Max Acceleration of a Bungee Jumper

In summary: I don't think it will be productive for me to characterize your viewpoint in any way other than to say that I would like you to try to do the problem without resorting to any equations at all, but using only your own words to describe the basic principles that you think apply. It is a difficult request, I know, but it is the only way that I can help you.In summary, the conversation revolved around a bungee jumper with a mass of 75kg and a 9.00-m cord tied to his ankles, with a spring constant of 150 N/M. The problem asked for the point at which the jumper attains maximum speed and
  • #1

Homework Statement

Consider a bungee jumper of mass 75kg, with a 9.00-m Cord tied to his ankles. The spring constant of the cord is 150 N/M. The jump of point is 9.00m. Set origin to where the cord becomes taunt.
At what point dose the jumper attain maximum speed?
What is the value of the max speed?
At what point dose the jumper attain maximum acceleration?
What is the maximum acceleration?

Homework Equations

x>0 x=mgx
x<0 x=mgx+ (1/2)kx2

The Attempt at a Solution

I set second equation to zero took the derivative and solved to find the point x where the potential energy is lowest and then set the potential energy equal to the kinetic energy at that point and solved for v. I can also use the max kinetic energy to solve for the max stretch in the cord, but I am lost in how to solve for the acceleration. Any advice?
Physics news on
  • #2
Are you aware that this is a problem in simple harmonic motion (SHM), and that with SHM we have [itex]y(t)=y_m\cos(\omega t+\phi )[/itex]? If you have the displacement as a function of time, you also have velocity and acceleration as functions of time.
  • #3
The point of the problem is to solve it with the graph of the curve of potential energy.
  • #4
harvellt said:
... mass 75kg, ... 9.00-m Cord tied to ... [it].
... spring constant of ... cord is 150 N/M.
... jump of point is 9.00m.
Set origin to where the cord becomes taunt.

At what point ... maximum speed?
What is ... the max speed?
At what point ... maximum acceleration?
What is the maximum acceleration?
Tom Mattson said:
... this is a problem in simple harmonic motion (SHM), ...
I don't think this is true, for two reasons. Firstly, there are two forces, and they are not both harmonic forces centered at the same point. Secondly, the restoring force is not symmetrical about the equilibrium point (is it?).
  • #5
harvellt said:
x>0 x=mgx
x<0 x=mgx+ (1/2)kx2
Not quite. If your equations were true, then, in the region where x>0, g would not be an acceleration; it would be an inverse mass equal to 0.013 kg-1, and, in the region where x<0, g would still be an inverse mass, although I don't know what it would be, k would be unitless, and x would be a fixed value. In other words, your equations don't make sense. However, that may just be a simple typo ...

harvellt said:
I set second equation to zero ...
I don't know what this means. 0=0? x=0?

harvellt said:
... took the derivative ...
You took the derivative of zero? What was your result?

harvellt said:
... set the potential energy equal to the kinetic energy at that point ...
What is the phsysical interpretation of the condition that PE=KE at a point?

harvellt said:
I can also use the max kinetic energy to solve for the max stretch in the cord, ...
Please show us how you would do that.

harvellt said:
... I am lost in how to solve for the acceleration. Any advice?
Newton's second law.
  • #6
To solve for the lowest potential energy with respect to x I used
Then I find V at -4.905
with a([tex]\Delta[/tex]x)=[tex]\Delta[/tex]v2/2
as long as x>0 then a=g but how do I find a through out the stretching of the cord?
So the max stretch in the cord is 10.6m.
I know it is small and I am going to smack my self in the face when I see it but how do I goto a from here?
  • #7
and yes sorry torin that was a typo I ment E=mgx+1/2kx2
  • #8
harvellt said:
To solve for the lowest potential energy with respect to x I used
Yes, I agree with the procedure (given certain caveats) and the number. However, why did you do this?

harvellt said:
Then I find V at -4.905

harvellt said:
with a([tex]\Delta[/tex]x)=[tex]\Delta[/tex]v2/2
Is that a so-called kinematical equation? Do you know the condition on [itex]a[/itex] when it is valid? Is that condition satisfied here?

harvellt said:
as long as x>0 then a=g ...
I concur.

harvellt said:
... how do I find a through out the stretching of the cord?
See my previous post.

harvellt said:
This is not true, at least not the way you have written it. I'm not trying to get into your head but consider this observation: I think your understanding of physics may actually be suffering from the math that you have learned, because perhaps you think, subconsciously, that you can substitute the physics principle with raw mathematical power. It does not usually work this way. I am only saying this because I went through that myself, and I had to realize two difficult lessons: 1) my math wasn't as sufficient as it needed to be in order to do this, and 2) ultimately, this stuff is mathematically meaningless.
  • #9
Ok I see what you are saying when the spring is taunt acceleration begins to vary with respect to x as the cord stretches.
So to find max velocity at x=-4.9. If I move my origin I can use the equation.
Where h=9+4.9 soooooo,
To answer your question of "why?" I did it because it is what the problem asked for.
I see what your saying about trying to mathematically muscle threw problems. This isn't my favorite problem I'm just trying to obsess over it because this is section in the book(same title as the post) that I feel like I am having some conceptual disconnect with. I think I am trying to push threw math I am not completely comfortable with yet and just throwing formulas at it.
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  • #10
I will give you an example of what I mean by thinking through this without too much math (just very basic algebra).

- Above the origin (dangling bungee), what force(s) act on the jumper (including direction of force)? Using Newton's second law, write the acceleration of the jumper, symbolically, in terms of said force(s) and the mass of the jumper.

- Below the origin (taught bungee), what force(s) act on the jumper (including direction of force)? Using Newton's second law, write the acceleration of the jumper, symbolically, in terms of said force(s) and the mass of the jumper.

- Do you see an interesting/definitive comparison between the case above the origin and the case below the origin?

It may help to sketch a graph of the acceleration as a function of height. Once you figure out what's going on with the forces and Newton's second law here, this should be pretty easy to do. I will tell you that you should also consider energy in this problem, but don't ignore the utility of Newton's second law.

Related to Max Acceleration of a Bungee Jumper

1. What is the Curve of Potential Energy?

The Curve of Potential Energy is a graphical representation of the potential energy of a system as a function of its position or configuration. It is commonly used in physics and chemistry to understand the behavior and stability of systems.

2. How is the Curve of Potential Energy related to the energy of a system?

The Curve of Potential Energy shows the potential energy of a system at different positions, which is directly related to the total energy of the system. The higher the potential energy, the more energy the system has stored and the lower the potential energy, the less energy the system has.

3. What factors affect the shape of the Curve of Potential Energy?

The shape of the Curve of Potential Energy is influenced by several factors, including the type of forces acting on the system, the distance between particles, and the properties of the particles (such as mass and charge). It can also be affected by external factors, such as temperature and pressure.

4. How does the Curve of Potential Energy change during a chemical reaction?

During a chemical reaction, the positions and interactions between particles within a system change, resulting in a change in potential energy. The Curve of Potential Energy will shift and change shape as the reaction progresses, reflecting the changes in energy and stability of the system.

5. What can the Curve of Potential Energy tell us about a system?

The Curve of Potential Energy can provide valuable information about the behavior and stability of a system. It can help predict the position and interactions of particles, as well as the energy changes that occur during processes such as chemical reactions. It can also give insights into the potential energy barriers that must be overcome for a system to change its configuration.

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