Mathematical formulation of Kaluza-Klein theory

In summary, Kaluza-Klein theory is a mathematical formulation that attempts to unify gravity and electromagnetism by proposing the existence of hidden extra dimensions. These dimensions are compactified and have significance in the attempt to unify all the forces of nature. It is an extension of general relativity and has faced challenges and criticisms for its lack of experimental evidence and inability to make testable predictions.
  • #1
Good morning, what is the mathematical formalism used for a rigorous formulation of the Kaluza-Klein theory? Is there any reference? Thanks!
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  • #2
Just about any theory with compact extra dimensions is a Kaluza-Klein theory. So it could be a classical field theory, a quantum field theory, or a string theory. Take a look at the Wikipedia article, especially the references at the end.

FAQ: Mathematical formulation of Kaluza-Klein theory

1. What is Kaluza-Klein theory?

Kaluza-Klein theory is a mathematical formulation that attempts to unify the forces of gravity and electromagnetism into a single theory. It proposes that the universe contains more than the four dimensions (three spatial dimensions and one time dimension) that are commonly known and that these extra dimensions are hidden from our perception.

2. How does Kaluza-Klein theory incorporate these extra dimensions?

Kaluza-Klein theory suggests that these extra dimensions are compactified, meaning they are curled up and hidden at a microscopic scale. This allows for the dimensions to exist without being observed in our everyday lives.

3. What is the significance of Kaluza-Klein theory in physics?

Kaluza-Klein theory is significant because it was one of the first attempts to unify gravity and electromagnetism, two of the four fundamental forces of nature. It also paved the way for later theories, such as string theory, that attempt to unify all the forces of nature.

4. How does Kaluza-Klein theory relate to general relativity?

Kaluza-Klein theory is an extension of general relativity, which is the current accepted theory of gravity. Kaluza-Klein theory adds an extra dimension to general relativity, allowing for a more comprehensive understanding of the universe.

5. What are some of the challenges and criticisms of Kaluza-Klein theory?

One of the main challenges of Kaluza-Klein theory is that it requires the existence of extra dimensions, which have not been observed or confirmed by experiments. Additionally, the theory has not been able to make testable predictions, making it difficult to verify its validity. Some physicists also criticize the theory for its lack of inclusion of other fundamental forces, such as the strong and weak nuclear forces.

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