Matrix Systems of ODEs - Mathematica

In summary, Matrix Systems of ODEs can be solved using Mathematica with the help of MatrixExp. The code sets up a system of equations and solves for the unknowns.
  • #1
Matrix Systems of ODEs -- Mathematica

I'm trying to solve the classic "systemm of linear ODEs" of the form: Y(t)' = X*Y(t)
Its homogenous, so it wouldn't hurt to rewrite it as Y(t)' - X*Y(t) = 0 (if that helps?)

so here is my attempt at the solution

solExp == NDSolve[Y'[t] == X.Y[t] && Y[0] = P, X, {t, 0, 10}]

where P is a vector of numbers (they are each fixed) -- its my list of initial conditions, because each equation is first order, each eq-n needs one initial condition.

you can imagine the situation of:

(dy1/dt)= x1,1*y1(t) + x1,2*y2(t) + ... x1,N*yN(t)
(dy2/dt)= x2,1*y1(t) + x2,2*y2(t) + ... x2,N*yN(t)
(dyN/dt) = xN,1*y1(t) + xN,2*y2(t) + ... xN,N*yN(t)

we are given the intial condition that the set Y[t=0] = P = {y1(0), y2(0),...yN(0)}
I can't seem to get this to work using matrix notation... although I know how to do it explicitly for a few equations, where you list each on in the code... the thing is: I am dealing with a LARGE set of equations and so this wouldn't be practical.

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  • #2

Suggestion: First figure out all the errors you have in creating each of the arguments you are going to pass to NDSolve before you even consider using NDSolve.

In other words practice on
until you get something exactly right and the result exactly matches the syntax of
for systems of equations.

Then practice on
until you get somethingelse exactly right and the result exactly matches the syntax of
for systems of equations.

Then you might be ready for NDSolve[eqns,vars,{t,0,10}]
  • #3

Hi brydustin,

Bill's right... there's a lot wrong in your original post.

Here's a simple example of a 2*2 constant coefficient system to help get you started:

X = Array[x, {2, 2}];      (* Arbitrary constant coefficient matrix *)
Y[t_] := {y1[t], y2[t]};   (* functions to solve for *)
Y0 = {y10, y20};           (* initial conditions  *)

(*  Generate equations *)
eqns = Thread /@ {Y'[t] == X.Y[t], Y[0] == Y0}
(* Alternately use something like *)
(* eqns = And@@Flatten[Thread /@ {Y'[t] == X.Y[t], Y[0] == Y0}]  *)
(* Or *)
(* eqns = Thread[Flatten[{Y'[t] - X.Y[t], Y[0] - Y0}] == 0] *)(* Solve -- will produce a mess  *)
soln = DSolve[eqns, Y[t], t];

(*  make the output a little nicer on th eyes...  *)
soln /. x[1, 1]^2 + 4 x[1, 2] x[2, 1] - 2 x[1, 1] x[2, 2] + 
    x[2, 2]^2 -> \[Delta]^2 // FullSimplify[#, \[Delta] > 0] &

Also, if it really is a system of constant coefficient 1st order DEs, then it might be better to use MatrixExp to generate the solution, this way you can minimize the numerical errors that are inevitable in the NDSolve: The following will return "True"
MatrixExp[t X].Y0 == (Y[t] /. First[soln]) // Simplify
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  • #4

Simon_Tyler said:
Hi brydustin,

Bill's right... there's a lot wrong in your original post.

Here's a simple example of a 2*2 constant coefficient system to help get you started:

X = Array[x, {2, 2}];      (* Arbitrary constant coefficient matrix *)
Y[t_] := {y1[t], y2[t]};   (* functions to solve for *)
Y0 = {y10, y20};           (* initial conditions  *)

(*  Generate equations *)
eqns = Thread /@ {Y'[t] == X.Y[t], Y[0] == Y0}
(* Alternately use something like *)
(* eqns = And@@Flatten[Thread /@ {Y'[t] == X.Y[t], Y[0] == Y0}]  *)
(* Or *)
(* eqns = Thread[Flatten[{Y'[t] - X.Y[t], Y[0] - Y0}] == 0] *)

