Mathematically rigorous way of expanding propagators?

In summary: So, in summary, the conversation discusses the proper method for Taylor expanding denominators that contain 4-dimensional dot products, specifically in the context of HQET and propagators. The conversation also raises questions about the assumptions made when performing the expansion, such as the smallness of components of k compared to v and treating k as a Taylor expansion in 1/M. There is also confusion about the use of indices in the expansion.
  • #1
Gold Member
Such propagators as found in HQET [itex]\frac{i}{2 v \cdot k}[/itex] come about from expanding the full propagator. I'm wondering what the method is to properly Taylor expand denominators that contain 4-dimensional dot products.

Lets start with something like :
\frac{1}{2 v \cdot k + k^2}
If we treat the dot products as regular 1-D multiplications this expands to:

\frac{1}{2 k v}- \frac{1}{4 v^2} + \frac{k}{8 v^3} + ...

We can naively just say k^2 is small and drop it but I'm looking for something more general.

If we split it:
\frac{1}{g_{\mu \nu}} \frac{1}{2 v^{\mu} k^{\nu} + k^{\mu} k^{\nu}}
And expand first in [itex]k^{\nu}[/itex] we have
\frac{1}{g_{\mu \nu}} \frac{1}{k^{\nu}} \frac{1}{2 v^{\mu} + k^{\mu}}
Which is fine. Now, to expand the last term [itex]\frac{1}{2 v^{\mu} + k^{\mu}}[/itex] we can't introduce any new indices as this is already contracted. How can i rigorously expand this without introducing new indices, to any order.

The generic algebraic expansion is:
\frac{1}{2 v}-\frac{k}{4 v^2}+\frac{k^2}{8 v^3}+...
Now is there a reason I can directly ASSUME that vectors with odd powers will carry the index so this becomes:
\frac{1}{2 v^{\mu}}-\frac{k^{\mu}}{4 v^2}+\frac{k^2}{8 v^2 v^{\mu}}+...

This is the step that confuses me. We now have a [itex]k^{\mu}[/itex] in the numerator of the second term in the expansion, but since these indices are already contracted this is actually
\frac{1}{g_{\mu \nu} k^{\mu}} \frac{k^{\nu}}{4 v^2}

Which I'm having a hard time understanding. If I Just assume I can work with the nu as an arbitrary index then I can either multiply by [itex]\frac{k^{\nu}}{k^{\nu}} or \frac{v^{\nu}}{v^{\nu}}[/itex] to change the location of the index and continue on my way. I just felt like this wasn't a very competent way of doing things, as if its true I can let it be a free index to play with then operations like
\frac{1}{v \cdot k} = \frac{1}{v_{\mu} k^{\mu}} = \frac{1}{v_{\mu}} \frac{k_{\mu}}{k^2} = \frac{1}{v_{\mu}} \frac{k \cdot v}{k^2 v^{\mu}} = \frac{v \cdot k}{v^2 k^2} = \frac{v \cdot k}{(v \cdot k)^2}

which is VERY wrong. So how can I perform this expansion if I'm not free to use the index. OR is my first assumption about the odd indices being the ones carrying the index wrong.
Should it rather be that
\frac{k}{4 v^2} \rightarrow \frac{k^2}{ 4 v v k} \rightarrow \frac{k^2}{4 (v \cdot k) v^{\nu}}

What is the proper method?
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  • #2
What are your assumptions. Are the components of k small compared to v?
  • #3
Yes. K is like a scaled momentum. V is a heavy quark velocity. K is actually k/M where M is large.
  • #4
Yes this is what confused me v is a velocity so dimsionless. k is a ratio of a momenta with some mass. Why not treat it as a taylor expansion in 1/M then. I assume M is a scalar quantity? So I think your original expansion is the correct one.

FAQ: Mathematically rigorous way of expanding propagators?

1. What is a propagator in mathematical terms?

A propagator is a mathematical function that represents the probability amplitude of a particle moving from one point to another in a quantum system. It is a fundamental concept in quantum mechanics and is used to calculate the probability of observing a particle at a certain location and time.

2. How does a mathematically rigorous way of expanding propagators differ from other methods?

A mathematically rigorous way of expanding propagators uses rigorous mathematical techniques, such as functional analysis, to derive and manipulate the propagator equation. This ensures that the resulting equations are mathematically sound and can be applied to a wide range of quantum systems.

3. What are the advantages of using a mathematically rigorous approach to expanding propagators?

One of the main advantages is that it allows for a more precise and accurate calculation of the propagator, as well as a deeper understanding of its properties. This can lead to more accurate predictions and interpretations of quantum phenomena.

4. Are there any limitations to using a mathematically rigorous method for expanding propagators?

While a mathematically rigorous approach may provide more accurate results, it can also be more complex and time-consuming. It also requires a strong understanding of advanced mathematical concepts, which may be a barrier for some researchers.

5. How is a mathematically rigorous way of expanding propagators used in practical applications?

A mathematically rigorous approach to expanding propagators is used in various fields, such as quantum physics, chemistry, and engineering. It is especially useful in the design and analysis of quantum computing systems, as well as in the development of new materials with specific quantum properties.

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