Matrix Multiplication: Finding A^50 with a Shortcut Method

In summary, the conversation discusses finding the 50th power of a given matrix A and suggests different approaches to solve it, including using the Jordan decomposition, the Hamilton-Cayley theorem, and a pattern in powers of A. It is also mentioned that it is possible to directly compute A^50 by calculating A^2, A^4, A^8, A^16, and A^32 and then multiplying them together.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A=[1 0 0]
[1 0 1]
[0 1 0]

Find A^50

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I'm sure that we can't multiply it 50's a tedious process , there must be a short cut
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  • #2
What where you studying when you found this problem? (It's important to know it so I can know what level of advice can I give you).
If it was taken from a Linear Algebra course similar to the one I had you could solve it doing this:
If [itex]A=C B C^{-1}[/itex] then is very easy to prove that:
[itex]A^{n}=C B^{n} C^{-1}[/itex]
There are some matrix's that are very easy to power, they are Jordan Decomposition
Do you know what's Jordan Decomposition?
Other way to solve it (probably easy) could be to apply the Hamilton-Cayley theorem.
First you compute the minimal polynomial of the matrix.
You have:
[itex]X^{n}=m_{A} (X) P(X)+a_{n}X^{2}+b_{n}X+c_{n}[/itex]
(By the division algorithm) so you can compute any power as a linear combination of [itex]A^{2}[/itex], [itex]A[/itex] and [itex]Id_{3}[/itex], because evaluated in any multiple of [itex]m_{A}[/itex] the matrix A is zero.

If it isn't from a linear Algebra Course and you don't know the Hamilton-Cayley Theorem the only hint I can give to you is to compute the first few (4-6) powers, try to see a patern, prove it and use it to show what's the 50th power of that matrix.
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  • #3
ajayguhan said:

Homework Statement

A=[1 0 0]
[1 0 1]
[0 1 0]

Find A^50

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I'm sure that we can't multiply it 50's a tedious process , there must be a short cut

If you know about eigenvalues, you can easily determine that theeigenvalues of A are -1 and 1 (multiplicity 2). It follows from the Jordan Canonical form that for any polynomial function f(x) we have
[tex] f(A) = E_1 f(-1) + E_2 f(1) + E_3 f'(1)[/tex]
where the matrices E_i are the same for any function f. We can determine the E_i from a few powers of A:
[tex] f(x) = x^0 = 1 \Longrightarrow A^0 = I = E_1 (-1)^0 + E_2 1^0 \\
f(x) = x \Longrightarrow A^1 = A = E_1(-1)^1 + E_2 1^1 + E_3 1^0 \\
f(x) = x^2 \Longrightarrow A^2 = E_1 (-1)^2 + E_2 1^2 + E_3 2 \cdot 1^1[/tex]
So, if you can compute A^2 you can solve for E_1, E_2, E_3, then easily compute
[tex] A^n = E_1 (-1)^n + E_2 1^n + E_3 n 1^{n-1} = (-1)^n E_1 + E_2 + n E_3[/tex]
for any n whatsoever.
  • #4
ajayguhan said:
I'm sure that we can't multiply it 50's a tedious process , there must be a short cut
Another way to write ##A^{50}## is ##(A^2)^{25}##. What's ##A^2## ? ##A^4 = (A^2)^2## ? ##A^6 = (A^2)^3## ? Do you see a pattern emerging? Can you prove that this pattern is valid for all ##A^{2n}=(A^2)^n## ?
  • #5
A more computational way would be to compute:
[itex]A^{2}, A^{4}, A^{8}, A^{16}, A^{32}[/itex]
And do:
[itex]A^{50}=A^{32} \cdot A^{16} \cdot A^{2}[/itex]
You only have to do 7 products.
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  • #6
You don't even need to do that, SqueeSpleen. A100000000000 is an easy calculation.

FAQ: Matrix Multiplication: Finding A^50 with a Shortcut Method

1. What is matrix multiplication?

Matrix multiplication is a mathematical operation that involves multiplying two matrices to create a new matrix. It is denoted by the symbol "x" or by placing the matrices side by side.

2. What are the rules for matrix multiplication?

There are two main rules for matrix multiplication: 1) the number of columns in the first matrix must be equal to the number of rows in the second matrix, and 2) the resulting matrix will have the same number of rows as the first matrix and the same number of columns as the second matrix.

3. How do you perform matrix multiplication?

To perform matrix multiplication, you multiply each element in a row of the first matrix by the corresponding element in a column of the second matrix, and then add the products together to get the element in the resulting matrix. This process is repeated for each element in the resulting matrix.

4. What is the purpose of matrix multiplication?

Matrix multiplication is used in various fields of science and engineering to solve complex problems involving multiple variables. It is also used in computer graphics and machine learning algorithms, as well as in solving systems of linear equations.

5. Are there any special properties of matrix multiplication?

Yes, there are a few special properties of matrix multiplication. The commutative property does not apply, which means that the order of the matrices matters. The associative property does apply, which means that the grouping of matrices can be changed without affecting the result. Finally, the identity property applies, which means that multiplying a matrix by the identity matrix will result in the original matrix.

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