(* Solve -- will produce a mess  *)
soln = DSolve[eqns, Y[t], t];

(*  make the output a little nicer on th eyes...  *)
soln /. x[1, 1]^2 + 4 x[1, 2] x[2, 1] - 2 x[1, 1] x[2, 2] + 
    x[2, 2]^2 -> \[Delta]^2 // FullSimplify[#, \[Delta] > 0] &

Also, if it really is a system of constant coefficient 1st order DEs, then it might be better to use MatrixExp to generate the solution, this way you can minimize the numerical errors that are inevitable in the NDSolve: The following will return "True"
MatrixExp[t X].Y0 == (Y[t] /. First[soln]) // Simplify

Cool! This worked, but I also tried the following:
d = Dimensions[W][[1]];
GeneralSolution = 0;
Eigen = Eigensystem[W];
GeneralSolution = 0;
m = Transpose[Last[Eigen]];
CValues = LinearSolve[Transpose[Last[Eigen]], P]; (*P is the intial condition vector*)
For[i = 0, i < d,
GeneralSolution =
GeneralSolution + CValues[]*E^(Eigen[[1, i]]*t)*Eigen[[2, i]], i++]

Which seems to work, and is equivalent to Sum(c*v*e^(\(lambda)*t)), where c's are the constant coefficients for a particular sol-n, {v,\lamdba} is the corresponding eigenpair, and t is time. I'm pretty sure this was the way we learned in intro ode, which is equivalent to the matrix exponential (which I did before, but crashed sometime, for some reason)
  • #5
for your question! It seems like you are on the right track with your approach to solving this system of linear ODEs using Mathematica. Here are a few suggestions to help you solve it using matrix notation:

1. First, make sure that you have defined your matrix X and vector P correctly. This means that the dimensions of X should be NxN (where N is the number of equations) and P should be a vector of length N.

2. Instead of using "solExp == NDSolve[Y'[t] == X.Y[t] && Y[0] = P, X, {t, 0, 10}]", try using "solExp = NDSolve[{Y'[t] == X.Y[t], Y[0] == P}, Y, {t, 0, 10}]". This will return a solution for the vector Y[t] instead of just the matrix X.

3. You can access the individual elements of the vector Y[t] by using Y[t][[1]] for y1(t), Y[t][[2]] for y2(t), and so on. This will make it easier to work with the large set of equations.

4. Lastly, if you are still having trouble with the matrix notation, you can also try using the explicit form of the equations as you mentioned. You can use a loop or a function to define each equation separately, and then use NDSolve to solve the system.

I hope this helps and good luck with your project! Mathematica is a powerful tool for solving systems of ODEs, so with some practice and experimentation, you should be able to successfully solve your problem.

Related to Matrix Systems of ODEs - Mathematica

What is a matrix system of ODEs?

A matrix system of ODEs is a set of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) that can be written in matrix form. This means that the dependent variables and their derivatives are represented as elements of a matrix, and the coefficients of the derivatives are also matrices.

Why is Mathematica a useful tool for solving matrix systems of ODEs?

Mathematica is a powerful computational software that can handle complex mathematical calculations, making it an ideal tool for solving matrix systems of ODEs. It has built-in functions and algorithms specifically designed for solving ODEs, and it allows for easy manipulation and visualization of the equations and solutions.

How do I input a matrix system of ODEs in Mathematica?

To input a matrix system of ODEs in Mathematica, you can use the function DSolve and specify the system of equations using matrix notation. You can also use the NDSolve function for numerical solutions.

Can Mathematica handle both linear and nonlinear matrix systems of ODEs?

Yes, Mathematica can handle both linear and nonlinear matrix systems of ODEs. It has different methods and techniques for solving each type, and it can also provide numerical solutions if exact solutions are not possible.

Are there any limitations or considerations when using Mathematica for matrix systems of ODEs?

While Mathematica is a powerful tool for solving matrix systems of ODEs, it does have limitations. It may struggle with very large or complex systems, and it may not always provide exact solutions. It is important to carefully check and verify the results, and to understand the limitations of the software when using it for scientific research.

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