Matlab PDEs: Differential Equations vs. PDEs

  • Thread starter end3r7
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    Matlab Pde
In summary: Basically, I use pplane7, so any system of two first order differential equations I believe.What does pplane7 do? You tell me!
  • #1
I know how to do differential equations and a plot a phase plane with pplane7. But I have no clue how to do the same for pde's.
Is it similar or not at all?
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  • #2
end3r7 said:
I know how to do differential equations and a plot a phase plane with pplane7.

ANY ode? Aren't you forgetting something? :wink:

end3r7 said:
But I have no clue how to do the same for pde's.
Is it similar or not at all?

If you answered my question you probably now know the answer to yours.
  • #3
Ha, good one. =)

Hopefully it won't be too dissimilar. Any hints or should I just read the docs at
  • #4
For what kinds of ordinary differential equations can you plot a phase portrait? (Hint: not just for any old ODE!)

BTW, a friendly moderator should probably move this entire thread to the differential equations subforum.
  • #5
Basically I use pplane7, so any system of two first order differential equations I believe.
  • #6
What does pplane7 do? You tell me!

end3r7 said:
Basically I use pplane7, so any system of two first order differential equations I believe.

Let's back up. When you say "plot a phase plane", I think you mean "sketch a phase portrait". I have used MATLAB in the past, but I haven't used in recently and I am not familiar with "pplane7".

I have been assuming that given a second order ODE for y in terms of x, pplane7 obtains the corresponding autonomous first order system of ODEs [itex]u=y, v=y\prime[/itex] and numerically plots the phase portrait in the u,v plane. For example, given the van der Pol equation governing a nonlinear spring
y\prime \prime + y = \mu \, (y - y^2) y\prime
the first order autonomous system is
\dot{u} = v, \; \; \dot{v} = -u + \mu \, (1-u^2) \, v
and the corresponding flow on [itex]R^2 = \left{ (u, \, v): u, \, v \in R \right}[/itex] is generated by the vector field
v \, \partial_u + \left( -u + \mu \, (1-u^2) \, v \right) \, \partial_v
The integral curves of this vector field are the phase curves, and plotting a judicious selection of phase curves (in this case, there is a unique closed phase curve, and the other phase curves approach it as time increases, so it is a limit cycle) gives the phase portrait. This phase portrait gives a vivid picture of the behavior of solutions to the original ODE.

Does this look familiar? (See Arnold, Ordinary Differential Equations for many more examples.)

From your responses I am guessing you are not sure what pplane7 does either, and that this is part of the problem. I was trying to get you to realize that figuring out exactly what pplane7 is the first step in answering your own question. Do you have some on-line help which explains what is acceptable input for pplane7?

Once you understand why whatever restrictions on the acceptable input are mathematically necessary (don't forget the possibility that you don't want to consider higher dimensional phase portraits!), you will be in a better position to start thinking about whether phase portraits make sense if you start with a PDE instead of an ODE.
  • #7

Here is pplane7

You input in a system, first order, with two equations.
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  • #8
Oh, and sorry for the terminology... english is not my first language, so I probably will say something and maybe mean another at times =P
  • #9
My attempt to mimic Socrates has evidently run afoul of a technical limitation: I don't have at hand a recent installation of matlab. FWIW my expection is that the answer to your (refined and restated question) will be that you shouldn't expect to make phase portraits except under the circumstances where this is standard practice.

I suggest that you ask a friendly moderator to move this thread to the Computers forum at PF.
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FAQ: Matlab PDEs: Differential Equations vs. PDEs

1. What is the difference between a differential equation and a partial differential equation (PDE) in Matlab?

A differential equation is an equation that relates a function to its derivatives, while a PDE is an equation that relates a multivariable function to its partial derivatives. In Matlab, PDEs are solved using the Partial Differential Equation Toolbox, while ordinary differential equations are solved using the ODE Toolbox.

2. Can I solve PDEs using Matlab without any prior knowledge of differential equations?

Yes, Matlab has a built-in PDE solver that allows users to solve PDEs without any prior knowledge of differential equations. However, it is recommended to have a basic understanding of differential equations to better understand the solutions and troubleshoot any errors that may arise.

3. Are there any limitations to solving PDEs in Matlab?

There are some limitations to solving PDEs in Matlab, such as the type of PDEs that can be solved and the size of the problem. Some PDEs may require specialized solvers or alternative software packages. Additionally, large and complex problems may require significant computational resources and may take longer to solve.

4. How accurate are the solutions obtained from solving PDEs in Matlab?

The accuracy of the solutions obtained from solving PDEs in Matlab depends on various factors, such as the chosen solver, the discretization of the problem, and the quality of the input data. Matlab has a variety of built-in solvers that offer different levels of accuracy, and users can also adjust the settings to improve the accuracy of the solutions.

5. Can I visualize the solutions of PDEs in Matlab?

Yes, Matlab has several visualization tools that allow users to plot and analyze the solutions of PDEs. These include contour plots, surface plots, and animations. Additionally, Matlab also has the ability to export the solutions to other software packages for further analysis or visualization.

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