MATLAB code for Aldous-Broder algorithm from spanning trees of a graph

In summary, we have attempted to create a MATLAB function, USTsample, based on the Aldous-Broder algorithm. The function takes a connected graph, specified as a 2-by-n matrix E, and returns a spanning tree in the form of a 2-by-r matrix T. We also created a calling script, USTscript, to demonstrate the function using a complete graph on 5 vertices, and provided instructions for visualizing the graph and its spanning tree. However, further work is needed to complete the function and draw the graph.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Let G = (V,E) be a graph with vertices V and edge set E.

Aldous-Broder algorithm:
Input: G = (V,E)
Output: T = (V, W), where W is a subset of E such that T is a spanning tree of G.

Let W be the empty set. Add edges to W in the following manner: starting at any vertex v in V,
1) If all vertices in V have been visited, halt and return T
2) Choose a vertex u uniformly at random from the set of neighbors of v.
3) If u has never been visited before, add the edge (u,v) to the spanning tree.
4) Set v, the current vertex, to be u and return to step 1.

1) Write a MATLAB function USTsample that takes a connected graph specified in the form of a 2-by-n matrix E, where n is the number of edges in the graph, and returns an output from the Aldous-Broder algorithm in the form of a 2-by-r matrix T, where r is the number of edges in the tree generated by the algorithm. Each row of E specifies the two vertices that constitute an edge: e.g. if G has an edge between the 5th vertex and 80th vertex, then either [5 80] or [80 5] (but not both) will be a row of E; T is a similar specification of the edges in the spanning tree. Note that we don't pass in or out the vertex sets: we assume that the vertices of G are 1 through m, where you can determine m as the largest number in E.

2) Write a script function that demonstrates your USTsample function:
- In one cell, specify K5, the complete graph on 5 vertices, in the form that USTsample takes as input, and use USTsample to return a spanning tree of K5
- In another cell, visualize K5 and its spanning tree in one plot. You will need coordinates for the vertices of the graph; according to your own preference, assign the coordinates by hand. Plot the vertices of the graph as red dots and the edges of G as gray lines of width 1. Plot the edges of T as thick red lines of width 2.
- Add two cells that repeat the above two steps (of calling USTsample and visualizing the output) for the grid graph on 10 vertices.

Homework Equations

Aldous-Broder algorithm

The Attempt at a Solution

Physics news on
  • #2
In order to make any progress on this, you need to show what you have tried, and what, specifically, it is that is giving you troubles.
  • #3
Here is what I have tried.
I am still debugging some problems, but can anyone debug it?

This is for task1 btw.


  • USTsample.m
    404 bytes · Views: 469
  • #4
Sorry, I couldn't deal with debugging what you had provided. So I hope you don't mind, but I took the liberty of reorganizing it, adding a commented structure, following the instructions provided more or less verbatim, not trying to pass V, adding a calling script, etc. Plus leaving you still with plenty to do.

Calling script (K4 complete graph to start):

%setup V (K4)
V = 1:4

%setup E (2xn for complete K4 graph)
n = 6;
E = zeros(2,n);

E(1,1)= 1;
E(2,1)= 2;

E(1,2)= 2;
E(2,2)= 3;

E(1,3)= 3;
E(2,3)= 4;

E(1,4)= 1;
E(2,4)= 4;

E(1,5)= 1;
E(2,5)= 3;

E(1,6)= 2;
E(2,6)= 4;


function [T] = USTsample_version_1(E)

    %determine V, m
    m = max(max(E));

    %establish empty set W
    W = [];

    %pick a random v
    v = ceil(m*rand)

    V_visited = V; %(all elements non-zero. update element with a zero when visited)

    while sum(V_visited)~= 0
        %identify the set of neighbors at v
            %(you have some fun and add some code..)
        %pick a neighbor, u, uniformly at random
            %(you have some fun and add some code..)
            u = 3;
        %if V_visited(u) ~= 0, update W: add edge (v,u)
        if V_visited(u) ~= 0
            %per convention, specify edges (smallest_v, largest_v)
            if u > v
                W = [W; v, u];
                W = [W; u, v];
            V_visited(u) = 0;
        %v = u
         v = u;
        V_visited = [0,0,0,0]; %just to escape for now

%setup T
T = W;

Last edited:
  • #5

1) MATLAB function USTsample:

function T = USTsample(E)
% E is a 2-by-n matrix specifying the edges of the graph
% T is a 2-by-r matrix specifying the edges of the spanning tree

% Determine the number of vertices in the graph
m = max(max(E));

% Initialize W as an empty set
W = [];

% Choose a random starting vertex
v = randi(m);

% While not all vertices have been visited
while length(W) < m-1
% Choose a random neighbor of v
neighbors = E(1,E(2,:)==v);
u = neighbors(randi(length(neighbors)));

% If u has not been visited before, add the edge (u,v) to W
if ~ismember([v,u], W, 'rows') && ~ismember([u,v], W, 'rows')
W = [W; v u];

% Set v to be u for the next iteration
v = u;

% Output the spanning tree T
T = W;

2) Script function:

% Define K5 as a complete graph on 5 vertices
K5 = [1 2 3 4 5; 2 3 4 5 1];

% Call USTsample to generate a spanning tree of K5
T = USTsample(K5);

% Visualize K5 and its spanning tree
hold on
% Plot the vertices of K5 as red dots
plot(K5(1,:), K5(2,:), 'r.', 'MarkerSize', 20)
% Plot the edges of K5 as gray lines of width 1
for i = 1:length(K5)
plot(K5(1,i), K5(2,i), 'Color', [0.5 0.5 0.5], 'LineWidth', 1)
% Plot the edges of T as thick red lines of width 2
for i = 1:length(T)
plot(T(1,i), T(2,i), 'r-', 'LineWidth', 2)
hold off

% Define the grid graph on 10 vertices
grid10 = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10; 2 3 4 5 6 7

Related to MATLAB code for Aldous-Broder algorithm from spanning trees of a graph

1. What is the purpose of the Aldous-Broder algorithm?

The Aldous-Broder algorithm is used to generate a random spanning tree of a graph. This means that it creates a tree that connects all the vertices of the graph without creating any cycles.

2. How does the Aldous-Broder algorithm work?

The algorithm works by randomly selecting a starting vertex and then randomly choosing an adjacent vertex to move to. This process is repeated until all vertices have been visited, creating a random spanning tree.

3. What is the time complexity of the Aldous-Broder algorithm?

The time complexity of the algorithm is O(V+E), where V is the number of vertices and E is the number of edges in the graph. This makes it an efficient algorithm for generating random spanning trees.

4. Can the Aldous-Broder algorithm be used for weighted graphs?

No, the algorithm is designed for unweighted graphs only. It relies on the concept of random walks, which do not take into account weighted edges.

5. Are there any limitations to the Aldous-Broder algorithm?

One limitation of the algorithm is that it may not generate all possible spanning trees of a graph. It also may not produce a uniformly random spanning tree, meaning some trees may be more likely to be generated than others.

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