Mathematical Issues with Reif Thermodynamics Problem (BYO Math Chops)

In summary: I just wasn't familiar with the concept of "small" in this context. In summary, the conversation discusses a problem related to magnetic atoms in an aqueous solution placed in an external magnetic field. The ratios of mean numbers of magnetic atoms in different spin orientations and locations are discussed, and it is shown that when μH<<kT, the ratios can be simplified using Taylor series expansions.
  • #1
Hi there, I am a long time reader of the Physics Forums, but a first time poster. The problem I am requesting assistance with stems from a problem in Reif's Fundamentals of Statistical and Thermal Physics.

7.16 An aqueous solution at room temperature T contains a small concentration of magnetic atoms. each of which has a net spin 1/2 and a magnetic moment μ. The solution is placed in an external magnetic field H pointing along the z direction. The magnitude of this field is inhomogenous over the volume of the solution. To be specific, H=H(z) is a monotonic increasing function of z, assuming a value H1 at the bottom of the solution where z= z1 and a larger value H2 at the top of the solution where z=z2.

a) Let n+(z) dz denote the mean number of magnetic atoms whose spin points along the z direction and which are located z and z+dz. What is the ratio n+(z2)/n+(z1)?

b) Let n(z)dz denote the total mean number of magnetic atoms (of both directions of spin orientation) located between z and z+dz. What is the ratio n(z2)/n(z1)? is it less than, equal to, or greater than unity?

c) Make use of the fact that μH<<kT to simplify the answers to the preceeding questions.

2. E=-μ [itex]\bullet[/itex] H Z=exp(-β*E[itex]_{r}[/itex]

The Attempt at a Solution

Well, I've already figured out parts (a) and (b), which are

[itex]\frac{n+(z2)}{n+(z1)}[/itex]=exp(μβ(H2-H1)) and [itex]\frac{n(z2)}{n(z1)}[/itex]=[itex]\frac{exp(μβH2)+exp(-μBH2)}{exp(μβH1)+exp(-μβH1)}[/itex] respectively.

So if μH<<kT then I should be able to make a Taylor series expansion to two terms for each exponential term while still being fairly accurate since all of the exponential terms will be close to 1.

By this logic, [itex]\frac{n+(z2)}{n+(z1)}[/itex]≈1+μβ(H2-H1).

For [itex]\frac{n(z2)}{n(z1)}[/itex], though, I need to expand the exponentials to three terms since the second terms will cancel, so,


Simplifying, [itex]\frac{n(z2)}{n(z1)}[/itex]≈[itex]\frac{2+(μβH2)^{2}}{2+(μβH1)^{2}}[/itex].

Now this is where I'm having a problem. According to Reif, the final solution for this problem is,


Well, this means that SOMEHOW


The question I pose is how? Is there some sort of funny alegbra trick I'm missing here or does this delve into the realms of calculus (Is there some sort of expansion going on?)?

I have absolutely no idea what to do at this point and I've been stuck at this rock for hours, so any help would be appreciated; I just hope that it isn't something simple that I'm missing. Regardless, if such is the case I'm prepared to be embarrassed. :-p

Thanks in advance.
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  • #2
just keep pushing the series:
[itex] \frac{1}{1+y^2} \approx 1- y^2 [/itex], when y is small.
  • #3
qbert said:
just keep pushing the series:
[itex] \frac{1}{1+y^2} \approx 1- y^2 [/itex], when y is small.

Ahh, thanks a lot. I knew it had to be something simple I was missing.

FAQ: Mathematical Issues with Reif Thermodynamics Problem (BYO Math Chops)

1. What is the Reif Thermodynamics Problem?

The Reif Thermodynamics Problem is a mathematical challenge proposed by Professor Harvey Reif in his textbook "Fundamentals of Statistical and Thermal Physics". It involves using mathematical concepts and equations to solve various thermodynamics problems and is commonly used as a teaching tool in physics courses.

2. How difficult is the Reif Thermodynamics Problem?

The difficulty of the Reif Thermodynamics Problem can vary depending on the specific problem being tackled and the individual's mathematical proficiency. However, it is generally considered to be a challenging problem that requires a strong understanding of mathematical concepts and their applications in thermodynamics.

3. What are the common mathematical issues encountered in solving the Reif Thermodynamics Problem?

Some common mathematical issues that may arise when solving the Reif Thermodynamics Problem include understanding and applying mathematical concepts such as calculus, differential equations, and linear algebra. Additionally, properly setting up and solving the equations can also be a challenge for some.

4. How can I improve my mathematical skills for solving the Reif Thermodynamics Problem?

To improve your mathematical skills for solving the Reif Thermodynamics Problem, it is important to have a strong foundation in basic math concepts such as algebra and trigonometry. Additionally, practicing solving similar problems and seeking help from a tutor or professor can also be beneficial.

5. Are there any resources available for help with the Reif Thermodynamics Problem?

Yes, there are many resources available for help with the Reif Thermodynamics Problem. These include online forums, study guides, and textbooks with solutions to practice problems. Additionally, seeking help from a tutor or professor can also aid in understanding and solving the problem.

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