Mathematics of tensor products in the Bell states

In summary, the conversation discusses the mathematics of tensor products as applied to Bell states. The original state is expanded in terms of tensor products, and the notation for representing the states is explained. The process of expanding tensor products is discussed, and it is noted that all vectors can be expanded in terms of a basis. The concept of entanglement is introduced as a state that cannot be represented as a tensor product of two vectors.
  • #1
I'm having trouble with the mathematics of tensor products as applied to Bell states.

Say I have the state
\left|\psi\right> &= \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \left(\left|0\right>_A \otimes \left|0\right>_B + \left|1\right>_A \otimes \left|1\right>_B\right)

How would the tensor products be expanded here? Are the states [itex]\left|0\right>_A[/itex] etc one dimensional?

I'd usually expand tensor products like

\left|\psi\right> \otimes\left|\phi\right> = \left(\matrix{\psi_1\\\psi_2}\right) \otimes \left(\matrix{\phi_1\\\phi_2}\right) = \left(\matrix{\psi_1\phi_1\\\psi_1\phi_2\\\psi_2\phi_1\\\psi_2\phi_2}\right)

In this case, is it just

[tex]\left|0\right>_A \otimes\left|0\right>_B = \left(\matrix{0_A0_B}\right)[/tex] ?

And [itex]\left(0_A0_B\right)[/itex] is equivalent to [itex]\left|00\right>[/itex] and so on by convention of notation (this makes me slightly uncomfortable; can any scalar be denoted a ket?), so that the original state can be written

\left|\psi\right> &= \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \left(\left|00\right> + \left|11\right>\right)

Was my working here correct? Or is there some funky [itex]\left|0\right> = \left(\matrix{1\\0}\right)[/itex] business going on, like I've seen in places?
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  • #2
There's no reason to expand the tensor products. They are basis elements of the tensor product space obtained by treating A and B as a single system. The notation ##|00\rangle## is just a different way of writing the same thing as ##|0\rangle{}_A\otimes |0\rangle{}_B##.
I have not seen the notation ##(0_A0_B)## before. Either it's just another form of notation for the same thing (in which case it's a ket, not a scalar), or else it's not equal to either of the other two.
  • #3
Thank you for your reply!

andrewkirk said:
There's no reason to expand the tensor products.

No reason to, or it actually can't be done? If it can be done, I'd love to see the process, as it would help with my intuition a lot.

How can you tell when [itex]\otimes[/itex] should be interpreted as a tensor product to be expanded and when it should be interpreted another way?

If [itex]\left|0\right> = \left(\matrix{1\\0}\right)[/itex] (where physically this represents light polarized in the horizontal direction), how do you know when to continue as
\left|0\right> \otimes \left|0\right> = \left(\matrix{1\\0} \right) \otimes \left(\matrix{1\\0}\right) = \left(\matrix{1&1\\1&0\\0&1\\0&0}\right)
which is surely not the same as [itex]\left|00\right>[/itex], and when to continue as
\left|0\right> \otimes \left|0\right> = \left|00\right>

The [itex]0_A0_B[/itex] notation before meant nothing unusual and was bad labelling on my part, sorry.
  • #4
PerilousGourd said:
No reason to, or it actually can't be done? If it can be done, I'd love to see the process, as it would help with my intuition a lot.
A vector can always be expanded in terms of a basis. A vector whose expansion is a single term in one basis will typically have a multi-term expansion in another basis. Say ##|\psi\rangle## is a basis ket for basis ##B##, and ##B'## is a different basis. Then we can expand that in the ##B'## basis as:

$$|\psi\rangle=\sum_{\phi\in B'}|\phi\rangle\langle\phi|\psi\rangle$$

How can you tell when [itex]\otimes[/itex] should be interpreted as a tensor product to be expanded and when it should be interpreted another way?
It's always a tensor product. Whether we want to expand it in a particular basis depends on whether we think that might help us towards our computational goal.

\left(\matrix{1\\0} \right) \otimes \left(\matrix{1\\0}\right) = \left(\matrix{1&1\\1&0\\0&1\\0&0}\right)
I'm afraid I don't know what this equality is meant to signify, as I don't know what is meant by the 4 x 2 matrix on the RHS. The space that is the tensor product of two 2D vector spaces is a 4D vector space, so its elements can be represented as 4-vectors or 2 x 2 matrices - eg ##\left(\matrix{1\\0\\1\\0}\right)## or ##\left(\matrix{1&1\\0&0}\right)##. But I can't see any natural way to represent them as 4 x 2 matrices without redundancy.
  • #5
The tensor product of two 2-D unit vectors can be represented as a 4-D unit vector as you indicated where ψ1ϕ1 is regular multiplication.
The tensor product space is all 4-D unit vectors. However not every member of the tensor product space is the tensor product of two vectors, e.g. the superposition 1/√2(|00⟩+|11⟩) = 1/√2[1,0,0,1]. Such vectors (states) are said to be entangled.

Related to Mathematics of tensor products in the Bell states

1. What is a tensor product in the context of Bell states?

A tensor product is a mathematical operation that combines two or more quantum states to create a new composite state. In the context of Bell states, the tensor product is used to describe the entangled state of two quantum particles.

2. What is the significance of tensor products in Bell states?

Tensor products play a critical role in understanding the entanglement of quantum particles in Bell states. They allow us to quantify the correlations between the particles and make predictions about their behavior.

3. How is the mathematical concept of tensor products applied in real-world experiments?

In experiments involving Bell states, researchers use mathematical models based on tensor products to describe and analyze the quantum states of entangled particles. This allows them to make predictions about the outcomes of measurements and verify the principles of quantum mechanics.

4. Can tensor products be applied to more than two particles in Bell states?

Yes, tensor products can be extended to any number of quantum particles. For example, a three-particle Bell state would involve a tensor product of three individual quantum states.

5. How do tensor products relate to other mathematical concepts in quantum mechanics?

Tensor products are closely related to other mathematical concepts in quantum mechanics, such as the tensor product of operators and the tensor product of Hilbert spaces. They are also used in other areas of physics, such as in the study of multi-particle systems and quantum information theory.

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