Mavromatos-cos. const. + time direction

In summary, Nick Mavromatos' paper discusses the potential role of a cosmological constant in causing a decoherent evolution of quantum matter and fundamental irreversibility of time. He also suggests possible contributions of massive neutrinos to the cosmological constant and the majority of dark energy in the universe. Despite the unconventional nature of these ideas, it is important for scientists to consider all possibilities and continue to question and explore new theories in order to gain a deeper understanding of the universe.
  • #1
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Mavromatos---cos. const. + time direction

this is paper with some strange ideas
and Nick Mavromatos is major league
so I think I ought to pay attention despite
or because the oddity

Dark Energy in the Universe, the Irreversibility of Time and Neutrinos
N. E. Mavromatos (King's College London)
13 pages revtex, four figures incorporated; plenary talk at DICE2004 international conference, September 1-4 2004

"In this review, I discuss briefly how the presence of a cosmological constant in the Universe may imply a decoherent evolution of quantum matter in it, and as a consequence a fundamental irreversibility of time unrelated in principle to CP properties (Cosmological CPT Violation).In this context, I also discuss recently suggested novel possible contributions of massive neutrinos to the cosmological constant, which are not due to the standard loop expansion in quantum field theory, but rather due to unconventional properties of (some version of) the quantum theory underlying flavour mixing. It is also argued that quantum space time foam may be responsible for the neutrino mass differences, observed today, and through the above considerations, for the (majority of the) dark energy of the Universe in the present era. In the above context, I also present a fit of all the currently available neutrino oscillation data, including the LSND "anomalous'' experimental results, based on such a CPT Violating decoherent neutrino model. The key feature is to use different decoherent parameters between neutrinos and antineutrinos, due to the above mentioned CPT violation. This points to the necessity of future experiments, concentrating on the antineutrino sector, in order to falsify the model."

Notice that decoherence is heresy and may be a smart heresy
judging by what Edgar1813 had to say here at PF
about nonunitary time evolution with realistic clocks and
Gambini Porto Pullin recent findings.

you may say that Nick Mavromatos has nothing to do with Gambini et al and his idea is about neutrinos and their idea is about gravity. well, when someone like him says
the presence of a cosmological constant in the Universe may imply a decoherent evolution of quantum matter in it,
I will try to pay at least a little attention.
Lots of crazy sounding ideas are wrong, but some might not be.
Physics news on
  • #2

Thank you for bringing this paper to my attention. I am familiar with Nick Mavromatos and his work in quantum gravity and cosmology. While his ideas may seem strange or unconventional, it is important for scientists to explore all possibilities and theories in order to better understand the universe we live in. Decoherence and CPT violation are both interesting and controversial topics that have been studied extensively in recent years. Mavromatos' suggestion that the presence of a cosmological constant may imply a decoherent evolution of quantum matter is certainly intriguing and warrants further investigation.

I am also familiar with the work of Gambini, Porto, and Pullin on nonunitary time evolution and realistic clocks. While their findings may seem to be unrelated to Mavromatos' ideas about neutrinos and dark energy, it is important to keep an open mind and consider all possibilities. As you mentioned, many crazy sounding ideas have turned out to be wrong, but some have led to groundbreaking discoveries.

I will definitely take the time to read this paper and give it careful consideration. Thank you again for bringing it to my attention. As scientists, it is important to always question and explore new ideas, even if they may seem unconventional at first. Who knows, Mavromatos' ideas may turn out to be the missing piece of the puzzle in understanding dark energy and the irreversibility of time.
  • #3

Thank you for sharing this interesting paper and your thoughts on it. Nick Mavromatos is indeed a well-known and respected physicist, and it is always worth considering alternative and unconventional ideas in the pursuit of understanding our universe. The connection between a cosmological constant and decoherence is certainly intriguing, as well as the possible contribution of neutrinos to dark energy. As you mentioned, it is important to keep an open mind and not dismiss ideas simply because they may seem unconventional or "crazy." Who knows, they may hold the key to unlocking some of the mysteries of our universe.

FAQ: Mavromatos-cos. const. + time direction

1. What is Mavromatos-cos. const. + time direction?

Mavromatos-cos. const. + time direction refers to a theoretical model in cosmology that combines the concept of a cosmological constant (a constant energy density that remains constant over time) with the concept of time direction (the arrow of time that dictates the direction in which time flows). This model is based on the idea that the universe is expanding at an accelerating rate due to the presence of dark energy.

2. How does Mavromatos-cos. const. + time direction explain the expansion of the universe?

According to this model, the cosmological constant provides the necessary energy density to drive the expansion of the universe, while the time direction ensures that the expansion continues in a consistent and ordered manner. The combination of these two concepts allows for a more comprehensive understanding of the expansion of the universe.

3. What evidence supports the existence of Mavromatos-cos. const. + time direction?

While there is no direct evidence for this specific model, there is observational evidence that supports the presence of both a cosmological constant and a time direction. The discovery of the accelerated expansion of the universe in the late 1990s provided evidence for the existence of dark energy, which is thought to be the source of the cosmological constant. The arrow of time is also observed in various physical phenomena, such as the second law of thermodynamics.

4. Can Mavromatos-cos. const. + time direction be tested?

Yes, this model can be tested through various cosmological observations and experiments. For example, scientists can measure the expansion rate of the universe over time to see if it aligns with the predictions of this model. Additionally, studying the large-scale structure of the universe can provide insights into the role of dark energy and the arrow of time.

5. What are the implications of Mavromatos-cos. const. + time direction for our understanding of the universe?

If this model is confirmed, it would have significant implications for our understanding of the universe. It would provide a more complete picture of the forces and mechanisms driving the expansion of the universe, as well as shed light on the mysteries of dark energy and the arrow of time. It could also potentially help us better understand the ultimate fate of the universe and the possibility of a multiverse.

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