Mathematics of circular shifts of rows and columns of a matrix

In summary, the sequence of circular shifts on rows and columns of a matrix can be explained using group theory, specifically group representations. This involves using permutation matrices to perform circular shifts on elements of a matrix, and the relevant algebra is group theory.
  • #1
What mathematical algebra explains sequence of circular shifts on rows and columns of a matrix?

Consider a simple matrix (3X3) with entries thus: [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9;]

Circular shifts can be performed on any row or any column thus: row-(1/2/3)-(right/left) and column-(1/2/3)-(up/dn)

Examples: R1-right transforms [1 2 3] to [3 1 2]. R3-left makes [7 8 9], [8 9 7]. Also: C1-up converts [1 4 7] to [4 7 1].

Now these moves can be performed repeatedly on the initial matrix. Assume a sequence of moves thus: R1-r, C1-up, R3-left, C2-dn, R2-r, C3-up

This converts the initial matrix to this matrix (you can work this to confirm): [4 9 1; 6 7 3; 8 5 2].

Now assume that you know NONE of these moves?

Given simply the 2 matrices: the initial and the final, what method shall help me find the moves that lead from the initial to final, or final to initial. The latter shall be an inverted sequence of each former moves' reverse.

What algebra goes here in? Please point to any and every resource like group theory, number theory, permutation theory, sequential circuits etc...

This matrix 'jumbling' if you say so, inspired in part from the Rubik's Cube finds some interesting applications in cryptography and data transformation.

I look forward to your comments.
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  • #2
Your first problem is that as soon as you have more than one "shift", there will be more than one set of shifts that will give the same result. So there cannot be one unique answer.
  • #3
pratchit said:
What mathematical algebra explains sequence of circular shifts on rows and columns of a matrix?


Is a circular shift "on a row" of the matrix to be an operation that only does a circular shift on the elements of that row? Or does it perform that operation on each row of the matrix?

A matrix with exactly a single 1 in each row and in each column and the rest of the entries 0 represents a permutation. if we think of , say, the column vector C being multiplied on the left by such a matrix, the resulting product is column vector that is a permutation of the elements of C. If you thought of the elements of MxN matrix written as one long column vector with Mx N components, you could find such a (MxN) by (MxN) "permutation matrix" that did a circular shift on the elements that compose a single row. From that point of view, the relevant algebra is group theory. (The relevant advanced topic is "group representations".)

Related to Mathematics of circular shifts of rows and columns of a matrix

1. What is the purpose of circular shifts in matrices?

Circular shifts in matrices refer to the process of moving rows and columns of a matrix in a circular manner, where the elements at the end of a row or column are moved to the beginning. This can be useful in various mathematical and computational tasks, such as data encryption and image processing.

2. How do circular shifts affect the values in a matrix?

Circular shifts do not change the values in a matrix, but rather rearrange them in a circular manner. The number of circular shifts performed will determine the final arrangement of the elements in the matrix.

3. Can circular shifts be performed on any type of matrix?

Yes, circular shifts can be performed on any type of matrix, including square matrices, rectangular matrices, and even matrices with complex or fractional values.

4. What are some applications of circular shifts in real-world problems?

Circular shifts have various applications in image processing, where they can be used to create different visual effects, such as rotation and mirroring. They are also commonly used in data encryption and decryption to scramble and unscramble data.

5. Can circular shifts be reversed?

Yes, circular shifts can be reversed by performing the opposite number of shifts. For example, if a matrix is shifted 3 times to the left, it can be returned to its original position by shifting it 3 times to the right.

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