Mathematical Induction problem

In summary, the conversation discusses the problem of proving by induction that n^3 + 2n is divisible by 3 for non-negative integer values of n. The individual has tried various manipulations and approaches, but has not been successful in finding a solution. Another individual suggests a different approach that ultimately leads to a solution. Later in the conversation, a second problem is mentioned, but the individual is unable to find a solution and seeks help from others.
  • #1
I've been working on this problem for the past two and a half hours. The problem is: Prove by induction that n^3 + 2n is divisible by 3 for non-negative integer values of n.

No matter how I try, I cannot manipulate the expression of the inductive step so that it is divisible by 3.

I have done the base step and assumed that P(k): k^3 + 2k is divisible by 3. Now I need to show that this implies that P(k+1): (k+1)^3 + 2(k+1) is divisible by 3. I have tried manipulating P(k+1) in probably every possible way. The closest I have got to solving the problem, is getting part of the expression to be k^3 + 2k (which is divisible by 3 by assumption) and a constant 3.

(k+1)^3 + 2(k+1)

= k^3 + 2k^2 + 2k + 1 + 2k + 2

= k^3 + 2k^2 + 4k + 3

I also tried P(k+1) - P(k) and see if that would give an expression that is factorizable by 3. (Since the difference of two integers a and b is divisible by x, if and only if a and b are divisible by x.)

P(k+1) - P(k)

= [(k+1)^3 + 2(k+1)] - [k^3 + 2k]

= [k^3 + 2k^2 + 2k + 1 + 2k + 2] - [k^3 + 2k]

= 2k^2 + 2k + 3

which does not lead to a desirable expression.

I think I've exhausted all the options that I know of. Can anyone help me please? :cry:
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  • #2
Note that [itex](n+1)^3 + 2(n+1) = n^3 + 3 n^2 + 5 n + 3 = n^3 + 2 n + 3(n^2 + n + 1)[/itex]

Therefore, if [itex]n^3 + 2n[/itex] is divisible by 3 then so is [itex](n+1)^3 + 2(n+1)[/itex]
  • #3
P.S. This is not by induction but I noticed that

[tex]n^3 + 2 n = n^3 + 3 n^2 + 2 n - 3n^2 = n(n+1)(n+2) - 3n^2[/tex]

Since n is an integer then one of n, n+1 and n+2 must be divisible by 3 as is [itex]3n^2[/itex] so the original expression is divisible by 3 as well.
  • #4
Arrrrgh damn it, no wonder I couldn't get it right. I got the binomial expansion wrong! Thanks a lot, Tide, and that's a neat second proof. Can't believe I wasted a couple hours due to a stupid slip-up...
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  • #5
Another one I absolutely could not do (and this time I'm sure it's not due to fumbling algebra) is this:

Prove by induction that (1 + 1/4 + 1/9 + ... + 1/n^2) is less than (2 - 1/n) for all integers greater than 1.

I get the base step, then make the assumption p(k) is true. Then I add 1/(k+1)^2 to both sides of the inequality.

(1 + 1/4 + 1/9 + ... + 1/k^2 + 1/(k+1)^2) < 2 - 1/k + 1/(k+1)^2

I guess the desired result is to prove that the RHS is less than 2 - 1/(k+1), but I cannot achieve that at all. This one seems definitely more difficult than the last one. Can anybody help me please?
  • #6
Does this help?

[tex]-\frac {1}{k} + \frac {1}{(k+1)^2} < -\frac {1}{k} + \frac {1}{k+1}[/tex]
  • #7
Thanks a lot, Tide. Actually I got something similar to that, and THEN gave up, not sure how to proceed. Induction sure is a great way to get stuck :(
  • #8
Actually, induction is the easy part! Someone else did the grunt work of figuring out the appropriate inequality in the first place.

Related to Mathematical Induction problem

1. What is mathematical induction?

Mathematical induction is a proof technique used to prove that a statement or formula holds for all natural numbers. It involves proving a base case and then showing that if the statement holds for a particular number, it also holds for the next number in the sequence.

2. How is mathematical induction used in problem-solving?

Mathematical induction is often used in problem-solving to prove the validity of a formula or to find a pattern in a sequence of numbers. It is a powerful tool for proving statements that hold for all natural numbers, as it reduces the problem to a finite number of cases.

3. What are the key steps in a mathematical induction proof?

The key steps in a mathematical induction proof are:

  • Proving the base case - showing that the statement holds for the first number in the sequence.
  • Assuming the statement holds for a particular number (known as the induction hypothesis).
  • Using the induction hypothesis to prove that the statement also holds for the next number in the sequence.
  • Concluding that the statement holds for all natural numbers by the principle of mathematical induction.

4. What are the common mistakes to avoid in a mathematical induction proof?

Common mistakes to avoid in a mathematical induction proof include:

  • Using the induction hypothesis in the wrong direction (i.e. assuming the statement holds for the next number instead of the current number).
  • Skipping the base case or not proving it properly.
  • Assuming that the statement holds for all real numbers instead of just natural numbers.
  • Using circular reasoning or making unsupported assumptions.

5. Can mathematical induction be used to prove all statements?

No, mathematical induction can only be used to prove statements that hold for all natural numbers. It cannot be used to prove statements for real numbers, complex numbers, or any other set of numbers. Additionally, some statements may require other proof techniques and cannot be proven using mathematical induction alone.

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