Max acceleration experienced by the jumper?

In summary, the conversation is discussing the design of a bungee jump apparatus for adults. The jumper falls from a high platform with two elastic cords tied to their ankles. The cords are 15 m long and stretch an additional 22 m during the jump. The maximum force of tension is 1318.46 N and the value of the spring constant, ks, is 59.93 N/m. The question is then asked about the maximum acceleration the jumper experiences. Through calculations and a free body diagram, it is determined that the acceleration is approximately 6.7-6.8 m/s^2 or 0.68 G's. This value is found by dividing the calculated acceleration in m/s^2 by 9
  • #1
Design a "bungee jump" apparatus for adults. A bungee jumper falls from a high platform with two elastic cords tied to the ankles. The jumper falls freely for a while, with the cords slack. Then the jumper falls an additional distance with the cords increasingly tense. Assume that you have cords that are 15 m long, and that the cords stretch in the jump an additional 22 m for a jumper whose mass is 80 kg ,the heaviest adult you will allow to use your bungee jump (heavier customers would hit the ground)
what is the maximum acceleration the jumper experiences?
ks = 59.93 N/m
max force of tension = 1318.46
someone please help i have no idea how to do this
i solved for the ks and the max tension but i have no idea how to find acceleration at all i tried F of tension =ma but that is wrong and i tried mg=ma and that's still lwrong someone please help me!
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  • #2
Free body diagram. What two forces act on the body?
Write that F1 + F2 = ma.
Careful with the signs - be clear on whether up or down is positive and put appropriate signs on the F's.
You should find that the ma is highest when the stretch is greatest.
  • #3
F1 would be -mg and F2 would be the force of tension?
  • #4
if so its (80)(-9.8)=1318.46N = ma and solving for a would equal 6.68075 m/s^2 righttt?
  • #5
That 6.68 is very close to what I found, but I couldn't follow the rest.
Certainly (80)(-9.8)=1318.46N can't be correct.
  • #6
sorry i meant (80)(-9.8)+1318.46N = ma haha soo its 6.6 right?
  • #7
I get 6.7 or 6.8 depending on the accuracy of g used.
  • #8
i just tried all of those they are all wrong :( any idea what's wrong?
  • #9
it also says |ay| = ___ g's (acceleration in m/s2 divided by 9.8 m/s2) so I am guessing its not in m/s^2
  • #10
Try 6.67/9.8 rounded to the usual number of digits.
  • #11
nope still wrong the the answers has units in g's soo yaa idk
  • #12
Dividing by 9.8 definitely converts it to G's. I get 0.68.
Were these given or did you calculate them?
ks = 59.93 N/m
max force of tension = 1318.46
The 22 m extension seems a bit large; is it possible the writer meant to say it stretched TO 22 m instead of stretched BY 22 m?
  • #13
they we're calculated but they are correct and it is an extension of meters
  • #14
How did you get ks = 59.93 N/m?

Related to Max acceleration experienced by the jumper?

1. What is the maximum acceleration experienced by a jumper?

The maximum acceleration experienced by a jumper depends on various factors such as the height of the jump, the weight and body composition of the jumper, and the surface they land on. On average, the maximum acceleration can range from 1-5 g's (9.8-49 m/s²).

2. Can the maximum acceleration experienced by a jumper be dangerous?

Yes, if the maximum acceleration exceeds 10 g's (98 m/s²), it can be dangerous and potentially cause serious injuries to the jumper. It is important for jumpers to train and condition their bodies to handle high accelerations.

3. How does the maximum acceleration affect the height of the jump?

The maximum acceleration affects the height of the jump because it determines the amount of force exerted on the jumper's body. The higher the acceleration, the higher the force, and therefore the higher the jump.

4. Is the maximum acceleration experienced by a jumper the same for all types of jumps?

No, the maximum acceleration can vary depending on the type of jump. For example, a long jump would have a higher maximum acceleration compared to a high jump because the force exerted on the body is spread out over a longer distance.

5. How can the maximum acceleration experienced by a jumper be measured?

The maximum acceleration can be measured using specialized equipment such as accelerometers or motion capture systems. These devices can track the movement and force exerted on the body during a jump, providing accurate measurements of the maximum acceleration.

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