What pill would you choose in the Matrix?

  • Thread starter FZ+
  • Start date
In summary, people would be happier living in an illusion, but knowing the truth would help them plan for their happiness.

Which pill would you take?

  • The red pill. (I favour truth over happiness)

    Votes: 11 68.8%
  • The blue pill. (I favour happiness over truth)

    Votes: 3 18.8%
  • The green pill. (I cannot choose)

    Votes: 2 12.5%

  • Total voters
  • #1
I think we are all familar with the premise of the Matrix. Ie. The idea of an all-encompassing illusion, and a forbidding wasteland beyond. Now this poll is to ask what would you do if you were offered the choice?
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  • #2
I would definitely choose truth over happiness, since the happiness one can experience in this world is extremely limited anyway.
  • #3
Truth...for two reasons.

1. New things are always an adventure, and that would be the ultimate "new thing"

2. That nagging that Neo had before he even met Morpheous would get pretty annoying after a while, even if the blue pill could make you completely forget that there was another world out there.
  • #4
i would choose truth as well, great poll...
  • #5
Give me the blue pill, and leave me in Wonderland.
  • #6
Green. Hey ! I like surprises !
  • #7
Give me the red pill...

Knowing the truth would help me map out a plan for my happiness.
  • #8
Originally posted by Tom
Give me the blue pill, and leave me in Wonderland.

Ya'll are so funny you should be on the Tonight Show,
My, My, My I just know I'm going to be late!

  • #9

Originally posted by BoulderHead
Knowing the truth would help me map out a plan for my happiness.

Or, accepting the reality would help you accept the present in the context of the future. Each both effects and affects the other. In some sense, whether in the present, past, or future, we are moving forever into the future... the (possibly! (not that I have any personal interest mind you )) glorious future! (I don't want to think about the alternatives!) future.

The height of happiness people equate with everything from epiphany to orgasm... to mom's homemade apple pie. In other words, it is as slippery and vague a concept as you'll find anywhere. However, it is of particular interest in the sense of surrender or acceptance.

Give me both the red and blue please, along with an explanation of what's happening and a little credibility!
  • #10
I choose happiness, though I think the words in the poll are poorly chosen, since the illusion does not necessitate happiness. (i.e. I may be happier knowing the truth)
  • #11
I picked the blue pill because I like blue. OK, seriously, I did pick the blue pill, although I don't like the wording. Really, I would like to stay in the Martrix knowing that it is a fake world. The people are still real people, and just think of all the cool Neo-esque stuff that that knowledge would allow you to do?! You could be a superhero! Move over, Spider-Man!

I used to be of the persuasion that truth should be regarded above all, but I have changed slightly. Personally, I have an obsession with truth such that I seek it out and tend to not be happy otherwise, so they kind of go hand-in-hand for me. However, I can't make that decision for others. I can't and don't want to force truth on them (except in the case where I have a certain relationship with a certain person that make me want to share it with them.)

I am not going to subject others to suffering because of my personal ideal of truth. And even for myself, that ideal only goes so far. If I had to choose living in that crap Earth outside the Matrix or living a happy life in the Matrix, unaware of its falsehood, I would probably choose the Matrix. I've only got one life; I might as well be happy in it. (Although, like I said, I'd like to have my cake and eat it, too, please.)

Of course, if I was in Neo's position, and I didn't know what the hell Morpheus was talking about, except that he could offer me some substantial truth, I would have taken the red.

Now, there are times when allowing people to live their fairy tales leads to great suffering, such that it is necessary to expose the truth, and this is usually the case. For example, the falsehood of religion is always a source of great atrocity, and people should always be attempting to expose it for the crap that it is.

All this talk reminds me of when I realized the determinism of the world. I realized that whatever thoughts I was to have in the future weren't under my own control, my own free will, but were the single possible outcome of previous events. I felt very sad when I realized that--sadder than I had ever been. I felt empty inside, and I found it very hard to concentrate on school. However, I soon learned to accept it and am fine with it.
  • #12
Originally posted by FZ+
I think we are all familar with the premise of the Matrix. Ie. The idea of an all-encompassing illusion, and a forbidding wasteland beyond. Now this poll is to ask what would you do if you were offered the choice?
We already live in a Matrix of sorts. Indeed, truth is far better than the "mistaken happiness" we call complacency. At least by admitting to the truth, it's possible to avoid the certain tragedy which lay ahead.

As a matter of fact, the only happiness maintained in the Matrix was the "sense of complacency." This is how the government controls us by the way ... Anyone?
  • #13
I chose truth, and with reason. Knowing myself well, I know that I often require a piece of truth to be told to me, even though I know hearing it, and knowing it (and thinking about it later) will cause me great distress.

I still ask one to tell me the truth, no matter how negative it makes me feel.

So I was honest!
  • #14
I choose happiness, though I think the words in the poll are poorly chosen, since the illusion does not necessitate happiness. (i.e. I may be happier knowing the truth)
I think the poll is built on the assumption that choices do exist where happiness clashes with knowing the truth. If you think that truth always coincides with happiness, by all means pick the green jelly bean.
  • #16
Uh, I got watched the Matrix...

And now I think I understand the different colored pills being offered in this thread. Haven't seen the newest one yet but hope to in the near future (got the broken DVD player running again). I'd still take the red pill, even if reality were to be as unpleasant as it was in that film.

It's good to know what so many of the discussions here at PF have been about...

...It's kinda like having the cables unplugged, you know?

Related to What pill would you choose in the Matrix?

1. What is Matrixology?

Matrixology, also known as Gnosticism, is a philosophical and spiritual belief system that originated in the 1st century AD. It centers around the idea that the physical world is an illusion or a prison created by a lesser deity, and that true knowledge and salvation can be attained by awakening to one's true spiritual nature.

2. What is the Matrix according to Gnosticism?

In Gnosticism, the Matrix is seen as the false reality that humans are trapped in. It is the material world of appearances and illusions, controlled by the Demiurge (the lesser deity). Gnostics believe that true reality lies beyond the Matrix, in the spiritual realm.

3. How does Gnosticism view the concept of good and evil?

Gnostics believe that the material world is inherently flawed and evil, while the spiritual realm is pure and good. This is because the material world was created by the Demiurge, who is seen as a lesser and imperfect deity. As a result, Gnostics reject traditional notions of good and evil, and instead focus on transcending the material world to attain spiritual enlightenment.

4. What are the main beliefs of Gnosticism?

Some of the main beliefs of Gnosticism include the dualistic view of the world, the belief in a transcendent God or ultimate reality, and the rejection of traditional religious institutions and authorities. Gnostics also place a strong emphasis on personal spiritual experience and knowledge, rather than blind faith.

5. How does Gnosticism differ from other belief systems?

Gnosticism differs from other belief systems in its emphasis on the spiritual realm and the rejection of the material world. It also differs in its view of the Demiurge as an imperfect and malevolent deity, rather than a benevolent creator. Additionally, Gnosticism places a strong emphasis on individual spiritual experience and knowledge, rather than following religious doctrines or traditions.

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