- #1
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- TL;DR Summary
- I am trying to create MATLAB code that will find the optimal operating temperature and maximum product concentration in a PFR. I have included my current attempt.
The assignment is to find the optimal operating temperature and maximum product concentration of reactant B, assuming a constant temperature across the PFR length. Please could someone help? thanks
the reaction is a series reaction: A → B → C (liquid phase)
Here is my current code which is providing T as the initial guess value:
function Main
x0 = [100]
OPTIONS = optimoptions('fmincon','Display','iter');
x = fminunc(@fun,x0,OPTIONS)
function obj = fun(x)
T = x(1);
Lspan = [0 2]; %reactor 2m long
y0 = [700 0 0];
[L,y] = ode15s(@(L,y) PFR1(L,y,T),Lspan,y0);
obj = -y(end,2)
function f = PFR1(L,y,T)
%series reactions Y is the concentrations of species and V PFR volume
Ca= y(1);
Cb= y(2);
Cc= y(3);
R = 8.31; %J.mol-1K-1
u = 0.25; %m.min-1
%rate constants
k1 = (1.37*10^(10))*exp(-75000/R*T); %min-1
k2 = (1.19*10^(17))*exp(-125000/R*T); %min-1
%Reaction Rates
ra = -k1*Ca;
rb = k1*Ca-k2*Cb
rc = k2*Cb;;
%Differential Equations
dCadL = -ra/u;
dCbdL = rb/u;
dCcdL = rc/u;
f = [dCadL; dCbdL; dCcdL]
the reaction is a series reaction: A → B → C (liquid phase)
Here is my current code which is providing T as the initial guess value:
function Main
x0 = [100]
OPTIONS = optimoptions('fmincon','Display','iter');
x = fminunc(@fun,x0,OPTIONS)
function obj = fun(x)
T = x(1);
Lspan = [0 2]; %reactor 2m long
y0 = [700 0 0];
[L,y] = ode15s(@(L,y) PFR1(L,y,T),Lspan,y0);
obj = -y(end,2)
function f = PFR1(L,y,T)
%series reactions Y is the concentrations of species and V PFR volume
Ca= y(1);
Cb= y(2);
Cc= y(3);
R = 8.31; %J.mol-1K-1
u = 0.25; %m.min-1
%rate constants
k1 = (1.37*10^(10))*exp(-75000/R*T); %min-1
k2 = (1.19*10^(17))*exp(-125000/R*T); %min-1
%Reaction Rates
ra = -k1*Ca;
rb = k1*Ca-k2*Cb
rc = k2*Cb;;
%Differential Equations
dCadL = -ra/u;
dCbdL = rb/u;
dCcdL = rc/u;
f = [dCadL; dCbdL; dCcdL]