Matrix Rings - Exercise 1.1.4 (ii) - Berrick and Keating (B&K) - page 12

E_{jk}$.So ONLY those matrices of the form $aI$ are in the center (for every other matrix, we have at least one matrix it doesn't commute with).Since the mapping $Z(R) \to Z(M_n(R))$ given by $a \mapsto aI$ is a ring-monomorphism, it is common practice to identify these two objects, and say $Z(R)$ IS the center $Z(M_n(R))$. This essentially allows us to obtain $M_n(R)$ as an extension ring of $Z(R)$, something that becomes important when $R$ is a field.In summary, Exercise 1.1.4 (ii) in Chapter 1 of
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I am reading An Introduction to Rings and Modules With K-Theory in View by A.J. Berrick and M.E. Keating (B&K).

I need help with Exercise 1.1.4 (ii) (Chapter 1: Basics, page 13) concerning matrix rings ... ...

Exercise 1.1.4 (ii) (page 13) reads as follows:
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I need help with Exercise (ii) above ... indeed I have not been able to progress beyond defining the terms of the problem as follows:Now, the centre of a matrix ring \(\displaystyle M_n (R)\) over a ring \(\displaystyle R\) is as follows:

\(\displaystyle Z(M_n (R)) = \{ A \in M_n (R) \ | \ AM = MA \ \ \forall \ M \in M_n (R) \}\)

We need to show that

\(\displaystyle A \in Z(M_n (R)) \Longleftrightarrow A = aI \ \ \forall \ M \in M_n (R)\)

So, to begin, assume \(\displaystyle A \in Z(M_n (R))\) ...


\(\displaystyle A \in Z(M_n (R)) \Longrightarrow AM= MA\)

Now we know \(\displaystyle A\) can be written

\(\displaystyle A = \sum_{h,i} a_{hi} e_{hi}\) ...

BUT ... where to from here ...

Can someone please help?


I have been reflecting on this exercise and the proof "the other way" seems easier - that is to show that:

\(\displaystyle A = aI \text{ with a } \in Z(R) \Longrightarrow A \in Z(M_n (R)) \)

Assume \(\displaystyle A = aI\) with \(\displaystyle a \in Z(R)\)


\(\displaystyle A = aI \Longrightarrow AM = aIM = aM\) for any \(\displaystyle M \in M_n (R)\)

Now \(\displaystyle aM = \begin{pmatrix} a m_{11} & a m_{12} & ... & ... & a m_{1n} \\ a m_{21} & a m_{22} & ... & ... & a m_{2n} \\ ... & ... & ... & ... & ... \\ ... & ... & ... & ... & ... \\ a m_{n1} & a m_{n2} & ... & ... & a m_{nn} \end{pmatrix}\)

But \(\displaystyle am_{ij} = m_{ij}a\) since\(\displaystyle a \in Z(R) \)

Thus \(\displaystyle aM = \begin{pmatrix} m_{11}a & m_{12}a & ... & ... & m_{1n} a \\ m_{21} a & m_{22} a & ... & ... & m_{2n} a \\ ... & ... & ... & ... & ... \\ ... & ... & ... & ... & ... \\ m_{n1} a & m_{n2} a & ... & ... & m_{nn} a \end{pmatrix} = Ma\)

Thus we have \(\displaystyle AM = aIM = aM = Ma = MIa \)

Can someone please critique this proof of the fact that:

\(\displaystyle A = aI with a \in Z(R) \Longrightarrow A \in Z(M_n (R)) \)

Hope someone can help ... ...

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  • #2
It should be clear that if $A = aI$ that:

$AM = (aI)M = a(IM) = a(MI) = (aM)I$

now since $a \in Z(R)$, we have:

$\displaystyle aM = a\left(\sum_{h,i} a_{hi}e_{hi}\right) = \sum_{h,i} a(a_{hi}e_{hi})$

$\displaystyle = \sum_{h,i} (a_{hi}e_{hi})a = \left(\sum_{h,i} a_{hi}e_{hi}\right)a = Ma$.

Hence: $(aM)I = (Ma)I = M(aI) = MA$.

So the center of the matrix ring clearly contains all such matrices.

Of course, this is the "easy part".

To do the other way, I find it helpful to consider two cases.

Case 1: $A$ is diagonal, but not equal to $aI$ for any $a \in Z(R)$.

Case 1a: $A = bI$ for some $b \not \in Z(R)$. Then there is some $c \in R$ with $bc \neq cb$.

Then $A(cI) = (bI)(cI) = (bc)I \neq (cb)I = (cI)(bI) = (cI)A$, so $A$ does not commute with $cI$.

Case 1b: $A = \text{diag}(a_1,a_2,\dots,a_n)$ with $a_i \neq a_j$ for some $i \neq j$.

In this case, we have (I am going to use capital letters for the $e$ matrices to underscore that these are matrices, not ring-elements):

$A(E_{ij}) = a_jE_{ij}$ whereas:

$(E_{ij})A = a_iE_{ij}$, and these are unequal, so $A$ does not commute with $E_{ij}$.

Case 2: $A$ is not diagonal. Suppose that we have $a_{ij} \neq 0$ for $i \neq j$.

