Mathematical Statistics- two sample t-test

In summary, the conversation discusses testing the equality of two means at a 5% level. The attempt at a solution involves testing the variances and finding them to be equal, making it a necessary assumption for the second test. However, the results of the two sample t-test show a confidence interval that does not include 0, leading to the conclusion that the p-value given is incorrect. The conversation also mentions using a normal distribution for the large sample size and discussing the null hypothesis being rejected.
  • #1

Homework Statement

At the 5% level, will the two means be equal ?

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I tested the variances and found out that it's very likely that the variances are equal, so this is an assumption we make when we do the second test.
Now, I'm trying to test the means and see if they are equal.
I'm getting confused because this is what I get:

Two Sample t-test

data: Var1 and Var2
t = -2.1372 df=3998 p-value = 0.03264
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
-0.128821801 -0.005552541
sample estimates:
mean of x mean of y
-0.0670763877 0.0001107835

zero is not included in the but my p-value is greater than 2.5% (for a two sided test)...
what do I do in such case ?
my t value is more extreme than at the 2.5%.
I think the p-value I'm given is wrong, is it possible ?

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  • #2
It seems very odd to me that you confidence interval doesn't include 0. Also, since df = 3998, your sample size must be about 4000. With that large a sample, you don't need to use the Student's t test, but could instead use a normal distribution.

There is a lot you don't show, but I infer that you have a binomial distribution that you can approximate with a normal distribution.
  • #3
Mark44 said:
It seems very odd to me that you confidence interval doesn't include 0. Also, since df = 3998, your sample size must be about 4000. With that large a sample, you don't need to use the Student's t test, but could instead use a normal distribution.

There is a lot you don't show, but I infer that you have a binomial distribution that you can approximate with a normal distribution.

You are right, I have 2 different sets of data with 2000 r.v's in each of them.

I think if it works with the normal dist test, it should also work with the t-test (the df is large)

here is some of the data:

1 -1.67695968151127 0.577070066857405
2 -0.642441727404665 0.53974331907915
3 1.03286440763869 -1.31999608111349
4 2.02667778667435 -0.0361000625995362
5 0.417407406923095 1.23635840784727
6 0.338215656007098 0.295867822353842
7 -0.831289368212899 -0.419309627121533
8 0.90774100682453 1.09654263070674
9 -1.22308033810869 0.474269912619356
10 0.201242609350191 0.793994235426449
11 -0.349209983009311 -0.620406980101651
12 0.303036015889208 -1.01786836015372
13 0.946824776561656 1.61722911478799
14 1.04405267789264 0.95021579495309
15 -0.5631803909092 -0.773840047711912
16 -0.618697005188519 0.877219620279467
17 -1.14813286274261 0.774274810083378
18 0.361139276781852 1.29857639982538
19 -1.69816166131597 -0.132765129167876
20 -1.85142475578048 2.01112325343722
21 -0.75348529082793 0.125903773730686
22 0.373202072550282 0.210826733939696

I don't know which distribution is used to generate these r.v's...
  • #4
Well, something is not working, it seems. If your null hypothesis is that the difference of the two means is zero (i.e. they are equal), your confidence interval should straddle 0.

As you have things, 0 is outside the confidence interval, so if your test statistic came out as 0 you would reject the null hypothesis! That doesn't seem reasonable at all.
  • #5
Mark44 said:
Well, something is not working, it seems. If your null hypothesis is that the difference of the two means is zero (i.e. they are equal), your confidence interval should straddle 0.

As you have things, 0 is outside the confidence interval, so if your test statistic came out as 0 you would reject the null hypothesis! That doesn't seem reasonable at all.

I think the p-value that's given to me is already multiplied by two.
I just did the z-test for two samples with excel and I got the same p-value.
Now, that the p-value is less than 5%, we can reject the null hypothesis.

Thanks for the help.

Related to Mathematical Statistics- two sample t-test

1. What is a two sample t-test in mathematical statistics?

A two sample t-test is a statistical method that compares the means of two independent groups. It is used to determine whether there is a significant difference between the means of the two groups, and can be used for both small and large sample sizes.

2. When should I use a two sample t-test?

A two sample t-test should be used when you have two independent groups and want to compare their means. It is commonly used in research studies to determine if there is a statistically significant difference between the two groups.

3. How is a two sample t-test calculated?

The two sample t-test is calculated by first finding the difference between the means of the two groups. This difference is then divided by the standard error, which takes into account the variation within each group. The resulting t-value is compared to a critical value from a t-distribution to determine if the difference between the means is statistically significant.

4. What is the null hypothesis in a two sample t-test?

The null hypothesis in a two sample t-test is that there is no difference between the means of the two groups. This means that any observed difference between the means is due to chance and not a true difference. The alternative hypothesis is that there is a significant difference between the means.

5. What is the p-value in a two sample t-test?

The p-value in a two sample t-test represents the probability of obtaining a t-value at least as extreme as the one observed, assuming that the null hypothesis is true. A p-value less than the chosen significance level (usually 0.05) indicates that the difference between the means is statistically significant and the null hypothesis can be rejected.

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