathematical proofs behind these concepts, such as how to use calculus to derive centripetal acceleration to simply mention one.

If you would be able to cite good resources, mostly on line as cash is a bit of an issue, it would be much appreciated!

Side Note: If it helps I have an AS level year of maths and physics behind me, just so you can gauge the level of detail I'm capable of understanding.
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  • #2
The math you need for understanding classical mechanics is not much. You should only have good understanding of calculus, differential equations and some vector analysis and also be able to follow/do some intense and long calculations which you gather only by practice. A knowledge of calculus of variations will also help you. And also matrices and determinants and just a little about tensors. You should be able to use different coordinate systems too.
If you want books that covers all of these(except calculus which you should know before learning other parts), I can suggest you Arfken's. Boas's book is good too but its on a little lower level than Arfken's.
Then you should read advanced books on classical mechanics e.g. Goldstein's, Marion's, Kibble's or any book in the same level.
But if you also mean classical electromagnetism, then things get a little different. Now you should be really good at vector analysis and again know a little about tensors. And a good book I can suggest is the one by Griffiths.
  • #3
Welcome to PF!

From my own experience, you calculus 1,2and3, differential equations and possibly linear algebra with that you should be well grounded to tackle it.
  • #4
Thank you very much :)
  • #5
Shyan said:
The math you need for understanding classical mechanics is not much. You should only have good understanding of calculus, differential equations and some vector analysis and also be able to follow/do some intense and long calculations which you gather only by practice. A knowledge of calculus of variations will also help you. And also matrices and determinants and just a little about tensors. You should be able to use different coordinate systems too.
If you want books that covers all of these(except calculus which you should know before learning other parts), I can suggest you Arfken's. Boas's book is good too but its on a little lower level than Arfken's.
Then you should read advanced books on classical mechanics e.g. Goldstein's, Marion's, Kibble's or any book in the same level.
But if you also mean classical electromagnetism, then things get a little different. Now you should be really good at vector analysis and again know a little about tensors. And a good book I can suggest is the one by Griffiths.
Thanks again, any ideas on what I should know regarding classical thermodynamics as well?
  • #6
Heat and Thermodynamics by Zemansky and Dittman will teach you what you need!

FAQ: Mathematical background concerning classical physics/mechanics.

1. What is the difference between classical mechanics and quantum mechanics?

Classical mechanics is a branch of physics that deals with the motion of macroscopic objects, while quantum mechanics deals with the behavior of subatomic particles. Classical mechanics is based on Newton's laws of motion, while quantum mechanics is based on the principles of uncertainty and superposition.

2. What are the fundamental equations in classical mechanics?

The fundamental equations in classical mechanics are Newton's laws of motion, which state that an object will remain at rest or in motion with constant velocity unless acted upon by an external force. These laws can be expressed mathematically as F=ma, where F is the force applied to an object, m is the mass of the object, and a is the resulting acceleration.

3. What is the role of calculus in classical mechanics?

Calculus is essential in classical mechanics as it provides the mathematical tools to describe and analyze the motion of objects. Differential calculus is used to calculate the instantaneous rate of change in position, velocity, and acceleration, while integral calculus is used to calculate the total displacement, velocity, and acceleration of an object over a period of time.

4. How does classical mechanics explain the motion of objects?

Classical mechanics explains the motion of objects through the concept of forces. Objects are acted upon by various forces, such as gravity, friction, and applied forces. These forces cause an object to accelerate, change direction, or remain at rest. By understanding the forces acting on an object, we can predict its motion using mathematical equations.

5. How does classical mechanics relate to other branches of physics?

Classical mechanics is the foundation of many other branches of physics, including thermodynamics, electromagnetism, and fluid mechanics. The principles of classical mechanics are used to understand and analyze the behavior of these systems. However, classical mechanics is limited in its ability to explain phenomena at the atomic and subatomic level, which is where quantum mechanics comes into play.

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