Matter vs Antimatter: Why Does Universe Have More of the Former?

In summary: I just said?In summary, the conversation discusses the issue of why the universe contains more matter than antimatter. The possibility that matter and antimatter did not have enough time to meet and annihilate due to the inflationary epoch is brought up, but it is explained that this does not work because matter and antimatter were created together and would have been mixed together after the big bang. The Wikipedia article on baryogenesis is mentioned as a source for more information on the subject. The question of how we know there is an imbalance is also raised, and it is noted that this is not a widely debated topic among astrophysicists. The concept of particles oscillating into their antiparticles is discussed, with clarification that
  • #1
There is a problem like why universe end up with more matter than anti matter but is it not possible that matter and antimatter does not have enough time to meet and annihilate because of inflationary epoch because of exponential expansion of space time?
Space news on
  • #2
No, that doesn't work. You wouldn't produce the observed excess that way.
  • #3
Matter-antimatter pairs are created together. They would be all mixed together right after the big bang, so they couldn't separate fast enough.
  • #4
See for a short explanation. It is considered highly unlikely that large amounts of antimatter survived the big bang.
  • #5
The annihilation of electrons and positrons produces a characteristic gamma ray energy. Even if matter and antimatter somehow became well separated, we should see many more gamma rays of this characteristic energy than we do if antimatter survived in quantity into the era when the universe became transparent to EM radiation. There are many other lines of evidence as well, but I find this one easy to understand.
  • #6
us40 said:
There is a problem like why universe end up with more matter than anti matter but is it not possible that matter and antimatter does not have enough time to meet and annihilate because of inflationary epoch because of exponential expansion of space time?
Close to the end of inflation, there was effectively no matter at all around (or anti-matter). There was only the field that drove inflation. When that decayed, it produced a zoo of particles, with equal numbers of matter and anti-matter particles. How that equal number of matter and anti-matter particles then evolved to the imbalance we see today is the issue at hand.

Anyway, here's the Wikipedia article on the subject:
  • #7
Chalnoth said:
Close to the end of inflation, there was effectively no matter at all around (or anti-matter). There was only the field that drove inflation. When that decayed, it produced a zoo of particles, with equal numbers of matter and anti-matter particles. How that equal number of matter and anti-matter particles then evolved to the imbalance we see today is the issue at hand.

Anyway, here's the Wikipedia article on the subject:

I thought OP was asking how do we know that there is an imbalance today? If there is no imbalance, there is no problem. That is not immediately obvious, and as recently as circa 1960 there were Nobel winning physicists who weren't convinced we knew there was an imbalance. Today, I don't think there is any serious astrophysicist with any doubt about the imbalance.
  • #8
PAllen said:
I thought OP was asking how do we know that there is an imbalance today? If there is no imbalance, there is no problem. That is not immediately obvious, and as recently as circa 1960 there were Nobel winning physicists who weren't convinced we knew there was an imbalance. Today, I don't think there is any serious astrophysicist with any doubt about the imbalance.
Right. But he seemed to be attempting to claim that cosmic inflation would have separated the matter-dominated and anti-matter-dominated regions. This doesn't work for the reasons I mentioned.
  • #9
In the article linked to by Chronos:

...Researchers have observed particles spontaneously transforming, or oscillating, into their antiparticles at a rate of millions of times per second before decaying. Some unknown entity intervening in this process in the early universe could have caused oscillating particles to decay as matter more often than they decayed as antimatter.

What's the bold face part all about? Never heard about such processes...Edit: Any relation to vacuum energy??
  • #10
Bear in mind it is believed that only about 1 particle in a billion survived the wild +/- pair annihilation frenzy of the early universe.
  • #11
This is an interesting question. QFT is not an area I know very well, but I had only heard of neutrino oscillation, not, e.g. muons oscillating to anti-muons millions of times per second. I am definitely interested in the explanation of this statement from someone more knowledgeable in this area. Since the statement is in a CERN public document I assume it has some reasonable justification.
  • #13
PAllen said:
This is an interesting question. QFT is not an area I know very well, but I had only heard of neutrino oscillation, not, e.g. muons oscillating to anti-muons millions of times per second. I am definitely interested in the explanation of this statement from someone more knowledgeable in this area. Since the statement is in a CERN public document I assume it has some reasonable justification.
Muons are charged particles. I'm pretty certain that charged particles cannot oscillate into their anti-particles. Neutrally-charged particles, however, can. I believe the earliest-discovered example of this was the [itex]K^0[/itex] meson (aka. the neutral kaon).
  • #14
Chalnoth said:
Muons are charged particles. I'm pretty certain that charged particles cannot oscillate into their anti-particles. Neutrally-charged particles, however, can. I believe the earliest-discovered example of this was the [itex]K^0[/itex] meson (aka. the neutral kaon).

