MathJax, already in use here, now in AIP journals

In summary, MathJax and AIP Publishing have formed a new partnership that allows users to easily copy and paste equations from AIP's online journal articles into other platforms such as Physics Forums, Word, LaTeX, and more. This is made possible by MathJax, an open-source display engine that works on all modern browsers without the need for plug-ins or special set-up. Additionally, MathJax now supports the use of STIX fonts to improve rendering speed. The press release for this partnership can be found on MathJax's website.
  • #1
We are happy to announce a new partnership between MathJax and AIP Publishing. MathJax is an open-source JavaScript display engine that produces high-quality math in all modern browsers, without plug-ins or other special set-up requirements, which is why it works so great on Physics Forums.

MathJax let's users copy equations from AIP’s online journal articles and paste them directly into Physics Forums, as well as Word and LaTeX documents, science blogs, MathType, and research wikis. Equations can also be copied and pasted into calculation software like Maple, Mathematica, and others. MathJax supports the use of STIX fonts, which will improve MathJax’s speed when rendering mathematics.

The press release has been
Physics news on
  • #3
Greg, I'm not a developer, but I'm in contact with them throughout the week. Anything I can pass along?
  • #5
I'm the Director of Training at Design Science. I've updated my profile to reflect that. Not required, I know, but in the interest of full disclosure...
  • #6
bobm said:
I'm the Director of Training at Design Science. I've updated my profile to reflect that. Not required, I know, but in the interest of full disclosure...

Very good, welcome! I sent you a PM FYI.

Related to MathJax, already in use here, now in AIP journals

What is MathJax?

MathJax is a JavaScript library that allows for the display of mathematical equations and symbols on web pages. It uses a combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to render math equations in a browser-independent format.

How is MathJax already being used?

MathJax is already in use on various websites and platforms, including on this website and now in AIP journals. It has become a standard for displaying mathematical equations and symbols on the internet.

Why is MathJax being implemented in AIP journals?

AIP journals are implementing MathJax because it allows for a more consistent and high-quality display of mathematical equations and symbols in their articles. It also ensures that equations are accessible to readers using different devices and browsers.

Do I need to know JavaScript to use MathJax on AIP journals?

No, you do not need to know JavaScript to use MathJax on AIP journals. The library is already integrated into the journal's platform, so you can simply input your equations and symbols in the appropriate format.

Are there any limitations to using MathJax on AIP journals?

There may be some limitations to using MathJax on AIP journals, such as certain symbols or equations not being supported. However, the library is constantly being updated and improved, so these limitations may be addressed in the future.

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