Matter, antimatter, and durak equation

In summary, the Dirac equation suggests the existence of a parallel universe made entirely of antimatter. While the Large Hadron Collider is being used to understand why normal matter prevailed in our universe, the Dirac equation implies that antimatter prevailed in another universe. This raises questions about how CP-violation occurs and the possibility that we may actually be living in the antimatter universe. A recommended resource for further reading on this topic is "Antimatter" by Frank Close.
  • #1
matter, antimatter, and Dirac equation

As far as I know the Dirac equation states that there is a copy of this universe somewhere made up of only antimatter. At the same time isn't the lhc being used to find out why normal matter 'won' at the creation of the universe? But at the same time with the Dirac equation we know that antimatter 'won' in the same way in some other universe.

so then how does CP-volation happen? didnt it happen in equal but opposite ways for the matter universe and the antimatter universe?

what if were the antimatter universe actually?

Edit: typos
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Physics news on
  • #2
If you are calling Dirac durak, it's not funny.
  • #3
humanino said:
If you are calling Dirac durak, it's not funny.

Typo - its fixed now
  • #4

valdar said:
As far as I know the Dirac equation states that there is a copy of this universe somewhere made up of only antimatter. At the same time isn't the lhc being used to find out why normal matter 'won' at the creation of the universe? But at the same time with the Dirac equation we know that antimatter 'won' in the same way in some other universe.

so then how does CP-volation happen? didnt it happen in equal but opposite ways for the matter universe and the antimatter universe?

what if were the antimatter universe actually?

Edit: typos

A good book on the subject is "Antimatter" by Frank Close of Oxford. It's not a difficult read.

FAQ: Matter, antimatter, and durak equation

1. What is matter and antimatter?

Matter is any substance that has mass and takes up space, while antimatter is the opposite of matter and has the same mass as matter but opposite charge.

2. How are matter and antimatter created?

Matter and antimatter are created through high-energy collisions, such as those that occur in particle accelerators.

3. What is the Durak equation?

The Durak equation is a theoretical equation that predicts the ratio of matter and antimatter in the universe. It states that for every billion particles of antimatter, there were a billion and one particles of matter created in the early universe.

4. What are the implications of the Durak equation?

The Durak equation suggests that there should be equal amounts of matter and antimatter in the universe, but this is not the case. This discrepancy is known as the baryon asymmetry problem and is still a topic of research in the scientific community.

5. Can matter and antimatter interact with each other?

Yes, matter and antimatter can interact with each other and annihilate, releasing a large amount of energy. This is often used in medical imaging and cancer treatment through positron emission tomography (PET) scans.

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