Mathematicians born at the beginning of the year?

In summary, the conversation discusses the observation that many of the greatest mathematicians listed in a book were born before April. The conversation also explores possible explanations for this trend and discusses correlations between birth month and success in certain fields.
  • #1
I was looking through this neat math book I had when I was younger that listed the greatest mathematicians of history. I'm talking old, it's kind of funny because I liked mathematicians when I was younger because my favorite character on Jurassic Park was a mathematician and that's why I asked for the book, heh.

But, I noticed that almost every mathematician listed was born before April.

Bernoulli - Feb
Erdos (not in the book, but I like him.) - March
Euler - April
Grothendieck - March
Gauss - April
Newton - January
Galileo - Feb
Lagrange - Jan
Hilbert - Jan
Poincare - April
Hamming - Feb

On, and on!
Physics news on
  • #2
1MileCrash said:
I was looking through this neat math book I had when I was younger that listed the greatest mathematicians of history. I'm talking old, it's kind of funny because I liked mathematicians when I was younger because my favorite character on Jurassic Park was a mathematician and that's why I asked for the book, heh.

But, I noticed that almost every mathematician listed was born before April.

Bernoulli - Feb
Erdos (not in the book, but I like him.) - March
Euler - April
Grothendieck - March
Gauss - April
Newton - January
Galileo - Feb
Lagrange - Jan
Hilbert - Jan
Poincare - April
Hamming - Feb

On, and on!

1] That covers 33% of the year, so not all that crazy.

2] We'd have to see the whole list. Who knows, maybe they're organized by month! (If I showed you only my first four flips of a penny, and they were all heads, would that be spooky?)

3] How does that compare with the population at-large? If it's the same then there's no mystery here. Don't assume birth months are evenly spread across the year.

4] Who says the list is a comprehensive one of great mathematicians? By what criteria do they get on the list? Perhaps it was assembled by someone who has a preference for people born in the spring... (or a preference for making up mysteries where there are none.)

5] How young were you? How good is your memory? You remembered what you wanted to remember. Or is there more to this?
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  • #3
I have heard of correlations between success in sports and month of birth. It's generally explained that it's because the kids who are the oldest in their league will tend to be the best and are most likely to be groomed for professional athleticism. Since leagues usually have similar cut-off months, kids born just after the cut-off will tend to be better.

Whether that's true or not, I have no idea. It makes sense, but I've never seen proof. It is possible that month of birth could be connected to success in a certain field, though.
  • #4
I was born in June, Chebyschev in May. :smile:
  • #5
Here are some random people I searched and who were born after april:

  • #6
I think there must be something to it. There are only 90.25 days in the first three months. That makes it one of the shortest three month periods on record. I think Dirac summed it up best:
Paul Dirac said:
What is so rare as a day in February? Then, if ever, come perfect Mathematicians.

FAQ: Mathematicians born at the beginning of the year?

1. What is the significance of being born at the beginning of the year for mathematicians?

Being born at the beginning of the year has no direct impact on one's mathematical abilities. It is simply a coincidence that some famous mathematicians were born at the beginning of the year.

2. Are mathematicians born at the beginning of the year more successful?

There is no evidence to suggest that being born at the beginning of the year leads to more success in the field of mathematics. Success is determined by a variety of factors, not just birth date.

3. Is there a common personality trait among mathematicians born at the beginning of the year?

There is no scientific evidence to support the idea that birth date has any correlation with personality traits. Each mathematician is unique and their success is based on their individual skills and hard work.

4. Are there any famous mathematicians born at the beginning of the year?

Yes, there are some famous mathematicians who were born at the beginning of the year, such as Carl Friedrich Gauss, Pierre de Fermat, and Issai Schur. However, there are also many successful mathematicians who were born at other times of the year.

5. Do mathematicians born at the beginning of the year have a higher IQ?

There is no scientific evidence to suggest that birth date has any impact on one's IQ. Intelligence is influenced by a variety of factors, including genetics, environment, and education, and cannot be determined by birth date alone.

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