Matrix of Hamiltonian, system's state - quantum

In summary: Then you can use that to find the second.c.ThanksIn summary, the conversation is about a system with a moment of inertia of l=1 and a Hamiltonian with the form H=wo/h(Lu²-Lv²). The system uses a basis of eigenvectors of Lz |+1>, |0>, and |-1> with eigenvalues +h, 0, and -h. The directions Ou and Ov are at 45 degrees from Ox and Oz, and wo is a real constant. The conversation also discusses finding the stationary states and energies of the system, as well as calculating <Lx>(t), <Ly>(t), and <Lz>(t). The conversation also mentions finding the
  • #1
I'm reaaaaaally stuck here, if someone can explain me it'd be great because i just dn't know how to do all that

Homework Statement

Consider a system with the moment of inertia l=1
A base of the space of the states is constituted by the three eigenvectors of Lz |+1> , |0>, |-1> of eigenvalues +h, 0, -h (h=h/2π)
The Hamiltonian has the form : H=wo/h(Lu²-Lv²)

where Lu and Lv are the component of L in the directions Ou & Ov of the xOz plan, 45° from Ox and Oz. wo is a real constant.

a. Write the matrix representing H in the basis |+1> , |0> and |-1>
What are the stationnary states of the system and their energies ?
b. At t=0 the system is in the state

What is |ψ(t)> at time t ? If we measure Lz what are the probabilities of the different results ?

c. Calculate <Lx>(t) <Ly>(t) & <Lz>(t)

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

a.I am soooo lost I know I have to find Lx and Lz first , then Lu & Lv to find H
But I just don't know how to do that

b. We have
|+1> and |-1> are not eigenstates of H so I have to express them in eigenstates of H but how ?
And I will have to convert the energies |En> found in term of |+1> AND |-1> , how ?


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  • #2
##\renewcommand{\br}[1]{| #1 \rangle} \renewcommand{\kt}[1]{\langle #1 |}##
Dassinia said:
I'm reaaaaaally stuck here, if someone can explain me it'd be great because i just dn't know how to do all that

Homework Statement

Consider a system with the moment of inertia l=1
A base of the space of the states is constituted by the three eigenvectors of Lz |+1> , |0>, |-1> of eigenvalues +h, 0, -h (h=h/2π)
The Hamiltonian has the form : H=wo/h(Lu²-Lv²)

where Lu and Lv are the component of L in the directions Ou & Ov of the xOz plan, 45° from Ox and Oz. wo is a real constant.

Lets see if I can translate:
System with moment of inertia ##I=1## in some units.
Use a basis of eigenvectors of z-angular-momentum ##\{ \br{+1}, \br{0}, \br{-1} \}##

##L_z\br{+1}=\hbar\br{+1},\; L_z\br{0}=0,\; L_z\br{-1}=-\hbar\br{-1}##

The Hamiltonian has form: $$\hat{H}=\frac{\omega_0}{\hbar}\left( L_u^2-L_v^2 \right)$$

The u and v directions are what??
##L_z## is the component of ##\hat{L}## in the z direction ...

a. Write the matrix representing H in the basis |+1> , |0> and |-1>
What are the stationnary states of the system and their energies ?
b. At t=0 the system is in the state

What is |ψ(t)> at time t ? If we measure Lz what are the probabilities of the different results ?

c. Calculate <Lx>(t) <Ly>(t) & <Lz>(t)

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

a.I am soooo lost I know I have to find Lx and Lz first , then Lu & Lv to find H
But I just don't know how to do that
Yes you need to know how the u and v components relate to the x and z components. You were told - but I'm not sure I follow your notation so you'll have to go back to your notes to see what it means.

b. We have
|+1> and |-1> are not eigenstates of H so I have to express them in eigenstates of H but how ?
And I will have to convert the energies |En> found in term of |+1> AND |-1> , how ?
But they are eigenstates of ##L_z##
You need to be able to expand one set of eigenstates in terms of the others - it's a change of basis.

In the previous you found the eigenstates of ##H## in terms of those of ##L_z## ... so you need to do the first one, well, first.

FAQ: Matrix of Hamiltonian, system's state - quantum

1. What is a Matrix of Hamiltonian?

The Matrix of Hamiltonian, also known as the Hamiltonian matrix, is a mathematical representation of the total energy of a quantum mechanical system. It is a square matrix that describes the system's energy levels and their corresponding wavefunctions.

2. How is the Matrix of Hamiltonian related to a system's state in quantum mechanics?

In quantum mechanics, the state of a system is described by a wavefunction. The Matrix of Hamiltonian is used to calculate the energy of the system at a given state by operating on the state's wavefunction with the matrix. This gives the energy eigenvalue of the system at that particular state.

3. What is the significance of the Matrix of Hamiltonian in quantum mechanics?

The Matrix of Hamiltonian is a fundamental tool in quantum mechanics as it allows us to analyze the energy levels and properties of a system. It is used in many important equations, such as the Schrödinger equation, to describe the time evolution of a quantum system.

4. How is the Matrix of Hamiltonian constructed?

The Matrix of Hamiltonian is constructed by taking the expectation value of the Hamiltonian operator with respect to a set of basis states. The resulting matrix will have the energy eigenvalues as its diagonal elements and the corresponding wavefunctions as its columns.

5. Can the Matrix of Hamiltonian be used to predict the behavior of a quantum system?

Yes, the Matrix of Hamiltonian can be used to predict the behavior of a quantum system. By solving for the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the matrix, we can determine the possible energy levels of the system and the probabilities of finding the system in those energy states. This information can help us make predictions about the behavior of the system in different scenarios.

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