The misleading thing about the CERN press release referenced early in this thread is that there was was no indication that only some particles oscillate to their anti-particles, and of those, only a few do at the referenced rate of millions of times per second. They went from completely general discussion of antimatter to a specific situation without clarification. The CERN notes that George Jones linked were perfectly clear.
  • #15
The Cern article mentions B0 specifically and says there are a few others. Most particles do not oscillate with antiparticles.
  • #16
mathman said:
The Cern article mentions B0 specifically and says there are a few others. Most particles do not oscillate with antiparticles.

Not the first one linked that raised this question:
  • #17
PAllen said:
The misleading thing about the CERN press release referenced early in this thread is that there was was no indication that only some particles oscillate to their anti-particles, and of those, only a few do at the referenced rate of millions of times per second. They went from completely general discussion of antimatter to a specific situation without clarification. The CERN notes that George Jones linked were perfectly clear.
That's really too bad. I didn't look at that press release.
  • #18
I'm a novice, but how much of our perceived knowledge of particle / antiparticle annihilation based upon statistical estimation? Statistical inference may apply to our current state, but did it apply to the early development of matter with respect to space and time with respect to expansion of space?

Our we missing something grand? Is there a Rosetta Stone? Are there antiparticles in large quantities within our universe?
  • #19
M. Bachmeier said:
I'm a novice, but how much of our perceived knowledge of particle / antiparticle annihilation based upon statistical estimation? Statistical inference may apply to our current state, but did it apply to the early development of matter with respect to space and time with respect to expansion of space?

Our we missing something grand? Is there a Rosetta Stone? Are there antiparticles in large quantities within our universe?
Statistics is an application of mathematics. It always applies.
  • #20
Would you be surprise if our Maths failed to be the ultimate answer?

I'm sure the Romans felt their methods sound and without question, however, the lack of a zero did make some operations difficult and others impossible.
  • #21
M. Bachmeier said:
Would you be surprise if our Maths failed to be the ultimate answer?

I'm sure the Romans felt their methods sound and without question, however, the lack of a zero did make some operations difficult and others impossible.
Mathematics is incomplete. But it is proven-correct. It isn't completely certain that our current mathematical models apply to the universe. And there are many mathematical models that we haven't even thought up yet.

But this doesn't mean we've learned nothing. And yes, statistics is absolutely guaranteed to be a part of any "ultimate answer", because it is such a general field of mathematics.
  • #22
Don't really have any argument against Maths or statistical estimation, but I've seen statistics being used in highly inappropriate ways.

I realize that small partial interactions being studied have massive numbers of observations, but I get a little uncomfortable when conclusions from a broad set of observations are used to infer the state of a single or small group of events.

Lol. I must be asking for the sun moon and stars to be able to observe limited sets of quanta interaction without the observation affecting the results.
  • #23
M. Bachmeier said:
Don't really have any argument against Maths or statistical estimation, but I've seen statistics being used in highly inappropriate ways.
Of course. But that doesn't mean statistics is invalid. Nor should it be used to cast aspersions on all uses of statistics.

Discussing how to correctly make use of statistics is a common and essential component of the scientific discourse.

FAQ: Matter vs Antimatter: Why Does Universe Have More of the Former?

1. What is the difference between matter and antimatter?

Matter and antimatter are two types of particles that have opposite properties. Matter has a positive charge, while antimatter has a negative charge. They also have opposite spin directions.

2. How do matter and antimatter interact with each other?

When matter and antimatter come into contact, they annihilate each other and release a tremendous amount of energy. This process is called annihilation.

3. Why is there more matter than antimatter in the universe?

This is still a mystery in the field of science. The Big Bang theory suggests that equal amounts of matter and antimatter were created in the early universe. However, for some unknown reason, slightly more matter was produced, leading to the universe we see today.

4. Can antimatter be created or destroyed?

Yes, antimatter can be created and destroyed. It is created in small amounts in high-energy collisions, such as in particle accelerators. It can also be destroyed when it comes into contact with matter.

5. What are some potential applications of antimatter?

Antimatter has been used in medical imaging and cancer treatment, as well as in scientific research. It also has potential for use as a highly efficient energy source, although the technology for harnessing it is still in its early stages.
