Matlab: dynamic data entry into structure

In summary: And it's just cleaner.I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to do with the first part of the code, but here's a summary of the conversation:In summary, Craig has created a structure to store data for monitoring plant growth and wants the system to identify the amount of inputs the fields already contain and extend the matrices to include new data. However, the current code requires the user to know the amount of measurements already input, so Craig is looking for a more elegant solution. Pythagorean suggests using the numel or size functions to check the size of existing matrices and make the incoming data an extension of it. They also suggest preallocating the matrices for more efficient code. In response, Craig shares their current code which works
  • #1
Hi all,

I've created a structure containing various fields of data. The data in these fields is stored in matrices and is be added to at regular intervals. I'd like the system to identify the amount of inputs the fields already contain and then extend said matrices to include this new data.

The program concerns the monitoring of plant growth.
The code below works fine but requires the user to know the amount of measurements that have already been input. I'd like to avoid this as it could easily lead to data being overwritten:id = input('Enter plant number: ');
iteration = input('Enter iteration: ');

plant(id).entryDate(iteration) = {date};
plant(id).height(iteration) = [height]; % The variable height is already in the workspace

My idea for ensuring new data is stored in the correct place was to use numel function, something like the following (removing the user-input value of 'it' from above):

previous_iterations = numel(plant(id).height);
it = previous_iterations + 1;

I can't this this or anything similar to work.

Thanks very much for your time, I'd greatly appreciate any help.
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  • #2
do you mean for each field, how many elements they contain?

that's simply:


where matrixofinterest is the field you want a size for.
  • #3
Hi Pythagorean,

I can find the number of elements within the matrix of a particular field using either the numel or the size functions. However, I'm not sure of the syntax that checks the size of the existing matrix (via one of the functions mentioned) and makes the incoming data an extension of it. I require something like the following. I have now achieved what I require using a loop but I'm convinced there's a more elegant solution.

id = input('Enter plant number: ');

previous_iterations = numel(plant(id).height);
iteration = previous_iterations + 1;
plant(id).entryDate(iteration) = {date};
plant(id).height(iteration) = [height]; % The variable height is already in the workspace

As I said, I have now got the program to work with an if statement but if anyone knows how to make the above (or similar) work I would be grateful.

Thanks again,
  • #4
id = input('Enter plant number: ');

previous_iterations = numel(plant(id).height);
iteration = previous_iterations + 1;
plant(id).entryDate(iteration) = {date};
plant(id).height(iteration) = [height]; % The variable height is already in the workspace

Ok, I think I understand what you mean. In general, you can assign x with an appended row/column/element like:

x = [x new_value]

that is, make x the old x with an additional value called "new_value"

Applied to your problem:

plant(id).entryDate(iteration) = [plant(id).entryDate(iteration) {date}];
plant(id).height(iteration) = [plant(id).height(iteration) height]

I'm not sure how your data entry is going though. You shouldn't need a for loop if you're just doing this every time you get a new entry. If you're adding batch entries, then you CAN add all entries at once:

x = [x x_new] where x_new is now a vector of the new entries (rather than entering them one at a time).

so if x = [1 2 3]

and I go

x = [x [4 5 6]]

I'll get:

x = [1 2 3 4 5 6];

is that helpful in your implementation?

You may just need to run me through the the overall goal and the general order of operations if I'm still missing the mark.
  • #5
Also, if you have a predetermined number of entrees, we can make it a bit more efficient, depending on the sizes you're working with, by preallocating the matrices in the structure.
  • #6

The code you've written doesn't quite apply to this problem, though it works if the user manually inputs the iteration number.

My issue is that I don't want the user to have to specify the iteration before the data is stored, which means that the structure 'plant' needs to be previously defined. However, if no data for 'plant x' has not been entered previously, the instance of the structure plant(x) does not yet exist. The following code works, I'm happy to leave it as is, since this problem seems more awkward than I realized!


avgHeight = 22; % In the actual program these variables will be
avgVol = 33; % present in the workspace and are used here just
% testing.

id = input('Enter ID: ');
XX = 2;
while XX ~= 1; % Variable XX used to ensure valid input
q = input('Has any data for this plant been entered previously? ','s');

if q == 'y' | q == 'Y' % Since data has been entered previously,
id = input('Enter ID: '); % plant(id) already exists and can be
it = numel(plant(id).height); % added to.
next = it + 1;

plant(id).date(next) = {date};
plant(id).height(next) = [avgHeight];
plant(id).volume(next) = [avgVol];
XX = 1;
elseif q == 'n' | q == 'N' % Since plant is new, plant(id) is created
next = 1; % and the variables are each stored in the
% first position of each field.

plant(id).date(next) = {date};
plant(id).height(next) = [avgHeight];
plant(id).volume(next) = [avgVol];
XX = 1;

disp(sprintf('\nThis input is not valid. Please answer Y/N.'));


As I said, this code now does what I need but seems overly messy.
Thanks for the help
  • #7
the code i wrote does not require knowledge of iterations. It merely appends the latest entry to the end of an already established array. For instance, you could type:

a = [];

a = [a 5];
a = [a 3];

and you will now have:

a = [5 3];

note that 5 and 3 are actual entries, not number of iterations or anything, you're building up a one element at a time.

However, if no data for 'plant x' has not been entered previously, the instance of the structure plant(x) does not yet exist.

and speaking of exist... try 'help exist' rather than requiring user input. This avoid user error and reduces seconds per entry spent answering the input.

Related to Matlab: dynamic data entry into structure

1. How do I add new data to an existing structure in Matlab?

To add new data to an existing structure in Matlab, you can use the dot notation. For example, if your structure is called "myStruct" and you want to add a new field called "age", you can use the following code: myStruct.age = 25. This will add the field "age" with a value of 25 to your structure.

2. Can I dynamically create fields in a structure in Matlab?

Yes, you can dynamically create fields in a structure in Matlab. You can use the same dot notation as mentioned before to create new fields. For example, if you want to create a new field called "height", you can use the code: myStruct.height = 170. This will add the field "height" with a value of 170 to your structure.

3. How do I prompt the user for input and store it in a structure in Matlab?

In order to prompt the user for input and store it in a structure, you can use the "input" function in Matlab. This function allows you to specify a prompt message and store the user's input in a variable. You can then add this variable to your structure using the dot notation as shown in the previous answers.

4. Is it possible to update existing data in a structure in Matlab?

Yes, it is possible to update existing data in a structure in Matlab. You can use the same dot notation as mentioned before to access and modify the existing data. For example, if you want to update the value of "age" in your structure, you can use the code: myStruct.age = 30. This will update the value of "age" to 30 in your structure.

5. How can I display the contents of a structure in Matlab?

To display the contents of a structure in Matlab, you can use the "disp" function. This function will display all the fields and their values in the structure. You can also use the dot notation to access and display specific fields in the structure.

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