If we denote $A(E_{jk})$ by $B$, we have:

$\displaystyle b_{ik} = \sum_n a_{in}e_{nk} = a_{ij} \neq 0$.

Similarly, if we denote $(E_{jk})A$ by $C$, we have:

$\displaystyle c_{ik} = \sum_n e_{in}a_{nk} = 0$, since $e_{in} = 0$ for all $i \neq j$ and any $n$.

Since $B$ and $C$ differ in the $i,k$-entry, they cannot be equal. Hence $A$ does not commute with $E_{jk}$.

So ONLY those matrices of the form $aI$ are in the center (for every other matrix, we have at least one matrix it doesn't commute with).

Since the mapping $Z(R) \to Z(M_n(R))$ given by $a \mapsto aI$ is a ring-monomorphism, it is common practice to identify these two objects, and say $Z(R)$ IS the center $Z(M_n(R))$. This essentially allows us to obtain $M_n(R)$ as an extension ring of $Z(R)$, something that becomes important when $R$ is a field.
  • #3
Deveno said:
It should be clear that if $A = aI$ that:

$AM = (aI)M = a(IM) = a(MI) = (aM)I$

now since $a \in Z(R)$, we have:

$\displaystyle aM = a\left(\sum_{h,i} a_{hi}e_{hi}\right) = \sum_{h,i} a(a_{hi}e_{hi})$

$\displaystyle = \sum_{h,i} (a_{hi}e_{hi})a = \left(\sum_{h,i} a_{hi}e_{hi}\right)a = Ma$.

Hence: $(aM)I = (Ma)I = M(aI) = MA$.

So the center of the matrix ring clearly contains all such matrices.

Of course, this is the "easy part".

To do the other way, I find it helpful to consider two cases.

Case 1: $A$ is diagonal, but not equal to $aI$ for any $a \in Z(R)$.

Case 1a: $A = bI$ for some $b \not \in Z(R)$. Then there is some $c \in R$ with $bc \neq cb$.

Then $A(cI) = (bI)(cI) = (bc)I \neq (cb)I = (cI)(bI) = (cI)A$, so $A$ does not commute with $cI$.

Case 1b: $A = \text{diag}(a_1,a_2,\dots,a_n)$ with $a_i \neq a_j$ for some $i \neq j$.

In this case, we have (I am going to use capital letters for the $e$ matrices to underscore that these are matrices, not ring-elements):

$A(E_{ij}) = a_jE_{ij}$ whereas:

$(E_{ij})A = a_iE_{ij}$, and these are unequal, so $A$ does not commute with $E_{ij}$.

Case 2: $A$ is not diagonal. Suppose that we have $a_{ij} \neq 0$ for $i \neq j$.

If we denote $A(E_{jk})$ by $B$, we have:

$\displaystyle b_{ik} = \sum_n a_{in}e_{nk} = a_{ij} \neq 0$.

Similarly, if we denote $(E_{jk})A$ by $C$, we have:

$\displaystyle c_{ik} = \sum_n e_{in}a_{nk} = 0$, since $e_{in} = 0$ for all $i \neq j$ and any $n$.

Since $B$ and $C$ differ in the $i,k$-entry, they cannot be equal. Hence $A$ does not commute with $E_{jk}$.

So ONLY those matrices of the form $aI$ are in the center (for every other matrix, we have at least one matrix it doesn't commute with).

Since the mapping $Z(R) \to Z(M_n(R))$ given by $a \mapsto aI$ is a ring-monomorphism, it is common practice to identify these two objects, and say $Z(R)$ IS the center $Z(M_n(R))$. This essentially allows us to obtain $M_n(R)$ as an extension ring of $Z(R)$, something that becomes important when $R$ is a field.

Thanks Deveno ... Appreciate your help ...

Will now be working through the details of your post ...

Thanks again,


Related to Matrix Rings - Exercise 1.1.4 (ii) - Berrick and Keating (B&K) - page 12

1. What is a matrix ring?

A matrix ring is a mathematical structure that consists of a set of matrices over a given ring, along with two binary operations - addition and multiplication. The set of matrices must form a ring under these operations for it to be considered a matrix ring.

2. How is a matrix ring different from a general ring?

A matrix ring is a special type of ring that is specifically defined using matrices. While a general ring can consist of elements such as numbers, polynomials, or functions, a matrix ring is solely made up of matrices. Additionally, the binary operations in a matrix ring are defined using matrix addition and multiplication, while a general ring may have different operations.

3. What does "Exercise 1.1.4 (ii)" refer to?

Exercise 1.1.4 (ii) is a specific exercise problem in the textbook "Berrick and Keating (B&K)" on page 12. It is part of the first chapter in the book, which covers the fundamentals of rings and their properties.

4. How is Exercise 1.1.4 (ii) related to matrix rings?

Exercise 1.1.4 (ii) asks readers to prove that a specific set of matrices, called the upper triangular matrices, forms a subring of a given matrix ring. This exercise helps to solidify the understanding of matrix rings and their subring properties.

5. Can you provide an example of a matrix ring?

Yes, the set of 2x2 matrices with real numbers as entries, along with the usual addition and multiplication operations, is an example of a matrix ring. Another example is the set of 3x3 matrices with complex numbers as entries and matrix addition and multiplication as the binary operations.

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